Arcturus System

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3037 days, 15 hours, 7 minutes ago
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Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
This is the public discussion board for Game 3168: Arcturus System You may discuss the game here with the other players.
3008 days, 19 hours, 31 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
And so it begings, I removed the video - bug found!
3008 days, 19 hours, 16 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Argh go away video!
2955 days, 4 hours, 56 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Fed and Robot adieu? Any ideas why? Not very officer like to walk away without even saying good bye. Unless someone has been "ugly" to them ;)
2953 days, 10 hours, 12 minutes ago
View halion's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply

yeah i can't believe it quite a disappointment.

I have an idea about the robots (who also missed a few turns) but no idea on Fed.

dark sunnymoon also bailed after getting abused as well.

Lets hope we dont get anymore.

2953 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Oh look a new priv... ;)
2952 days, 3 hours, 1 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
when you say "dark sunnymoon" got abused..what do you mean ?
2951 days, 18 hours, 14 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply

He got what he deserved ;)

I Had him as an ally in another game and he just dropped afew turns ago, leavimg me in a mess. Guess my response when he asked to ally.

But my hands were full and someone else decapitated his domain. *thumbs up*

edit: And respect to guiti for saying goodbye, now I'm curious as to what were his mistakes ;)

2943 days, 0 hours, 38 minutes ago
View acting sub jack's profile
acting sub jack
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply

I joined this game in good faith and to play fair regardless of what happened in other games where the some of the same players are found here.

at the begining of this game I had an alliance (share intel) with the Feds played by Edidbeduid. He left and that left the feds to be taken by an other player.--- If you ask me that is a recipy for disaster ---- but before that happens, I started taking over Feds plannet to guard against an other player in this game to play 2 players and violate rule number 2 of VGA Planets, (do not play 2 or more players in a single game) Dont be so surprised, this game is full of them just take the Bundy system for example where 6 "players" are always playing at the exact same time, in the same order. Ianr from the Colonies can attest to that.

Anyhow as Edid left I brokered a deal with the Crystals as the feds fell right between both empire. Now Traumadog42 with a vendata against Lutwidge and Figak as joined as the feds with the sole and unique purpose of going after them. Leaving me in the middle of a situation which I had no control over in a game which I was not part of. That is most unfortunate.

BUT as you can all see, I am a registered player and there is plenty of other games I can play in. I rather quit this game and head for an other one than be caught in the middle of a vendata, no matter who is right or wrong. Being a registered player also mean that I can chose to play only with other registered player which will alleviate people playing several races in one game as he/she will have to register twice or more which is unlikely.

I did not join this system to be caught in the middle of a vendata, it makes sence for me to wipe the feds out of existance as per my original plan after Edid left the game. But doing so will also put me a odds with traumadog and I could potentially be accused of having no honor.

And so I will leave this game saying farewell and see you around the universe.

2942 days, 21 hours, 11 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
you had an alliance with the former player.  I have been there.  You feel like if you just explain things to the new guy he will fall in line with the way things are going diplomacy wise in the game.  Not going to happen.  This is why I do not like people poping in to on going games.  Attacking the feds planets to stop some one from wanting to take over the race was correct.  Now attacking the feds regardless of any former alliance is correct.  This is a new player like Khan in Star Trek.  Some rebels have taking over the federation ships.  Your only hope is to use the prefix code to order the feds ships to lower there shields so you can attack.   What that means is cancel the alliance is the same as using the prefix code.  do it.  fight.   
2942 days, 19 hours, 59 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
First, the fact that the fed are now manned should not stop you (or anyone) from taking over the race.

I have been in a very similar position as Bird where the replacement player did no honour the alliance and turned on me. So I understand.

Secondly, I haven't received any message from the fed (I have just asked in game for the message).

But if he is joining this game just to chase Ludwig and me then he has some mental issues. However it simplifies the game for me, as I know where he stands I and I know what to expect.

