Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!

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2878 days, 5 hours, 59 minutes ago
View spacesquad's profile
Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
The first emperor game is about to start. Before we play the first turn.....gentelmen place your bets.

1) Who will be the emperor and why?
2) Who will die first and why?
3) Who will kill another race first and why?
4) Which turn the ship limit will be hit?
5) Which turn the first race be dead?

2878 days, 5 hours, 12 minutes ago
View olio's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply

1) Admiral Thrain for his cunning skill with the Birds, plus he is a fellow countryman.

2) Borg will die first for his/her neighbours need space to expand and can't let him/her grow.

3) One of neighbours of the Borg will deal the first killing blow.

4) 26

5) 14

2878 days, 3 hours, 7 minutes ago
View admiral_thrain's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
1) The best diplomat and logistic excluding Borg and Privateers... they simply can't be left alone. (thanks olio for voting me)
2) Empire dies first... too many weaknesses against aggressive cloakers in early game. Sorry Halion.
3) Lizards will get the first kill...
4) Before turn 30
5) Turn 25
2878 days, 2 hours, 10 minutes ago
View halion's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply

Haha well actually I will speak with Turssi who has done very well in the Blitz tournament playing as EE. So actualy you should fear my early SSD/Gorbie rush on the HW.. time to flex that darksense ;)

I like this thread Spacesquad good job, here are my predictions:-

1) Definately think the winner will handle diplomacy well and probably will be a dark horse that isn't an early front runner.... =Crystal
2) I think somone unexpected will go first, they will make a play for an early kill and fail then get picked off... = Birdmen (sorry Admiral ;) )
3) Won't be surprised to see Lizard take this... hide those waypoints guys...
4) Turn 28
5) Turn 20

2877 days, 21 hours, 31 minutes ago
View admiral_thrain's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Halion - You can ask Turssi how I beat him 2-0 in the Blitz tournament. :)
2877 days, 16 hours, 9 minutes ago
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RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
I'm a total newbie - don't talk to me about playing empire :D You'll be better off talking to Mikko78 who is rank 1 while playing EE in the Pacifica System.

Good luck to you guys!

EDIT: Back to the betting:

1) thin lizzy for emperor - Lizards go the extra mile.
2) Whoever is mesh_hongs neighbour but doesn't ally with his privateer bands will die first.
3) ronnle robot's Robotic Imperium will get the first kill. Why? He will do it for a few planets!
4) Ship limit will hit only turn 33.
5) First race dead at turn 28!
2877 days, 12 hours, 34 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply

1) Hehe, Thanks, agree, because i had a very good teacher
2) One of the two public enemies because of their nature.
3) The Robot, because of the multitasking automa.
4) If two players decide to play an early strike, Turn 29
5) Whoever is injured will not give up, i guess. Turn 43 earliest.

2877 days, 11 hours, 15 minutes ago
View coldsteel's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
1) Halion. Others will underestimate the Empire and Dark Sense will be very useful in a free-for-all environment. Also, the British accent of Imperial officers will carry a lot of diplomatic weight!
2) Borg. The neighbours will smash them before they get the chance to become all powerful.
3) Feds. Wild guess, but they do have possibly the best early ship line-up (as demonstrated in the blitz tournament)
4) Turn 30
5) Turn 40
2877 days, 6 hours, 5 minutes ago
View mjs68508's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
1) Crystals/Spacesquad - Spacesquad/Halion/thin lizzy are a well-oiled machine and will sweep the others away. Having Gorbies, the EE will be killed next. Thin lizzy is a bit better player than spacesquad. But, the Crystal will have a well-developed economy by this time and webs will trump cloakers. All Hail Emperor Spacesquad!
2) It is tempting to say borg/privateers because they are so hated (as a race). And, they are very weak in the beginning, especially the borg. I expect both of them to be neutered quickly. However, tracking down all the borg probes and their planets could take a long while. Likewise, the Privateers will be very difficult to totally eliminate. It is tempting to list the Feds, but they may very well bargain their super-refit power for survival. Therefore, I am going to go with the Rebels to be the first totally eliminated. People will want to get rid of them because of their free ftr power and they have less to bargain with.
3) The first race will probably not be eliminated by their enemy. The coup-de-grace will be administered by an ally or neighbor of a very, very weak race just to consolidate their territory and not have to look over their shoulder. "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."
4) While turn 25 would be my guess with a team/alliance game with experienced players, I am going to go with turn 29 as my first guess and turn 33 as my second guess. With no permanent alliances, their will be less incentive to build crappy ships that an ally can use for hissing, ftr building, probing, mine-laying, etc. In addition, I think there will be some early battles that will eliminate a few ships and inhibit SB building. 
5) The next Emperor game starts in 6 months (52 turns). It is extemely difficult to kill a race that will do anything to survive. So, I doubt if a race will be killed before turn 50. My guess is turn 54. (Besides, that was the year I was born and what could be more scientific than that?)

