Best 3 Race Combo?

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3084 days, 15 hours, 44 minutes ago
View mjs68508's profile
Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply

With the new rules, it seems the best strategy is to get a coalition together before entering a game and enter together. This would give your alliance an immediate and strong advantage. Presumably the rest of the cluster is disorganized. Of course, you don't announce your alliance until it is too late. In fact, you temporarily ally with others to get some of their goodies and info.

This could be further strengthened by entering as 3 "compatible" races. What are your ideas on the best 3?

1. Diversified? This would be one free fighter race, one cloaking race, and one other race, such as Crystals for web mines or Borg for Chunneling or Feds for high taxes and Super-refit.

If so, which combo would you choose?

Robots (free ftrs, 4x mines), Lizards (cloaking, Hissing, ground combat, 150% damage, Lokis), and Borg (Chunneling). Your cloaked Robot LCC lays down a 4x minefield as your Lizard Cubes, full of free Robot ftrs attacks. Tough combo.

What other combos?

2. Fighters-R-Us: Your alliance starts as the 3 free ftr races, which means your ftrs dominate the galaxy, you have 4x mines for those pesky cloakers, and you deny others ftr minesweep. You also have the Falcon for inter-alliance travel.

3. We Deliver: Privateers, Borg, and Rebels. This gives you all the fast ships, except the EE probe, as well as free ftrs, cloaking, and Cubes. Cubes filled with free ftrs towed by a Meteor, after another meteor zipped in a Firecloud to prepare for a chunnel - powerful.

4. Minefield Hell: Robots, Crystals, and Colonies. This gives you 4x mines, web mines, and denies other ftr mine sweep. You also get free ftrs and free fuel.

Any others? (The Steamroller: Borg Cubes, EE Gorbies, and Robots)

What would suggest?


3084 days, 11 hours, 0 minutes ago
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RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
The amount of combos is mad, really.

Check for example, Bird+Priv+Colonist. Colonist cleans the enemy mines while the Bird cloaks into the enemy planets, ignoring wether there are Lokis in the area or not, to feed the Privs with tons of towed ships to get robbed.

Or Lizard-Borg-Priv. Insane movility with Meteors towing Fireclouds, Cubes standing 150% damage and the Lizard having an unlimited amount of clans to drop onto enemy planets thanks to the Borg giving him supertransport freighters full of clans.

In the end there is no winning combo. It all depends on how good the allied players are.
3084 days, 10 hours, 48 minutes ago
View mjs68508's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply


But, if you start the game as allies, the chance of a powerful opposing alliance is very small.

3084 days, 8 hours, 17 minutes ago
View veldan's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
That's true, the closer allies coordinate the better off they are.  So a strong alliance of "gimped races" birds, fascists, empire, could steam roll the others.
3080 days, 12 hours, 59 minutes ago
View toredeloro's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
all races have their strengts
i think the player wins, not the race, but of course a good combination makes it easy

i always include feds when i think in a good combination of races, the crew bonus and the three free figters bays, plus the money, loki and loki inmuniti, etc.

the best alliance maybe fed, priv and colonial for me, a virgo in fed hands is a 10/11, the fed with a meteor or a br4 can scout enemy planets for the priv to snake there and the clonial can give the figters and fuel...

another good combination is fed, liz, fascist, you have cloackers and no one have lokis, nobody can cloack in your territory because the glory device, but this combination need very good players because the lack of figters
3079 days, 15 hours, 7 minutes ago
View chaos1357's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
What about Fed, Liz and Borg?  Between the Fed's 200% tax rate and Liz ships hissing, they are going to have piles of cash that would make Scrooge McDuck look poverty stricken.  Liz 200% mining offsets the fed's lower levels.  then you have Borg churning out bare bone Biocides and Annies for the Feds to refit (Feds keep the annies.. a 10/13 carrier is going to ruin everyone's nights... but they give the Annies to the Liz... 150% damage for an Annie?  ouch!).  The Borg otherwise continue to do their thing (Fireclouds and HUGE populations... to be taxed at ludicris levels thanks to HISS...).