It all began when I replaced the Borg in Fast Start 19 after responding to this thread.

The objective was simple, keep the race ticking over until voting is done and game over. Having a dead 1st place race would be a funkiller and after ending Rebirth 3 I wanted to learn from the game of other Borg commanders. So I kept my alliances (xtal and fed) and between us we were forced to press on with the game to obliterate the competition because the priv at the time did not want to vote to end.

So I exterminated the lizard, ludwig and I the robot, the fed and I the rebel leftovers and got started on the colonial, who had turned on the evil empire and assisted me on its destruction. I also took down the priv bar one MCBR  and ( for the last turns) I chased with a Loki and minefields. Luckily at that stage the game ended.

It seems I ticked off the paranoia of the priv (fed in Arcturus game) by calling the previous borg a "mastermind",when  I was impressed with his set up with the borg and I learned a few things from it which I have put to practise with the fascist in Arcturus (seems it worked!).

Be my guest to check Fast Start 19 (or Rebirth 3 for that matter) and do tell me if you see any cheating. You won't find any and you will find someone stumbling his way through the borg, working on diplomacy and (in Fast Start 19) someone who kept the well-oiled war machine ticking over (and pushed it up two gears) to kick some serious battleplans (the attack on the Robot was specially fun, those enormous fields swept in no time).

Anyway, I joined this game months ago, I have waited months for it to start, I have struggled with a Fascist early attack (and won!) so I am not going to let any redneck with mental issues spoil it for me. So like I said in Fast Start 19 after he dared accuse me of being a cheat: "Bring it on to a public forum, I'm ready for you!"

2942 days, 13 hours, 16 minutes ago
View lutwidge's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Sorry, I might have overreacted when I first discovered who took over the Feds.  I sent him a message, no response, but until he out and out declares his hostility I should give him the benefit of the doubt (in spite of the messages he's apparently sent my allies) and treat him like any other player.  For all I know it's possible I'm the one being paranoid.

That said, if he's just joining to bother me and/or figak, well, I guess chalk up yet another odd plot twist for our unpredictable Arcturus cluster, and hardly likely the last.

2940 days, 8 hours, 36 minutes ago
View lutwidge's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Btw, I've no idea what happened to Eddie, our former Fed.  Anyone know?  Seems to have dropped all his games and quit the site more or less entirely.  I'm guessing his girlfriend and/or the new membership dues did him in. :)

Anyhow, he was a fun, if brief, ally, and will be missed.  If you're reading this, Eddie, come back!

2901 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes ago
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RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply

Khan: "to the last I grapple with thee; from Hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee."

2900 days, 17 hours, 39 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
The best of the genetically-engineered Human supermen is just not good enough ;)
2889 days, 18 hours, 25 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
I'm hearing from 2 other players that 3 turns a week is getting hard (we are now at turn 50).

Do you agree to request a change to 2 a week?

I suppose best would be Wednesday and Saturday.
2889 days, 14 hours, 30 minutes ago
View lutwidge's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
I second figgy's proposal, but have to admit that the problem for me is more that I'll be traveling extensively in the next two months and have serious doubts as to where I'll have access to the internet. 

That said, at 2 turns a week I may manage to limp along via wi-fi spots and what not, but I think that I should find a replacement if at all possible should the game drag on into October.


- L.

2888 days, 19 hours, 28 minutes ago
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RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Ill go with the majority, i don't mind either

2888 days, 5 hours, 39 minutes ago
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sam gunn
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Same thing with me. Two turns are ok by me, if you like.
2887 days, 13 hours, 53 minutes ago
View halion's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
If it helps people stay in the game then 2 turns a week is fine for me, don't want to disrupt this further as things now get interesting :)
2887 days, 13 hours, 13 minutes ago
View acting sub jack's profile
acting sub jack
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
I second that. Would not mind this dropping to 2 turns a week
2887 days, 9 hours, 57 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
we are missing fed and lizard
2887 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
the game is three turns per week.   If you want it to end early then form alliances and end the game.  
2886 days, 20 hours, 40 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
I can see how a loosing race doesn't need to change to 2 turns a week.