2877 days, 1 hours, 29 minutes ago
View tom graves's profile
tom graves
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
1) Colony player because he or she is so mysterious.
2) Crystals/Borg/Privs should be priority targets, but good players find a way.
3) Lizards or Robots have the best opportunity
4) 29 seems to be a popular number
5) 29 seems reasonable.

6) Average age of players - I'm 51.

2877 days, 1 hours, 21 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
^^ hahaha - thanks for the well oiled flowers..
but since this is not a team game we all have random neighbours
of which all i suspect to be excellent partners or opponents.

especially the last question is very interesting. many people have
complained here about bad starting positions, bad allies and weak races.
 this game will certainly prove how important a strong 'kampfgeist' is.

2876 days, 23 hours, 41 minutes ago
View admiral_thrain's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Thin lizzy - I hope when you say that this is not a team game, you don't divide the Echo Cluster in half with your friend Spacesquad and then battle against each other for the victory...
2876 days, 23 hours, 3 minutes ago
View tom graves's profile
tom graves
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Let the politicking begin! ;-)

You say Thin Lizzy and Spacesquad are friends? Wow, I guess we should all be careful about that! :-)

Well who else might already be forming (non) alliances?

2876 days, 13 hours, 18 minutes ago
View chaos1357's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
1 - Having seen Spacequad in action as the Xtals, I have no problem swearing allegiance to Emperor Spacesquad.

2 - If it's not the Borg, I would be disappointed in the rest of the players.

3 - EE imperial drops on the last borg stronghold.

4 - 25

5 - 21
2875 days, 19 hours, 53 minutes ago
View draven's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
1) Who will be the emperor and why?

-> If I talk with my heart I bet for Thin Lizzy (those green scales of my youth) though I know it is very difficult. My second option (more realistic) is Admiral Thrain, the one who taught me a lot of the Birds. And if he succeeds he will probably do it from his computer while listening good finnish metal music.

2) Who will die first and why?

-> Probably the Borg for the above mentioned reasons. And because when his colonist die and the crew of his ships are jettisoned to the space, all the other players will be happy to say to him "resistance is futile".

3) Who will kill another race first and why?

-> The Privateer will be the first to kill somebody. And he will do it with style... I mean, with his neighbor's own ships once stolen. And as I said the first to die will be the Borg, I believe the Privateer will have a starting position next to the Cyborg HW. Not too far, only 2 or 3 turns with Gravitronics.

4) Which turn the ship limit will be hit?

-> 27

5) Which turn the first race be dead?

-> The Privateer is not a fast killer, as he needs to rob the ships he will need to attack. Let's say turn 28.
2875 days, 14 hours, 43 minutes ago
View capnkill's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Is this game being played with the new stuff.. like those constellations and asteroid belts and stuff?
2875 days, 3 hours, 35 minutes ago
View mesh_hong's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply

This is an assessment of race, assuming all players are experts.

1. Robots are my main guess at raw power, both early and long term. Building fighters, massive mine fields. They might have fuel issues, but a good player can anticipate that. A couple of early Instru's could end someone's bid for emporer.

2. This one is a toss up between the Borg, Fascists and Pirates. Nobody likes the borg or the pirates and the Fascists are reasonably easy to dispose of early on.

3. Robots or Lizards. Instru's or T-Rex's, out they come... away a homeworld goes.

4. Ship limit should come early. Maybe turn 25.

5. First race(s) should die before turn 20.

Thats my guess.

2875 days, 1 hours, 59 minutes ago
View dungeonmaster's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
I've looked at everyone's games and I'm pretty confident in my guess.

