a ship without fuel...

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3037 days, 2 hours, 13 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
a ship without fuel...Write Reply

if a ship has no fuel on board,

-it cannot move / Warp 0
-cannot fight
-surrenders to base
-can beam up fuel
-can be tow-captured by xtals and priv
-cannot cloak (exception: ships with advanced cloak)
-can do cargo-transfer

what else..?

3035 days, 17 hours, 26 minutes ago
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RE: a ship without fuel...Write Reply

   I'm not sure a fueless ship with advanced cloak can actually cloak. Don't try that myself. But a fueless ship can move a small distance as long as Ships without fuel can move parameter is set to YES (which is the case in the default host settings)and you set hers warp speed >0.
   Besides if planetary FC is NUK the planet will attack the ship (unless fascist or Super Star Destroyer).
3035 days, 16 hours, 33 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: a ship without fuel...Write Reply
yes, depending on the mass a ship can travel a certain distance with zero fuel
had to try it due to an ion storm.. and fuel carriers are a good example...

i'm just collecting info:
how about

beam transfer
lay mines
and such missions?

3035 days, 16 hours, 20 minutes ago
View challengespaceyard's profile
RE: a ship without fuel...Write Reply
The only missions that still work are Beam up Fuel (necessary to recover) and Exploration (passive) missions.

Also. You can freely transfer cargo between your own ships and/or your planet. You cannot beam down cargo onto an foreign planet, however. Also, you cannot jettison cargo while without fuel.

In addition to Fascist ships and the SSD, rebel ships and fuel-less bird ships with beams are immune to the ATK/NUK codes.
3035 days, 13 hours, 6 minutes ago
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RE: a ship without fuel...Write Reply
Rob: No
Cobol fuel scoop works. They can move a certain distance without fuel and for every lightyear they scoop fuel.

2693 days, 10 hours, 13 minutes ago
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RE: a ship without fuel...Write Reply
Thanks for this thread!  Google brought me right here.  

sdsf can go a good ways w/o fuel.  If your planets are close enough, you can use them to move money and sometimes more around w/o fuel.  Flying w/o fuel also lowers the risk that these little defenseless ships get caught in unwanted combat.

2681 days, 18 hours, 32 minutes ago
View mycroft's profile
RE: a ship without fuel...Write Reply
I have found that fuel less ships cannot beam up anything over hostile planets. Even if you have the correct FC.

Fueless ships cannot jettison other materials in space. Be it minerals of torps/fighters. However I another ship passes it 1 fuel, it can jettison all cargo then return the fuel and resume fuel depletion.

Fueless ships cannot cloak, colonize, sensor sweep, or mine sweep.
2681 days, 18 hours, 32 minutes ago
View mycroft's profile
RE: a ship without fuel...Write Reply
Superset also does not work. Even with advanced cloakers.
2681 days, 18 hours, 32 minutes ago
View mycroft's profile
RE: a ship without fuel...Write Reply
Superset also does not work. Even with advanced cloakers.
2680 days, 18 hours, 58 minutes ago
View rudel's profile
RE: a ship without fuel...Write Reply
So my Resolutes and Darkwings can cloak with no fuel? Nice... 
2680 days, 18 hours, 29 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: a ship without fuel...Write Reply

i thought they need 1 fuel to start the advanced cloak... is that a bug then?
2680 days, 18 hours, 23 minutes ago
View rudel's profile
RE: a ship without fuel...Write Reply
I have no idea, but you listed it in your starting post. Is this tested? 
2680 days, 18 hours, 7 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: a ship without fuel...Write Reply

^^ that was 1 year ago... when i was a re-beginner, and it was more a question than a statement.

by now i think that a ship without fuel:

- can only beam up fuel from an owned planet
- can not cloak
- can move a few lightyears, if it is not too heavy

but isn't superspy performed under cloak? doesn't it mean that this is a bug then, if it can superspy?
or did you mean super refit, mycroft?

2680 days, 18 hours, 6 minutes ago
View mycroft's profile
RE: a ship without fuel...Write Reply
No all cloaking requires at least 1 fuel. Even for resolutes and dark wings.otherwise a bird would have no fear of a crystalline player.

Superspy does require fuel even for ships that cannot cloak. And I have had instances where I had ships in webs and I attempted to use such tricks. And the effect was not afforded. So you cannot superspy without fuel. Even with advanced cloak.
2680 days, 17 hours, 59 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: a ship without fuel...Write Reply

according to donovan's all advanced cloakers need 1 fuel to initiate the cloaking device,
but can stay cloaked if they are fuel-less
2680 days, 17 hours, 53 minutes ago
View rudel's profile
RE: a ship without fuel...Write Reply
Hmm, this would imply that a Resolute/DW with some supplies to repair the damage would be practically invulnerable against webmines. They wouldn't be able to sweep them but the Crystal would never be able to catch them.
2680 days, 17 hours, 47 minutes ago
View mycroft's profile
RE: a ship without fuel...Write Reply
Any instance I've had where supplies were onboad and fuel was dry. Cloak was lost re-cloak impossible due to no fuel. So I would like to challenge Donovan's guide on that subject in regards to re-cloaking in webs while fueless as long as damage is repaired. I have yet to let myself go dry on purpose with the intent to test that theory otherwise though. I don't like the prospects on wasted ships myself.
2679 days, 9 hours, 6 minutes ago
View capnkill's profile
RE: a ship without fuel...Write Reply
I'm not sure why there is confusion.

1. You cannot engage cloak without at least 1 KT of fuel
2. IF you run out of fuel inside webs you will not be able to re-engage your cloak the following turn, regardless of damage.

The host makes sure that you can engage your cloak each turn, even if you were cloaked before, so when it sees you have 0 fuel this turn, your cloak will not re-engage.

pretty straightforward I think.