Not a very classy tactic but within your rights anyway.

if you want to make an alliance you should learn how to make and keep allies. Although it's hard to teach new tricks to an old dog.
2886 days, 1 hours, 5 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
figak we never had an alliance.  we could not even come to an agreement on a border.  

now you want to drop from 3 turns to 2.  
2886 days, 1 hours, 3 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
figak we never had an alliance.  we could not even come to an agreement on a border.  

now you want to drop from 3 turns to 2.  

2885 days, 6 hours, 21 minutes ago
View lutwidge's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Sorry guys, have to drop, too much going on.  Sincere apologies, etc., and if you know someone looking to inherit a fairly powerful race, albeit one that's currently about to confront overwhelming Borg/Empire/Rebel odds, here's where to look. :)


- L.

2884 days, 4 hours, 37 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Thanks for leaving the proper way.

You were a good neighbour :)
2884 days, 4 hours, 6 minutes ago
View lutwidge's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
I really should have dropped earlier, but I wanted to see if I could hang on for a three way tie for first.  Anyhow, sorry for the delays, and here's hoping for an entertaining conclusion. :)

2871 days, 5 hours, 40 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Darth Borg command to all units:

In the next chunnel transport you shall all receive new standard issue Lizard skin boots, donated by the Lizard homeworld at the cost of cube T 234.

Both sides of the force are with us!
2869 days, 23 hours, 52 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
well the glory device ship had some thing to do with it.
2852 days, 10 hours, 55 minutes ago
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RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Repeating here what I posted in-game:

Hey guys, I d like to vote to end this game and let the winning alliance win. I think the writing is on the wall but it would take turns for them to take all the planets they need. I personally want to focus on my Borg that is getting increasingly complicated also, so I wont play my turns correctly here. What do you guys think?
2852 days, 9 hours, 20 minutes ago
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RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
I'll go with whatever the rest decide, until then ill keep killing lizards.

2852 days, 4 hours, 29 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
I don't mind the tonnage points ;) but I don't want to spoil the fun.

If this game is turning to a chore for the rest and you can see your doom coming to get you I would accept a game end.
2852 days, 3 hours, 30 minutes ago
View acting sub jack's profile
acting sub jack
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
same with me, dont care one or the other way
2851 days, 9 hours, 55 minutes ago
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sam gunn
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Although I remember several opponents, who were eager to play this game till the end would be reached, and I´m nearly sure, that some of us could get some more points out of this game untill then, I´ve got no problem with bringing it to an end, now. So if this is, what you really want:

cu soon
2850 days, 9 hours, 57 minutes ago
View halion's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply

For me I have worked hard with my allies to build the military machine it would be a shame to not expend some of this in good honest combat (which is now starting)

My main first goal is to reach 2nd position of planet count as i expand the attack after that i am ok to end it but hope to have a few more rounds of battles with birds and crystals as I am learning as we go here ;) Zelrik you are making pretty pictures which does strange things to my eyes at high zoom hehe.



2849 days, 2 hours, 36 minutes ago
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RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Hmmm, if you can find a replacement then, that would be great.
2844 days, 2 hours, 16 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
The fed is dead
Good work to Xtal management #1 and #2, let's see how management #3 does ;)
2838 days, 17 hours, 36 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Lol, xtal are open again !
2838 days, 13 hours, 33 minutes ago
View lutwidge's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Shall I (re)join? :)
2838 days, 12 hours, 50 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Thats the last straw.    I vote to end this game.   Hail figak emperor of Arcturus System.