1) Mesh Hong - very very skilled pirate, wins quickly and does not need a good start to be formidable
2) Aladrius or Tom Graves, I suspect you're not ready for a strong pirate/lizard/borg
3) Thin lizzy has to, otherwise he's dead meat
4) ~25
5) ~30

Obscure is a wild card for me. I wish him well.
2875 days, 1 hours, 42 minutes ago
View tom graves's profile
tom graves
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
>>2) Aladrius or Tom Graves, I suspect you're not ready for a strong pirate/lizard/borg<<

Speaking purely hypothetically, I'll make a much better minion than road kill.

Just saying.

"These are not the Rebels we're looking for... Move along, move along..."

May the Force Be With You,

2875 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes ago
View nitemare's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
1) Robot player, best economy of the game. They need 1/4 of the mats to minelay and can build fighters.  They don't need allies so no backstab problems.
2) Lizards or Birds neighbours.  Specially if they are the privateer or the crystalline.
3) Lizards probably.
4)Around turn 30
5)Totally eradicated around turn 35 virtually dead around turn 25
2874 days, 16 hours, 46 minutes ago
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RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
1) The privateers (if he doesnt end besides thin lizzy or something). The EE has a chance also because everybody will rather gang on the Borg than on him and dark sense will give him a diplomatic edge over the others. If he has a bad neighbor (privateer), he's toast though.
2) I can really see the borg set as primary enemy from all sides. He may be able to survive with a strong start and favorable planet disposition.
3) Lizards, if he doesn't screw up.
4) Turn 28
5) Turn 20-25, (no pressure thin lizzy :P). If that goes wrong, I can also see everybody surviving for a long time.

2874 days, 14 hours, 59 minutes ago
View sakawa's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
The starting point is crucial here. If you are in the middle (e.g. 10, 5 or 11) get ready to receive "greetings" for everyone. Communications between players crucial too.

No idea how it is the set up but if you are in the middle. ¿Do you collaborate, get together, hold positions and try to kill the rest or at least hold back to back and keep alive? Hmmm

1      2         3
4 ¿10?  5 ¿11? 6
7      8          9

1-.Robots (ronnle robot) Birds (admiral_thrain) Privateers (mesh_hong)

2-.Cyborgs (obscure). Supposedly no one wants him to grow and became a man with cubes surfing the space. But if he starts in a corner and communications/diplomacy works fine. Hmmm Or if everyone it is watching everyone and tic...tac...tic...tac...but no one takes the first step.

3-.Privateers (mesh_hong) Birds (admiral_thrain) Lizards (thin lizzy) If any two of those get together and target the same player at the same time. Adios!

4-. No idea. Depends how the players face the game. ¿Collaborate or kill everything it moves? ¿Do you invest in SB or in powerful ships?

5-. 20

Too good players in such "small" area. Probably ambassadors are very busy right now.
2874 days, 5 hours, 29 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply

^^ 2 is wrong

race 2
2874 days, 4 hours, 27 minutes ago
View rudgar's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
*another Romulan appears, bows slightly*


1) My idol Admiral Thrain - who else?
2) All others. Because they deserved it.
3) Irrelevant - it's important who kills the last other race.
4) Irrelevant - you never have enough ships to beat a captains with a strong heart ... and a working cloaking device.
5) When it's time for it.

*nods with a smile, turns arround and dissapears by switching on his cloaking device*


geeeeee, looks like i've been too much in RPGs meanwhile ;-)
Tally ho and good luck for all participants!

Regards, Me
2874 days, 1 hours, 35 minutes ago
View tom graves's profile
tom graves
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Current Betting Leaders:

Emperor - Lizards and Privateers, followed closely by Birds and Robots
First Dead - Borg clear front runner, followed by Rebels and Birds
First Kill - Lizards, followed by Robots
2874 days, 0 hours, 25 minutes ago
View admiral_thrain's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
I don't believe there is anyone in the middle... if there is, it would be VERY unfair. Borg will most likely HYP to assimilate the middle, but he won't start there. Rebels may also be looking for outposts there.


I've got surprisingly many top positions... I do my best to fill the expectations.
2873 days, 22 hours, 10 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply

well, we have sakawa's setup in one officer's game ...
it's not that bad at all, if it is a cloaker, the crys or the borg.
are you sure that there is no one?

2859 days, 15 hours, 25 minutes ago
View coldsteel's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
I really enjoyed reading through the Scorpius thread. I was surprised to read the amount of in-game detail of the role-play stories. Are they really accurate though? Is the privateer homeworld really at Australis and the Empire just broadcasted it to everyone? Are the Borg really at Gorn next-door to the Lizzies? Bad news for the Borg then...