Sure, you don't get the superfast ships of the Privs.  That just means everyone has more time to see you coming... time to realize just how badly its going to hurt.  Sure you have to pay for your fighters.... and??? I mean, it is a combination of the 3 most (potentially) powerfull economies.  You'll be able to afford full loads for all your ships.  When it comes right down to it, I can't think of a 3-race combo that has an outright advantage over this group (though Priv - Crystals - Birds or Fighter Race X has something to say in it's favor as well, but that's more a "Bleed em slowly" team, and a far weaker economy then the above)
3071 days, 9 hours, 0 minutes ago
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RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
What's to guarantee that you won't all 3 be flung across the map at such distances that you will take 50 turns to ever see each other? 
3071 days, 4 hours, 11 minutes ago
View admiral_thrain's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Example: Borg - Federation - Gorn alliance. Borg gives a number of Cubes to Federation and Gorn. Sure those Cubes kick ass, but when they are killed how Borg can build more Cubes to Federation and Gorn when all the PBPs goes to Gorn and Federation (normal queue can be VERY slow). Keep that in mind.

I don't think there is a "best" 3 race combo out there... It depends a lot what the other 2-3 race alliances are, who is playing, what kind of map is in use, what are the winning conditions, etc...
3070 days, 12 hours, 45 minutes ago
View evileympire's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Never mind the question what is the best 3 race combo.  It's just fricking crappy sportsmanship if you're entering a game already allied and not "telling" anyone until it is "too late".  Really makes it enjoyable for me to have to build trust with other players only to find out that they've already premeditated my murder, before turn 1 is even played.  

I like this game, but with the complete lack of sportsmanship that I've seen (double accounts in a game, pre-arranged alliances, dropping due to a supposedly "bad" starting position, dropping because of being a wimp, etc.) I am starting to lose interest in playing on this site.  

I want to play against people who are in it to show that they can play without resorting to the above type of crap.  DARE to make and break alliances, DARE to play from your starting position, DARE to play until you are truely 100% wiped out.  

Planets to me is like chess, the enemy makes a wrong move and its checkmate in the blink of an eye. As in chess, the game isn't over until its checkmate. Alliances can change the game leader in less than 5 turns.  A few good ships can turn the tide of battle.  

but please, no fricking pre-arranged bull#¤& alliances in games that are not alliance based.

3070 days, 12 hours, 10 minutes ago
View lutwidge's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
I tend to agree that the chance of prearranged alliances is sort of problem, as I've no idea how to counter or even detect it - it is often the case that two races ideally suited to an alliance start out next to each other, and such an alliance is for all intents and purposes a foregone conclusion from the opening onwards.

Perhaps there could be some test games where alliances simply aren't possible, except in a mutual non-aggression way?  i.e., no exchange of resources, ships, etc.

- L.

3070 days, 6 hours, 8 minutes ago
View admiral_thrain's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
I'm definately up to for a non-ally game!
3070 days, 3 hours, 16 minutes ago
View mjs68508's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply

"The best defense is a good offense"

Mel, the cook on Alice (and others, I'm sure)

The point is, even with military scoring we had people joining with pre-arranged alliances. Now, the new rules encourage it.

One should assume that a pre-arranged alliance is already in a game you join.

Have you been watching the sign-ups on the new games? When a new game is put up with 11 empty spots, 3 spots fill up real fast with combos of 1 cloaking race, 1 free fighter race, and 1 other race. Hmmmm. Do you really want to go into that game as a loner.

(Actually, it might be fun to join as the Birds and try to screw them over. (grin))


3070 days, 0 hours, 25 minutes ago
View lindybomber's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Priv+Colonist+anyone is pretty scary if you have a competent Privateer.  If the third hand is Crystals, say good night.  Next best choose would be the Lizards, they can Hiss allied planets into super taxation (insert political joke here).

