With the new rules, it seems the best strategy is to get a coalition together before entering a game and enter together. This would give your alliance an immediate and strong advantage. Presumably the rest of the cluster is disorganized. Of course, you don't announce your alliance until it is too late. In fact, you temporarily ally with others to get some of their goodies and info. This could be further strengthened by entering as 3 "compatible" races. What are your ideas on the best 3? 1. Diversified? This would be one free fighter race, one cloaking race, and one other race, such as Crystals for web mines or Borg for Chunneling or Feds for high taxes and Super-refit. If so, which combo would you choose? Robots (free ftrs, 4x mines), Lizards (cloaking, Hissing, ground combat, 150% damage, Lokis), and Borg (Chunneling). Your cloaked Robot LCC lays down a 4x minefield as your Lizard Cubes, full of free Robot ftrs attacks. Tough combo. What other combos? 2. Fighters-R-Us: Your alliance starts as the 3 free ftr races, which means your ftrs dominate the galaxy, you have 4x mines for those pesky cloakers, and you deny others ftr minesweep. You also have the Falcon for inter-alliance travel. 3. We Deliver: Privateers, Borg, and Rebels. This gives you all the fast ships, except the EE probe, as well as free ftrs, cloaking, and Cubes. Cubes filled with free ftrs towed by a Meteor, after another meteor zipped in a Firecloud to prepare for a chunnel - powerful. 4. Minefield Hell: Robots, Crystals, and Colonies. This gives you 4x mines, web mines, and denies other ftr mine sweep. You also get free ftrs and free fuel. Any others? (The Steamroller: Borg Cubes, EE Gorbies, and Robots) What would suggest? Mike |