I'm also surprised the Romulan propaganda machine has been so quiet recently.
2859 days, 11 hours, 56 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply

yes, the lizzies had contact. but if i had not set the ship to 'beam up fuel' and p.e. borg
(random hyper guess, other ships have rebel or empire) i now would know how long
this planet was in cyborg hands according to the assimilated clans.
with that info or the probe id (no probe there) i would have been able to roughly track
back, whether the cyborg is my neighbour or has jumped a few times before reaching this
planet. there were supplies but no mc on there, so he can have taken this planet just
last turn. which means he can sit anywhere.

no. the planet name is not gorn, neither is my home planet. it is the name of the lizards
in star trek, and since there is a planet on the star map that is called gorn
(there is a cylon as well) i took the original name.

edit: ^^ now you made me look up, where gorn actually is..
2859 days, 4 hours, 30 minutes ago
View admiral_thrain's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Yes, it's been quiet in my part. Propaganda office empolyees are on holiday... It has been also quiet in my surroundings... Haven't seen anyone yet and all I have found is rocks... ;)
2859 days, 2 hours, 53 minutes ago
View nitemare's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Well, If the privateer hw is where the romulan said isn't a bad movement for him. The privateer is one of the races they want to eradicate first so sending the info to all the other commanders probably will do the job for him. Another race will be fighting while the rebel growth and the privateer are stop in the meanwhile. 

 In the other hand, the borgs now could be anywhere. In seven turns they could had cross the ecocluster leaving growing hw everywhere. 

By the way there is a tholian world too...
2859 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes ago
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RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
The Borg doesn't seem to expand well, it will tough for him.
2858 days, 23 hours, 24 minutes ago
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RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
@zelrik: The championship game is only at turn7. Can you really make that kind of judgements this early?

Anyhow looks like both the Empire and the Rebels have got their 2nd SB up and running. Lots and lots of HYP ships to be built I guess.
2858 days, 23 hours, 20 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply

hmmm - 10 planets after five turns of colonizing is not too bad. to me it's a sign for a mediocre
starting position (or he has hit bad planets). but of course i am pretty excited whether he is
my neighbour now or not..  how the fed and the colonial did get that many planets in this
short time is quite miraculous to me though.. they must be having a hell of a start.

edit: turssi got the point faster than me..

2858 days, 23 hours, 17 minutes ago
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RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
@turssi, It is indeed early to tell. I am aware that I am just commenting on very little information available. :) I did notice he didn't build a second starbase yet though, turn 7 is getting late to do so. 

It makes a lot of sense for the EE, Rebels, Borg and Lizards to build a second SB very early. So far I see only Rebels and EE doing it, which makes me think there are ahead of the 2 others. 
2858 days, 17 hours, 56 minutes ago
View coldsteel's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
If every ship takes 1 planet every turn, after 7 turns the maximum theoretical number you could have with 1 SB is 15 planets. So the colonies at 14 must have a well-connected homeworld in a fairly large home cluster. The feds also must be pretty close to that as well, but it's interesting on turn 3 he didn't take a planet; he probably sent the MDSF straight from the hw to another cluster so he wouldn't broadcast his location later on.

I was trying to back out the time history of planets for  the two but I think there's a bug with the planet history screen. It shows the colonies at 10 planets and the feds at 9.
2858 days, 17 hours, 46 minutes ago
View coldsteel's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
@ nitemare. I agree the EE did a smart move there with the privateer homeworld. He's probably the one most vulnerable to the privateer and because he HYPed there he didn't actually give anything away about himself -- other than he lost a probe.

Also, the Rebel saying he can have high-beam falcons is probably self-serving too... don't try to minefield me or I'll HP your minefield with my falcons :)
2858 days, 17 hours, 4 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply

1, 1, 1, 3, 6, 10, 13

1, 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 14

1, 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 15.

we should be able to retrieve some data from that?

2858 days, 16 hours, 23 minutes ago
View coldsteel's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
So I'll have to adjust the theoretical to a max of 16:
1, 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16

Because the feds have a pretty good rate of expansion after the first turn I'd say they only sent the MDSF to another cluster (C2) and the rest of the planets are in the home cluster (HC). So my guess is they acquired 4 planets in the new cluster and 9 in the home cluster. They probably already sent a ship in T6 to another cluster given that they started off with building two warships (Nebulas I guess).
HC: 1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 7, 9
C2: 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

The colonies are following the theoretical until turn 5, so they didn't leave the home cluster until the earliest at T5 or one of the two early ships reached the end of a branch. Either way, all except maybe 1 at most are in their home cluster. So their home cluster is at least 13 planets.