I think if the planet count win condition holds, a three way alliance should need 66% of planets.  For a three player team to grab 50% of all planets is not that hard once you are down to 6-8 players.  I have personal been on the short end of 60-40 "us vs them" war, and still lead my team to victory.
3069 days, 14 hours, 51 minutes ago
View mjs68508's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply

"What's to guarantee that you won't all 3 be flung across the map at such distances that you will take 50 turns to ever see each other? "


3069 days, 14 hours, 48 minutes ago
View mjs68508's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply

"Example: Borg - Federation - Gorn alliance. Borg gives a number of Cubes to Federation and Gorn. Sure those Cubes kick ass, but when they are killed how Borg can build more Cubes to Federation and Gorn when all the PBPs goes to Gorn and Federation (normal queue can be VERY slow). Keep that in mind."

1. Lizzard kills ship and gets PBPs.
2. Lizzard builds small freighter with 1 PBP
3. Lizzard gives small freighter to Borg.
4. Borg recycles small freighter for 1 PBP.

Poof. PBP has been transfered.

3069 days, 5 hours, 24 minutes ago
View admiral_thrain's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
mjs - you have quite a PBP factory... You need shitloads of bases to be effectively transferring PBPs between two races. Single Cube needs 18 to 20 PBPs. How many Cubes you want to build a turn? If you want to build one Cube a turn, Borg needs 18-20 different bases to do recycling and the other race needs as many bases to build small freighters, then the freighters needs to flown to the Borg bases. How easily can you arrange 20+20 bases to be so close to each other that the whole process is sensible? Wouldn't it be better to use the bases for other purposes, like waiting for the normal queue to come to the base where you have a Cube ready.

Everything sounds so easy in theory... Ping - I just build DWs, kill everyone and win every game. Ah, so easy...
3050 days, 19 hours, 15 minutes ago
View cornrelius's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
I concur that a Colony/Crystal alliance is one of the best possible, and you may add either the Privs or the Bird as 3rd.

Read up here for a write-up on that scenario, it was amplified by a low-minerals universe. And the Colonies shone!

  • Colony + Crystal = absolute minefield superiority in the cluster (no word of Mr. Robot any more, his gaz-guzzlers have too few beams to be efficient against the Crystals, and his own minefields were swept constantly.
  • Crystal Cobols: 2 engines for towcapture and 250 tons torpedo space and always fuel to transfer
  • Crystal LadyRoyales: more money for torps
  • Colonial Crystal Thunders filling the gap between Patriots and Virgoes as mid-level combateers... and only if the queue is properly suited at a Crystal planet... and don't worry about engines, we have Cobols...
Add to that either Privateer MBRs operating with complete immunity to all minefields... or Birds... and you have the strongest combo in the cluster. And I would like to fight the suggested Fed/Liz/Borg team any day with this alliance.
3045 days, 18 hours, 15 minutes ago
View kissofpain's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Well, IMO it's not the alliances that win games, it's the players. And the luck too... scarce planets with no natives or undeveloped forms of government can make a hard time even to the best of all players.

On your example with Colony+Crystals+Priv vs Borg+Liz+Feds, presuming all players are equally skilled and resources balanced, I would say the borg alliance will win.

In fact for any alliance to be effective on a random start position, I think borg is essential. Probes and Fireclouds to connect is a game wining factor.

As for me, I would like to try a borg/klingon/colonies combo. Borg for quick connection and economy, colonies for free fighters and mine sweep and fascists for cloak aaaand... for blowing things up. Nothing is more funny than to see an entire enemy fleet destroyed by 5 d19 with transwarps. :)
3045 days, 16 hours, 52 minutes ago
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RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply

How can we find a game that has no alliances, no double accounts and people who play to the end?  Sounds like the private game is the only way to go right now.  You need to have players who are serious, and you can tell who those are in your games you play.  You have to organize it yourself.  The only other way would be if this site had a rating system that scored based upon game turns played versus those missed, and then kept track of # of games completed (win or lose) versus number of games resigned.  That ratio would really be valuable for creating games. 

I tend to think that the 3 race combo is not the right question.  Strategically this game is about building an economy and going to war to expand that economy.  If all 11 players are strong (that's a big if), then allying with the races close to you and taking over a corner of the map seems the best strategy.  In this configuration, you only have to attack in one or two directions and your back is covered.  Your economy at home stays safe as you expand outwards.