2837 days, 8 hours, 17 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Lutwidge what do think of what you found? ;)

Donald, I have the feeling we will go on until we hit 300 planets(currently 281) and sink a few more ships. I must consult both sides of the force ;)
2837 days, 4 hours, 48 minutes ago
View lutwidge's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Well, given that I played the opening of this game with most of my eggs in a Cyborg alliance against the (prearranged) Empire/Rebel tandem, I can't be too terribly surprised to see the Crystals floundering on their own.  That said, nice job cleaning up the rest of the Feds and I'm rather impressed to find the Lizards still somehow fighting with some success against the Colonials.

2837 days, 2 hours, 36 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
The Lizards continue to kill Virgo's.   The Lizards have gotten there share of biocides and annialtions.

The Lizards continue to retreat.  I am glad the 300 planet target is coming up.  I am running out of room to retreat to.
2837 days, 2 hours, 32 minutes ago
View halion's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply

Hi Lutwidge,

It was a shame you had to leave the game and I can imagine the situation is not desirable to return to now :)
As to 'prearranged' alliances I think you'll find that it was merely a factor of 2 HYP races next to each other and I got a 'lucky' landing on turn 3-4 if i recall. From there it was work together or destory each other from the start with neither being a winner in the longrun.

As to the end of the game I think the combined military machine is rolling now so i would prefer we push to the proper win condition of 300 planets. Not long now i hope.


2837 days, 2 hours, 26 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Come to think about it, our alliance is a 3-way HYP alliance... *shocked*

2836 days, 21 hours, 20 minutes ago
View lutwidge's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Sorry, Halion, for initially taking the extremely early (turn one, IIRC) Rebel/Empire alliance to be prearranged.  Anyhow, yes, your three way HYP alliance is formidable indeed and apologies for having to drop the Crystals just as things were getting "interesting", though it seems my successor has done well to preserve most of their planets, at least so far, and moreover managed to mangle the dreaded Fed, a victory no less fun for being Pyrrhic. :)


- L.

2836 days, 21 hours, 20 minutes ago
View lutwidge's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Oops, the server sent my post twice.  Nevermind!

2836 days, 20 hours, 44 minutes ago
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sam gunn
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
What Halion said is truth. Around turn 4 I was shocked to have a probe on the planet next (!) to my HW, not knowing where it did come from. But I think I was lucky, Halion didn´t know where my HW was exactly, so I had the possibility to come to an arrangement with him. By the way, we didn´t form an alliance in turn 6, it was only intel sharing if I recall. Seems to be a bug or something...

I would also prefer to take it to the end from this point.
2836 days, 16 hours, 27 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
At the time I had my hands full of fascist, who are strong at the start, the borg are weak at the start.

I had to refocus from economy improvement to war production (look at the planet chart) but somehow I manage to scare him after a few minor fights. And I had some choices at that point:

1) Go it alone: Take fascist territory to the east and the empire coming to knock on my west. Lizard playing games with fascist south borders (we never managed to agree one). Good talks with xtal (also had hands full but of fed).

2) Ally with lizard: non-starter. Impressive destruction of the privateer but badly economically (love to go SDSF hunting in the warp well.) and never got on a good footing diplomatically.

3) Ally with xtal: Hard negotiator and good expansion, the number of bases was impressive. The struggle to complete turns put me off a little, also I had the impression that if we ally we couldn't take on the EE together who had no contest (me or Rebel). My economy development was behind schedule. Also I already did a borg-xtal alliance and I wanted to test how to fight the xtal. I managed to avoid that in my Bird game.

4) Ally with Empire/Rebel: Good contact during fascist war, we even managed to negotiate a "2nd home" as fall back plan B for the borg people from fascist war.

So it became 4) a few turns after the fascist dropped. Then went public when the shooting started.
Also I have to say that I love the  "entete cordiale" to slaughter the lizards between the colonial and I . So kudos to Donald on his resistance and.. die already ;)

2828 days, 4 hours, 5 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Congrats to the empire for the bird HW.