2858 days, 15 hours, 58 minutes ago
View tom graves's profile
tom graves
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
You know the Rebels have intentionally not populated worlds just to make sure your home cluster evaluation studies will be thrown into the dustbin of galactic history... And I've wasted colonists to populate amorph planets even though in a few turns the colonists are all going to be eaten (thus losing them and not growing by one more that turn).

What does that do for your algorithm? :-)

General Kota
2858 days, 15 hours, 52 minutes ago
View coldsteel's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
And also, you built a second SB and have a lot of HYP ships. You'd be by far the most difficult to evaluate, so I'm not even going to try :)
2858 days, 15 hours, 6 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply

true, true... thanks coldsteel :)

love playing around with these numbers. it's especially exciting if you have not found your neighbours yet.
i've got some more data, if you're interested. but this we would have to discuss "under four eyes"...

general, we are just trying to understand how the heck those two could develop so fast..
that you had to move back with your freighter because you built your base is clear.. :)

2858 days, 9 hours, 18 minutes ago
View admiral_thrain's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
What goes up, must come down... It applies to jogger's boobs as well as enemy planet count.
2857 days, 18 hours, 41 minutes ago
View coldsteel's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
I just wanted to say I'm not picking on the Feds or the Colonies in any way. It's just they are the easiest to tell anything about from the information that is publicly available because they have had a rapid rate of expansion and no hyp ships. They clearly sat down and planned their ship routes to maximize their early planet count -- which is a good strategy, you definitely want to know where the good planets are as early as possible.

This kind of analysis only works when the situation is pretty simple, so you can only tell things like that at the beginning of the game. In blitz games, the score information gives away a lot to the opposition. I was playing against the Borg, and it was easy to tell he was going to rush with an Annihilation/Biocide and based on the military score over time you can also distinguish between the two.
2850 days, 2 hours, 14 minutes ago
View dungeonmaster's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
I stand corrected gentlemen, it looks as though the borg has gone and died without firing a single shot. A pity that. You were right.  
2850 days, 1 hours, 54 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Crap, turn 10 borg HW gone?!! Cubes in the Nu universe wear a distinctive black stripe and travel at half warp.

Any bets how that happened? 
2850 days, 0 hours, 23 minutes ago
View dungeonmaster's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
No PBP so likely a cloaker with a starbase NOT set to refuel.
If he built a firecloud the opponent may have a chance at cloning them before ship limit.
However note that the score has been very very buggy of late, so it may not reflect reality.
10 turns is definitely possible when sold out by the emperor. Otherwise it's extreme luck or capitalizing on a horrible mistake to find and reach the HW that quickly.
2849 days, 7 hours, 30 minutes ago
View admiral_thrain's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Firecloud was built couple of turns ago and then it left/was towed away from HW. Since HW doesn't have any real defence in NU (at least in vgap it has 20 fighters + 100 dps by default) it's not a hard to take the HW out. Who was behind this? Maybe MBR? Or did Empire has something to do with this by revealing the Borg HW to a cloaker race next to Borg?

But Borg is Borg, don't stop until there is no Borg left. At least I won't...
2849 days, 2 hours, 2 minutes ago
View tom graves's profile
tom graves
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply

Who could be responsible?

Who could sit over someone's homeworld and observe the comings and goings of ships?

Who  built a large enough warship in the first four or five turns to make the journey to someone else's HW by turn 10? or a couple of them to send off toward two neighbors? I can't wait till next turn...

Build up those HW defenses boys! Dem running rebels got 79 fighters on their SB's.

Who is experienced enough and analytical enough to be able to guesstimate HW locations?

Who seems to know what is happening at the Borg HW?


Could it be....ROMULANS?!?!?!?

BTW, well done.

Anyone want to re-vote on who will be the emperor, now?

2849 days, 1 hours, 45 minutes ago
View olio's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
I don't have to re-vote :P
2849 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply

Nice shot, Blitzmaster.

2848 days, 23 hours, 24 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Nice! A Firecloud for cloning would be a deserved reward for that move.