3045 days, 6 hours, 3 minutes ago
View kissofpain's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
As you know, players gain experience by playing, and killing things. As the experience increases, so does the rank. Players with high level ranks can play in high level games. This should offer more reliability, also it can't prevent pre-arranged alliances.

But on the other hand it's not the alliances that bothers me, it's the players that join games and don't know what they're doing.

In a recent game I allied with the empire to fight the privateer. I told the empire turn after turn to build a probe and send it to scout for the privateer base so I can kill him (I was playing fascists). What he does... he sends 2 SSD and quits the game after the privateer captures them. So now I am left w/o any ally in this game.
3044 days, 21 hours, 7 minutes ago
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RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply


Feds makes more money from their taxes, and have some good ships.

Birdman has the cloaking technology, their ships are cheap, and they have a cloaking battleship.

Lizards makes good on ground combat, mining, and taxes, improving the economy.

So many good allies to have, like Evil Empire + Missing Colonies + Fascists

Evil Empire has the Imperial Assault, and a lot of carriers.

Colonies has the ability to gamble and make money.

Fascists has good ground combat, cloaking ships, and Glory Device.

2977 days, 0 hours, 27 minutes ago
View kosh's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
I would say
Privateers + Borg + Cylon(robots)
Privateer =  2x warp + rob
Borg = Cubes and chunnel what connect those allies.
Cylon = best carriers on this game. Istru, automa, golem :)
And with borg Cylon dont need worry about fuel or duranium problem.
With borg chunnel that is always 1 round away.

2976 days, 22 hours, 33 minutes ago
View sirius113's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Privateer, Xtal, Cyborg imo

MBR's for Cyborg (at the beginning perfect for colonizing, later perfect to bring in your FCC's fast)
MBR's for Xtal (Xtal MBR's are a nightmare)
Good desert worlds for Xtal, good normal native worlds for Priv, Cyborg rest.
And just think of it, a MBR appears, towing a FCC. Next turn Bios and Xtal MBR's chunnel in.
2976 days, 20 hours, 53 minutes ago
View kosh's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Sirius tehre is no free fighters, what you choose.
And they do count.

2976 days, 20 hours, 47 minutes ago
View kosh's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
And Privateers+Crytrall+colonial.

Crystal with cloaked MBR and webs :)
that deny any movement in this echo cluster.

2976 days, 19 hours, 21 minutes ago
View sirius113's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
No need for free fighters with an inexpensive priv, a fleet that can move that fast and the cyborg economy
FCC towed by MBR are so much worth in endgame, their fleet just appears somewhere, where u don't have any defense. Because of the webmines in that attack, you can't reach the cubes before they destroyed anything and chunneled to the other side of your empire. And even if you reach them, there is still a privateer.
Attacking someone whos protected by webs is not easy aswell. And if you get to a planet, you get robbed.
Because of the Cyborg, they can fight with one fleet.
Your Colonials would be strong aswell, but you are so much slower and you can't surprise/defeat anyone through movement.
2976 days, 19 hours, 15 minutes ago
View kosh's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Borg Cubes with 10 and 10 need so mucho Molyb
And armr them is hell a lot of money.
Perhaps  you sirius need to play with borgs :)

2976 days, 13 hours, 40 minutes ago
View sirius113's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
You get so much supplies later as borg. Just tow your merlin around :P
2976 days, 12 hours, 3 minutes ago
View kosh's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Yeah you think you get that supplies... but the go to the fighters to the bio.
Not to the merlin.
Perhps you should play one gaime with Borg.
2976 days, 11 hours, 39 minutes ago
View sirius113's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Safe taxing is enough, if you collect that money :x
Just transfer your colonists to no natives worlds (especially, if its near a planet with good natives)
Sure, you don't have the money in the beginning, therefore you start with Annis. but later on its not that hard to get 120 fighters on your Bios. Btw, you get 300 sups on many planets, so just leave some planets for your merlins, if you need that money :P
And you don't have to fight so much in that alliance. Just attack somewhere, where not many ships are. Destroy planets, let the Xtal and Priv capture some ships, sweep mines, chunnel out. And in those rare cases where u have to destroy a ship, your Bios and Annis do the job.
2976 days, 11 hours, 34 minutes ago
View kosh's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
FC will do the mining for Borg and cubes the killing.
And im playing with borg and i soon attack some where :)
And he will be amazed what i can do with few cubes.