Oh an look another xtal leader... 5 turns to the end ;)
2828 days, 1 hours, 35 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
The begining of this game was interesting.  I was able to do a quick kill of the privateers.   While doing this the fascists to my north folded.  The cyborgs rolled them up.    So now I have a new northern neighbour.   We talked about a border.  The border the cyborgs wanted was way past fascist space.  I knew that he was making the border up.  He did not know I already controlled planets a lot closer to him than the border he wanted.  So I decided that the cyborg would just move south when they wanted.  Wasn't a whole lot I could do to stop it.   I agreed to the false border to buy time.    I knew it was borrowed time.  I am still alive and will make it to the end of the game.  That is a small victory.    
2827 days, 10 hours, 57 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
hehe, you did the same to me. Claiming to own planets that had fascists on it (Dark sense is a bitch!).

Yea, good work there on the resistance. Specially considering the war vs Colonial. Him and I were hoping you would divert some resources to me. I wanted the PBP and he wanted to crush you too. So good work.

We unleash a surprise for you this turn, I hope you like it.

2826 days, 19 hours, 14 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
The surprise was a move that I call the "Figak" Manouver ;)

Turn 56, a probe arrives over planet 360 "Tut", drops clans on planet. an MSDF of lizard is near by.
Turn 57, MSDF captured with 200 clans on board. Planet had >1million Avian.Temp 75.
Turn 62, a Serpent scout is destroyed by planetary defenses. Population: >1 million Borg 
Turn 70, a base is built on planet.
Turn 74, a firecloud is built.
Turn 76, The borg/EE armada chunnels on to planet, unchallenged.
Turn 77, SURPRISE!!! Star deployment to land grab the lizard and xtal backyard.

Honestly it's the same move I pulled on the EE in Rebirth 3. I was expecting you to notice / suspect something ;)
2826 days, 17 hours, 9 minutes ago
View lutwidge's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
I assume this game is pretty much over, so I'll share my thoughts from the Xtal side, at least for as long as I was playing them.

The beginning went exceedingly well as a result of a Humanoid Unity very close to my HW and a productive gamble on turn one (I built a LDSF).  Expansion was quick, SBs sprung up everywhere and several decent Bovinoid worlds were found.  My only real economic problem, as so often is the case, was lack of sufficient cash planets and a reliable means of quickly transferring funds from one part of the increasingly large Tholian Empire to another. 

On the foreign policy front, things were also quite good: I discovered the Colonial HW and had excellent leverage as a result in negotiations, the Birds were already confronting the Rebels and Empire, the Lizards were taking care of the Privateers, the Feds were a reasonably reliable ally, and the Borg would have a variety of issues as a result of their centralized locale and in any event were quite possibly a potential second ally.  Unfortunately, things went suddenly (and literally) south when the Fed left unexpectedly and every potential Borg nemesis fell one after another in spite of each having every theoretical advantage over a supposedly weak early Cyborg Empire. I mean, if the Fascists and Lizards combined can't overcome the Borg in the opening, nothing can!   Ah, well - to be fair I suppose the Lizards had their claws full with the Colonials, and in retrospect probably did the cluster a disservice by disposing of the Privs so early - they could easily have been an especially serious problem for the Borg.  In any event, the new Fed turned out to be completely set on warfare and though it was a fairly easy fight against them it still radically changed the entire logistics of the game, since the main races to be wary of lurked in an entirely different direction.

Of course, in retrospect, none of the above was nearly so large an issue as the fact that I wound up deciding to travel in October and November and came to realize there was simply no way to keep up with the turn schedule with roughly a hundred planets and even more ships.  As I started to miss deadlines I began to realize that it would be nearly impossible to keep up my end of any meaningful alliance with the Borg and it was a fitting coincidence that on the last turn I played before officially dropping out I was "surprisingly" attacked by them.  Anyhow, apologies again for underestimating the time required to conduct a full fledged VGAP middlegame, and congrats to figgy for again managing to assimilate yet another cluster.