My bet for the winner: A cluster where everyone fights everyone will slowly but unstoppably get covered by webs.
2848 days, 22 hours, 22 minutes ago
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RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Looking at the scores we have MCBR's and LCC's built from turn 1 and a resolute(?) ready on turn 5.

Also the Fascist has been pumping out military ships.

So it could be any one of these heroes. Or someone with intel and bigger ships towed by the privateer. Who knows?
2848 days, 15 hours, 36 minutes ago
View capnkill's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Can't count out the Borg, not until they are 100% extinct, I think we all know better than that :)

But leaving a Firecloud behind is very bad though, this really changes the entire dynamic of the game, should be interesting.

Does this game allow alliances and all that?
2848 days, 6 hours, 25 minutes ago
View spacesquad's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Again, the Borg is the last outstanding player, just because of the delay he caused so far he deserves to be the first out of the game. 3days for  the early turns??? Cmon!

In theory, he could recover, but practicaly he is already dead. Whatever killed his HW can kill all his remaining planets as well. He just have 6 probes, 1 FireCloud and 2 Freighters (1MDSF) It will be hard for him to move any minerals to build a second base. He would need a lot of Mcs to build a base, raise the TL and then build?? A Cube?? a FC for mine cover?? It took him 7 turns to build his first FC on his HW with plenty of minerals and MCs. He is running out of time....

I would be stunned if Borg can recover, but i doubt that his secret killer, lets call him "the Thin Admiral Nico_hong" would now lean back and let him crow again.

2848 days, 3 hours, 25 minutes ago
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RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
@spacesquad, don't underestimate the assimilation. If the borg finds 'super-planets' they ll be SB on their own, that s acually how they win. Probes can transport the cash. A good borg would be still playing and try to find a few of those Super planets. I would normally say that you shouldnt count them out, I am not sure about what this particular player would do though.
2848 days, 2 hours, 13 minutes ago
View dungeonmaster's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Spacequad, I too would be stunned if he can recover, though not due to the loss of his HW but instead the raw number of planets he has. It's simply not enough planets, 15 planets likely means 1 or 2 planets that could build a starbase without shipped minerals under normal circumstances.  There's no question borg can recover from otherwise deadly scenarios but they generally need either a lot of planets or an ally. Under normal circumstances diplomacy would be able to save him, but this is a championship match and I presume few would let the borg grow in their own backyard for the promise of fireclouds in the future. His only real goal going forward should be vengeance however and someone could be crowned emperor by harboring him. I'm a vindictive bastard, I know I would do it :P
2848 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
IMHO borg is cleverly delaying his turn, playing a borg turn takes a lot of time, specially in the mid game. If he is good, once the logistic machine is on top of things and bases making many cubes & fighters, it gets simpler. So if he does the turns too early he could be with his hands full too quickly. We all have RL and you also need to plan the logistics of your own play time ;)
I would have done the same. This is the 2nd hardest part of the borg.

The hardest thing for a borg is to survive early on. Normally a clever borg does this with 1 ally, but in championship game: It is really all about early survival, which also takes a lot of thinking time to make the turn. Too bad he is not doing that well on that. *cheers borg*

His only real goal going forward should be vengeance however and someone could be crowned emperor by harboring him. I'm a vindictive bastard, I know I would do it :P 

I agree 100%, the neighbours of the race that took his HW will benefit from this turn of events if they play their cards well by harbouring him. As a borg I would also sell my soul to the devil just to ensure that the race that hurt me that bad goes down with me. I don't know, but I think the borg will be having MORE fun NOW ;)

2848 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes ago
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RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Hey Dungeonmaster, don´t complain about the 15 planets, i only have 12!! Maybe i should surrender.... ;-) Keep in mind that this is turn 10, have you ever seen a headkill by turn 10? If the Borg is going for vegeance, he could disclose his attacker and the position. But then all Borg planets would be disclosed too, Some nearby the former Homeworld, some on the HYP circle around it. Not to hard to track down.

Actually that situation is nearly independent from the Borgs gamesetup. He was just at the wrong place, bad luck! But the Thin Admiral Nico_hong is still out there. One of them is smiling, the other 3 questioning themselfs why their rush takes longer....