Resistance is Futile!

safe taxing is not Borg!

2976 days, 6 hours, 11 minutes ago
View mugulor's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply

Lizard, Empire, Crystal or Fed Empire Crystal imho are the deadliest combos.

Aside from that, I don't have a problem with someone going into a game already teamed up with someone I suppose, because you might find yourself on opposites sides of the map and your alliance would be useless, but going into a game with a premade alliance and then temporarily allying yourself with other player then backstabbing them is outright cheating in my books.

If I ever run into you in a game there is no way I will trust you after that post. My first obective would be to post this thread in a message to all players and then make you my primary enemy.

2976 days, 5 hours, 59 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
crystals with a cloaking ship.  deadly.

crystals, birdmen  ?
2974 days, 15 hours, 54 minutes ago
View capnkill's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Crystals + Privy + Colonies.

Crystals with MBRs is a frightening proposition

Colonies to sweep away normal mines and build fighters

Privy for the MBRs naturally and rob ability no longer hindered by mine fields

Web fields will dominate the space, Privy's will steal any ship they want at will, and if there's a Loki around just send in the Virgos! :)

Good luck with that!

2974 days, 14 hours, 15 minutes ago
View nitemare's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Crystal + lizard + borg is for me the best combo.

 A poweful economy with the hiss mission, and a lot of borgs starbases at the beginning to build hissing ships that speeds the shiplimit and the alliance economy. Limiting the amount of ships build to the other players and having without building useless ships and having a lot of mc to spend in webminefields.

 Fireclouds that let you attack in one front a turn and 500 ly away in the other and make a permanent flow of cash to the front countering the minesweeping of the webs. And can counterbalance  an early stage attack to any member of the alliance letting a 3 race defense easily.

 Crystal... webminefields. Birds&Privateer lost his cloaking advantage and the borg cubes fighting inside webminefields are almost imposible to rob/steal or tow to destroy them alone. And are the best defensive shield.

 Colonist lose his sweeping advantage and cubes towing fcc can move inside normal minefield without fearing to be destroyed letting the other ships wait to be chunneled to the front without damage.

 Lizard cloakers can't be decloaked, and they can tow ships to the fcc in order to chunnel them and make them fight without shields. And they are strong enought to hit a mine without exploding. And crystal has a cloaker with a lot of cargo for torpedoes.

 And finally a cube controled by the lizards is an unstoppable machine that unbalance the priority point list.




2974 days, 13 hours, 51 minutes ago
View capnkill's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
I think its safe to say that most of these triple alliances probably include the Crystals :)

What about a Borg + Rebel alliance... get a Falcon into the Borgs hands in the first 3 or 4 turns and you have yourself a serious problem.

2974 days, 11 hours, 19 minutes ago
View mugulor's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
I think the Empire Deathstar is as good as the Cube so they imho are better than the Borg for the alliance because you know exactly where all your enemies important planets are.
That said, if you are fighting against a 3 way alliance that includes the Crystals, the Borg are one of the best allies to have. They have the best ability to beat web mines, being able to chunnel fuel from anywhere to your fleet as long as you still have 1kt of fuel on board your Firecloud.
I think if I was fighting a 3 way alliance that included the Crystals, I would go with Borg, Robots(unless the Colonies is one of the Crystals allies) and either the Feds or Lizards.
2974 days, 10 hours, 10 minutes ago
View sirius113's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Crystals are good in def, and perfect with cloaking ships, so its clear.
Privateers is in almost every combination aswell, just because of their OP MBR xD
Cyborg comes to short here imo, that FCC is OP like the MBR. While MBR's are much more powerful at the beginning, FCC's dominate the endgame imo
2974 days, 10 hours, 5 minutes ago
View capnkill's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Eh, I'd say the Borg >>> Empire.

