About the "Nu" Project

What is VGA Planets?

VGA Planets is the most popular play by email game ever created.  It was originally released in 1991 by its creator Tim Wisseman.  The game itself is a classic turn-based space strategy, where players control one of 11 distinct races. By creating fleets of starships and colonizing planets players attempt to conquer the Echo cluster.  Each game turn is usually played over 1 to 3 days, so the game moves slowly with much time to think and plan each step.  

VGA Planets is the most popular play by email game ever created.  It was originally released in 1991 by its creator Tim Wisseman.  The game itself is a classic turn-based space strategy, where players control one of 11 distinct races. By creating fleets of starships and colonizing planets players attempt to conquer the Echo cluster.  Each game turn is usually played over 1 to 3 days, so the game moves slowly with much time to think and plan each step.   

Despite VGA Planets outdated graphics and interface the game is still loved and played by many players today.  

Why remake the game?

Unfortunately, because of the age of the game, the technology it was originally created in makes it difficult for new players to find and join the game. The VGA Planets "Nu" project will convert the original version 3 game to new web-based technology which will make it easy for new players to join and more enjoyable for existing players.  

Tim Wisseman's Support (the inventor of VGA Planets)

No official VGA Planets project could start without the first step taken by its inventor, and the hero of the community, Tim Wisseman.  So before launching this project we contacted Tim to see what he thought about the project and he has enthusiastically supported us.  He has even agreed to autograph some t-shirts for us, so check out the pledge rewards and you could get an original Tim Wisseman autographed t-shirt!  

Who are we?

We are Geographical Media.  A web development company founded by Joshua Perina who has been an active player of the game since it was released.  We have been developing web products for the past four years.  VGA Planets "Nu" will be our next big project.  

How will we build it?

The new project will take the original VGA Planets version 3 game and convert it to a web-based application built using HTML5.  This means it will run on any computer, PC or Apple and even your iPad.  Players won't need to install anything to play the game.  New players will be able to join the game by signing up either at the vgaplanets.nu website or at one of the existing or new host websites.  Anyone will be able to create and run a game hosting website where they will be able to manage their own community of players and configure new games.  

A "VGA Planets Game Council" will be established to discuss and vote on any significant changes to the original game.  Some possible items to be discussed will be: minor changes to ships, whether or not to add a 12th race, and how friendly codes and ship missions should work.  

What will it cost?

Anyone will be able to sign up and play VGA Planets for free under the original Tim Wisseman "shareware" agreement which makes the game a little tougher.  Registered users will have access to all features of the game and will pay $3/month or $30/year.   

Our Promise. 
We promise to deliver a great new VGA Planets experience which is true to the original game.  To make it more accessible and modern looking while maintaining the original game play and experience.  

Can I help?

Yes you can.  The best way to help is telling your friends about the project and linking to this website from your blog or facebook page.  If you are a graphic designer, artist or web developer and are interesting in participating in the development of the project itself we would love to hear from you.  Please contact us and tell us about yourself.