With no Fireclouds in the game, i do not have a chance to find one in my web. :( 
2848 days, 0 hours, 6 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply

wow, figak and dungeonmaster, this is true borg loyalty..
but how would a plan look like when you don't have anything
to put up against the ships that attacked you, and you need
30000mc at least to build a ship that can take these out?

2847 days, 21 hours, 50 minutes ago
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RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
One probe is enough, that's all I'm saying.

The Borg HW is not important, as long as you manage to get enough probes out there, it's really insignificant. 

He has 15 planets?  Who's to say that half of those planets aren't capable of building a SB and a Firecloud with the minerals that are on the surface and in the ground.

Until the Borg has 0 ships and 0 planets, he's not out of it, not by a long shot, and tracking him down once the probes are out is very difficult, the Empire would have to lend a hand for sure.

2847 days, 0 hours, 28 minutes ago
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RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Thin Lizzy, not so much loyalty per se, more irritated that my prediction was wrong. MC isn't the issue borg worlds produce copious amounts during assimilation. Right now it's the ship limit and lack of infrastructure that will hobble.

Spacesquad, yeah for sure I've seen sub 10 turn kills, particularly in the old host with completely random starting locations, you could start very close to someone else. I similarly took out a lizard HW with 2 death specula in one of my old games, seveiht one of my old friends on Nu can attest to the truth of that one (he ended up winning the game as the pirate since my early attack and poor starting location cost me dearly). Death specula excel at this role, particularly in the old host where HW start out better defended than they do in Nu. I would not be surprised if it turns out to be a death specula that did the deed in this championship game. They're often overlooked, to detriment, they pack a lot of punch even if it is only 1 punch.
2846 days, 21 hours, 1 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
@thin lizzy
Come on, this is like the world cup we must cheer for our sides ;)
Also if obscure had declined it could have been me on the receiving end! It was going to be tight because of RL and other games, so I'm glad obscure did jump in !


O yeah, I agree on the love to the death specula early in the game. Two death specs with Mk4 can be deadly against a low defense HW as most people don't blow money on fighters and defenses posts until later on.

As a Bird in NU I had planned to make good use of it (turn 24). If only:
1) the lizard I was attacking hadn't built 50 base fighters like in turn 6 for no apparent reason.
2) waiting for a pesky ion storm to clear as they don't have advanced cloak

The HW was in tatters but standing. (also a mistake in combat order on my part...I should have thought about it more), a Reso pair coming in later took care of business.

Oops but I'm going off-topic. Sorry.

2846 days, 18 hours, 48 minutes ago
View coldsteel's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
The reason one of his planets doesn't have the minerals on the ground to re-build a SB is because he would already have done so if it did. And his LDSF is probably in his home cluster, not at the other planets that may be safe to rebuild a starbase at.
2846 days, 18 hours, 41 minutes ago
View capnkill's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Well what about IN the ground? 

2846 days, 12 hours, 17 minutes ago
View coldsteel's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
That would require supplies... unless he also has the good luck of having a planet with enough minerals to build a starbase and bovis on it, we're looking at about 10 turns before he can build an infrastructure to mine the planet out. By that time the ship limit is going to be close.
2846 days, 12 hours, 17 minutes ago
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RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
2846 days, 12 hours, 17 minutes ago
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RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Best bet to rebuild the SB as someone mentioned before, if he can negotiate with another neighbour.
2846 days, 12 hours, 2 minutes ago
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RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
His best chance would be to find some isolated planets that nobody bothers taking and try to recover with what he has available. I think the assimilation process on a good planet is about ~20 turns with a couple of clans/probes, it can be a much faster recovery if it s a bovinoid planet, also if he manages to steal a falcon full of clans/supplies, he ll suddenly be fine.
2846 days, 7 hours, 31 minutes ago
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RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
I find that with the planet based win conditions no planet is left unturned, but amoprh that are too hot/cold.
2845 days, 0 hours, 37 minutes ago
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RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
So the Rebel commander now says that the Lizards did it. A post borg-hw host run has the Lizards at 4 star bases.

I'm willing to believe that this is what happened.
2844 days, 23 hours, 34 minutes ago
View admiral_thrain's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
It has been pretty obvious that Lizard did it, at least in my books. Although, you don't get Tal Shiar reports so it might be hard to see it... ;)
2844 days, 22 hours, 2 minutes ago
View dungeonmaster's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
I don't want to be seen as influencing a game I'm not directly involved in, but it's been pretty clear to this commander who did what, no need for Tal Shiar. Achievement is granted for defeating enemy starbases and the leaderboard tracks gains/losses. The moment to see it has now lapsed, I keep my lips sealed. 
2831 days, 7 hours, 39 minutes ago
View coldsteel's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Why are the Crystals expanding so slowly? Is it because of a focus on building extra starbases?