Dark sense is overrated, useful at the beginning but quickly looses its impact.

The Freclouds outweigh any advantage the Empire can offer.

2973 days, 5 hours, 54 minutes ago
View mugulor's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply

I always find that the dark sense is underated by most people.

In a one on one fight, I would pick the Borg over the Empire, just because of the Firecloud.

Though Fireclouds are a very very awesome ship, if your ally is the Crystals, the speed advantage of the Firecloud is already compensated for by the Crystals' webmines being able to halt your enemies ability to move faster than you can.

2972 days, 20 hours, 24 minutes ago
View kosh's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
>> Dark sense is overrated

Well as ally thing that is awsome, if your ally got cloakers or good middle level ships.
Dark sense tells where is all the money and your ally hit them :)

But as one of the race ability it own it dont do much of impact. I would trade that any time for bio scanner :)

2972 days, 18 hours, 50 minutes ago
View mugulor's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Bioscanners are good to find which planets are important to your enemy, but won't sufficient defense posts mask their presence?
2972 days, 18 hours, 44 minutes ago
View kosh's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Cobol and Brynhild got only 20% change to detect life Cylons Pawn class 100%.
And yes 20 or more will shield that planet from scanning.

But if you build 1-2 of those at first ships. You gain lot of turns, to seek them.
U go streight at them and start to build.

if your FED, Colonial or Cylon and you dont build BIO scanner as your first ship, you are an idiot :)

2972 days, 18 hours, 38 minutes ago
View mugulor's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Didn't realize the Robots bioscanner had 100% capability.
Robot-Crystal-X would be good combo too. Robots lay massive minefields which the Crystals can scoop up and turn into massive webmine fields.
2972 days, 17 hours, 13 minutes ago
View nitemare's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
When the bots set a minefield in other race id they set 1x not 4x. Somebody thought on this exploit a long time ago.
2972 days, 17 hours, 1 minutes ago
View mugulor's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply

2970 days, 8 hours, 51 minutes ago
View jessilaurn's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Long ago, in the Before Time, I had a grand ol' time as part of a Colonial-Borg-Privateer team.  It was designed as a team game from the outset, three teams of three on a custom map with three large clusters around a central hub and huge empty expanses elsewhere.  

I spent a good thirty turns, plotted out on graph paper, moving my MBR-Firecloud-Cobol team well outside of scanner range through the void and around the far side of one of those big clusters.  Then poured through a massive assault force that tore through a good third of the cluster before a defense could be mounted.

Sweet gods, it was beautiful.
2970 days, 8 hours, 46 minutes ago
View jessilaurn's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
"If your FED, Colonial or Cylon and you dont build BIO scanner as your first ship, you are an idiot :)"

Actually, there are instances where you're better off producing something else - such as a large freighter - before popping out that bioscanner.

One such case is when you have an exceptional cluster of nearby planets; you can do better getting the big hauler out the door with a healthy load of colonists first and then sending out the bioscanner to catch the more distant stuff (particularly if you're playing the Colonies, and your bioscanner happens to be a decent little freighter with endless fuel).
2932 days, 22 hours, 47 minutes ago
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RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Lots of good ideas here  - really good ideas.  Now that team games have started, I'm wondering how important is the ability to quickly get to your team members?  If starting positions are random, they likely are not your neighbors.  There hasn't been a lot of discussion of that in the strategy above but it seems like this would be crucial to playing as a cohesive team.  

Any race with HYP drives would go a long way to helping.
As would the Priv grav acc ships.

I suspect having just one team member with either a HYP ship or grav acc would do it. . .

To really integrate, Fireclouds would be hard to beat.