- Lutwidge

2826 days, 2 hours, 23 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
I second every thing lutwidge says.

Let me add I have beem fighting the colonials since the start of the game.  I kept telling them it was going to let the cyborg win.   Then the crystals (who was netural toward me) changed hands.   The crystals then attacked me.   So I am fighting colonials,crystals and trying to stop the cyborg invasion.    I did not have enough ships to worry about an isolated planet out in the iddle of no where.

I got tired and sloppy.

Not taking any thing away from that move but that is just how this game was going.
2825 days, 19 hours, 2 minutes ago
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RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
yes we were at war since you attacked me on site.  there was no more communications and i would have ignored them anyway due to your attitude at the beginning.

You are resilient but have too many useless ships as well as the LCR's.

I slowed when you took starbase with ground attack and my full virgo then changed side :( 
2824 days, 21 hours, 36 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
ianr do you realize that you and I are loosing this game.    

diplomacy is an important part of this game.
2824 days, 18 hours, 23 minutes ago
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RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Shame your not very good at it then isn't it.

I lost the second you kept attacking me so im happy to keep beating on you until the end :)

2820 days, 20 hours, 30 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Bird now officially dead but funny that there was no announcement in the game page, a minor bug perhaps?
2817 days, 14 hours, 46 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
It's over now... hmm time machine working ok for you?
2817 days, 14 hours, 39 minutes ago
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RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
nope doesn't work for me :(


PS Gratz figak
2817 days, 11 hours, 12 minutes ago
View halion's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply

Time Machine not working for me either :(

Thanks for the game guys, was a fun one. shame we had a few player changes.


2817 days, 11 hours, 2 minutes ago
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sam gunn
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Thx to all for this nice game! Sure we meet again sometimes somewhere ;-)

By the way: Any suggestions for a new assignment for some Rebel forces?

See you soon!

Sam Gunn
2817 days, 6 hours, 51 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
I'm still out of votes from the feedback system to report it :(
2808 days, 10 hours, 9 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Ok, now I can vote... so I made a report. Please vote it.

2808 days, 3 hours, 27 minutes ago
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RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
2805 days, 19 hours, 29 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
That leaky intelligence bug was a pain.

Not only could I see the fascist fleet (after he left) thanks to the EE, but I also see that half the bloody cluster could see my minefields and codes thanks to the xtal.

And anyone who was allied with the xtal too, I mean in bed with bird and lizard and colonial.

Oh look at colonial turn 52, he gets to see the entire lizard fleet and planets. Priceless!!
2805 days, 14 hours, 19 minutes ago
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RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Sorry about that :(
2805 days, 1 hours, 5 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
I am going on memory but the original crystal player and the lizards had an info sharing so we would stay out of each others way.   I have very strongly told the powers that be that when a race changes hands all past diplomacy should be broken and the new person should not be able to see turns in the time machine for that game.  They should start with a clean slate with what they can see that turn.

I knew the colonials where moving directly at me.  But did not realize they could see me.   I wonder if my cloaked ships where visible to him as well.    Must have been because mine fields went up every time i moved a cloaked ship toward the colonial homeworld.

2804 days, 21 hours, 20 minutes ago
View lutwidge's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Uhoh... the jig is up. :)

I secretly allied with the Colonials relatively early on and a bit later I believe the Lizards offered information as well, though I forget exactly when and if I returned the favor.  To be honest, I simply wished to remain an informed yet neutral party to the entire conflict while dealing with the Feds, Empire, Rebels, and (alas) the Borg.  In retrospect I probably should have tried to quell the fighting and organize a united Crystalline/Lizard/Colonial front to battle the above, but by then I was already about to drop.  Sorry again...

- L.

2804 days, 21 hours, 11 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
well hopefully this info sharing is fixed.   

2804 days, 18 hours, 17 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
Yea it is.
2795 days, 10 hours, 27 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Arcturus SystemWrite Reply
time machine works now ;)