Why did the Rebels experience a sharp 1-turn drop in the military? No one seems to have gained PBPs when that happened, so was it perhaps a ship trade?

Are the Romulans and Colonies in mutually assured destruction mode with their early skirmish? They're the only ones still at 1 SB and their planet acquisition seems to have reached a plateau.
2831 days, 6 hours, 51 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply

we had no irregular changes in the ship numbers, so the only reason for the drop i can make up is that he loaded fighters onto his star base - their score value is halfed then because it's static military power..

there were two colonial explosions in the space where the romulans and colonies are thought to be,
but the ship names did not explain what kind of ship it was. it looks a bit as if the romulans attacked the colonies. the second of these explosions was pretty far away from the estimated romulan home position.

anyway the game seems to have reached a point where it begins to become tight and people need to decide where to expand to with force - a + point for the races with hyperjumpers, because they can at least mark planets wit a few clans outside their actual territory

2798 days, 19 hours, 26 minutes ago
View admiral_thrain's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Answer for question 4 is turn 25. Congrats for the winners! A round of Romulan ale for everyone!
2798 days, 17 hours, 1 minutes ago
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RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Lol I just noticed around turn 7 I said "The Borg doesn't seem to expand well, it will tough for him.". Somebody told me it was too early to tell :D

I missed the ship limit by 3 turns, I underestimated the production capability of good players O_o.
2798 days, 3 hours, 53 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply

ship limit at turn 25 - congratulations to the winners!

zelrik, me too..

it seems as if obscure was pretty picky when choosing his planets. after turn 10 it was a bit unlucky for him, because three of his planets were conquered in exactly the turn when enough base-minerals had come out of the ground.. but somehow he managed to stay on his planet count for about ten turns although he was under severe attack, and destroyed about five or six major planets while being hunted by high-spec cloakers and battleships. if not attacked that early he would now have 7 (or more, because of of possible freighter traffic) star bases producing probes and fireclouds.. and then the limit would have struck much earlier.

if the borg will ever be extinct in this game we will have to see - there still is the suspicion that the rebels are giving them asylum. but if he survives - who will be the first who has to go?

2797 days, 22 hours, 7 minutes ago
View coldsteel's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
maybe no one will get eliminated, everyone on the verge of elimination could be able to trade their races' ability for a asylum.
2796 days, 23 hours, 21 minutes ago
View coldblooded's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
I think as a bet I may sound bandwagonish, as my brother has informed me he is the leading player at the moment, but I have to put my Money on Thin Lizzy here. Good Lizard players scare the hell out of me, I can see you being the major "evil" in this war. I also think it's safe to assume your the one pounding the Borgs face in.

I wanna place my second bet on Mesh, I wish we as spectators could observe the game as it goes on in more detail but we all know the reason that's impossible. I would love to see who the pirates started next too and how they are responding.

My opinions~
Most surprised high placing- Halion
Most surprised low placing- Aladrius
Player(s) I think will win- Thin, then Mesh or Space.
Player(s) I want to see pull off an upset- Nicodemus, and theduke to a extent.

As a Fascist player I would love to see some Klingon brutality get served but low placings for us never surprise me. I am also interested to see how the Feds do.

The Lizards are always as favorite to win in my opinion. Normally I would think the Pirates would be dominant but the ship limit was reached so early they might be boned, time will tell. Crystal are the crystal, always fun to watch  :)
2796 days, 6 hours, 47 minutes ago
View spacesquad's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
I can only agree with all the analyses made in the forum. I´m also totally surprised that a Lizard is leading the shipcount by turn 25. Never saw that before. Good job Thin Lizzy.
2782 days, 20 hours, 45 minutes ago
View tom graves's profile
tom graves
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
There is some very interesting diplomacy at play. And I am a total idiot. Geezsh, if you only knew.

2779 days, 13 hours, 34 minutes ago
View capnkill's profile
RE: Bets on the emperor game!! Books are open now!Write Reply
Isn't it normal for Lizards to have most ships?  They have the most SBs and they build hisssers like there's no tomorrow... just adds up.