2932 days, 22 hours, 19 minutes ago
View veldan's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
In the team games, it appears that it's set up where each team is in one of the corners and the homeworlds are a few hundred (200 - 600 ly's) apart.  It's important to be able to get close to one another.  And obviously it would be nice to have a quick way to share cash, especially if one teammate has a bad starting spot.
2932 days, 17 hours, 5 minutes ago
View daniel payne's profile
daniel payne
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Hey folks.  I enjoy this topic, as I think it is a rich and diverse one worthy of discussion.  My 2 cents: Lizards with Rebel Falcons

One of the few problems the Lizards run into is the inefficiency of sending in many cruisers into enemy space only to have to turn around for more clans, fuel, torpedoes, etc.  The talented player will be able to foresee this and begin stockpiling clans and fuel near the border.  But the logistics of this is a real issue, especially in an extended campaign where your border keeps expanding. It is work.  The ability to send only a few LCCs into enemy territory with a constant supply of fuel, cash, and especially clans is a giant advantage.  As an added bonus, minefields become just about worthless since you are only traveling a single light year to meet the Falcon in the warp well.

And I am with the fellow who says that Pirates, Crystals, and Colonies are the best combo.  Most 3-team combos are potent, but this one really has offense, defense and economy all taken care of.
2932 days, 13 hours, 43 minutes ago
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RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
I tend to have to watch my fuel carefully with both the Liz and Rebels.  Its 100 fuel round trip for a falcon and more than one are needed to fill the LCC.  Add Colonies to make a 3 way and eliminate the fuel limitation and I'm sold.

Also, a MCBR towing a LDSF full of pop is effective and can fill several LCCs.  

2932 days, 13 hours, 33 minutes ago
View capnkill's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
The argument with the MCBR is that it has to navigate through mine fields to get to the LCC. 

So assuming the LCC has already made it to a big enemy planet without hitting mines, or before mines were laid, the strategy is pretty deadly. 

The LCC only needs enough fuel to continue to stay cloaked, so its not that much.  With this strategy the planet will theoretically be assaulted by 120 lizards every other turn and there is nothing the opponent can do aside from attempting to continually resupply the planet with more clans.

Either way, you have 1 Falcon and 1 LCC causing a major distraction for the enemy, which is a pretty good trade off.  Get 2 falcons in the mix and you have 240 Lizards dropping every other turn.

Yes the Falcon needs 100 to get there and come back, but its not that huge of a deal if you find that fuel planet or if you have a refinery / merlin combo over a nice Bovi.

I just don't see how anyone can stop that combination attack, I think the planet will fall eventually.  There are only specific areas in teh warpwell that the Falcon can go to without being drawn into the planet,so I suppose you can try to guess where he might go and wait there, but you need at least 3 or 4 ships to do it, so either way, it becomes a pain in the arse.

2932 days, 13 hours, 10 minutes ago
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RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Good points.

I keep my MCBR LDSF combo behind enemy lines and must manage fuel in the LCCs so I can move to the "baggage train".  Mine fields are an issue for the LCC.  They can take a hit, but not two.  Im not sure if they decloak when damaged here or not.

The falcon option is more direct, takes less time but holds a lot less pop and costs fuel. I see your point that in heavy mine fields it is the best option.  
2932 days, 13 hours, 2 minutes ago
View capnkill's profile
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
1% damage is enough to decloak all ships, so the LCC can't afford to take a hit. 

If you wanted to assault a planet that is already protected by a mine filed you'd probably have to send 2 LCCs, one with enough mines so that it can eliminate the field then the 2nd to move in the same turn.

Once you plant the tick LCC then you're set.

2932 days, 12 hours, 55 minutes ago
View daniel payne's profile
daniel payne
RE: Best 3 Race Combo?Write Reply
Yes, you have it.  You only have to worry about mines once you conquer a planet and move to the next.  The fuel advantage is pretty significant though.  It takes way more than 100 fuel to get 120 clans 350 LY into enemy space aboard cloaked LCCs, maybe as much as 300 or 400.

No big deal. There are lots of cool tactics in the game.  I have just never seen any mention of this one before.  And I have used it myself to pretty darn good effect.  One thing though: Once you have several Falcon-Lizard groups (2 Falcons per LCC works best, arriving on the same turn), you may occasionally lose track of what is what, as there is a lot of calculating to do. It is an unforgiving tactic, so find myself fighting planets from time to time.  Yuck.