bug with the new cloak indicator

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2792 days, 19 hours, 3 minutes ago
View daniel payne's profile
daniel payne
bug with the new cloak indicatorWrite Reply
24008: Lost Planet System

Turn 46.  Ship # 44 was given to me using a "gsx" friendly code last turn.  Its mission was correctly changed to Exploration by this action.  The "cloaked" indicator is visible.  This can not be possible.

EDIT: I think this is NOT a bug.  Read on.
2792 days, 18 hours, 50 minutes ago
View nitemare's profile
RE: bug with the new cloak indicatorWrite Reply
Yes it can be. I copy paste from donovan:

For the ship to switch ownership, it has to be in the same position as a ship of the intended new owner, and the receiving ship must have at least one clan onboard. This clan will not be transferred, so multiple ships can be received by the same ship. Both the receiving ship and the ship that is given away may be cloaked. Since transferring cargo is handled before beamtransfers, it is possible to transfer a clan to the receiving ship and give away your ship(s) in the same turn.

Since to GS goes after cloaking the ships is still cloaked.


2792 days, 18 hours, 42 minutes ago
View daniel payne's profile
daniel payne
RE: bug with the new cloak indicatorWrite Reply
Sure.  Fine. Everything happens after cloaking.  That does not change the fact that the ship's mission indicator reads Exploration when my turn begins and the cloak indicator is indicating that it is cloaked.  One of these indicators is lying.  Simple as that.
2792 days, 18 hours, 37 minutes ago
View nitemare's profile
RE: bug with the new cloak indicatorWrite Reply
This turn the ship is cloaked. If you let the mission in exploration and the host run it won't be cloaked. The cloaked indicators tells you how your ship was after the host run last turn. 

 It's like running out of fuel in the movement phase with a cloaker. Your mission will be reset to exploration but that turn you'll continue cloaked.
2792 days, 18 hours, 26 minutes ago
View daniel payne's profile
daniel payne
RE: bug with the new cloak indicatorWrite Reply

Go ahead and try to tow a ship and give the towing ship away on the same turn.  It can not be done because the mission is reset immediately.  It has to be that way or you get uncomfortable situations like the Rebels Super Spying or the Robots Pillaging.
2792 days, 18 hours, 20 minutes ago
View nitemare's profile
RE: bug with the new cloak indicatorWrite Reply
You are right you can't tow and gs thesame turn. But towing goes after GSX in the host order. Its easy to understand. Follow the host order, if you put a ship to gs and to pillage it won't work either because it goes after gs. But if you set a ship to rob and give it to the robot, the ship will rob, then change his ownership and get his mission reset to exploration. Would had been the robot who robbed? No, it was the privateer but the ship changed ownership after robbing

2792 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes ago
View daniel payne's profile
daniel payne
RE: bug with the new cloak indicatorWrite Reply
I see what you are saying.  I have used ships to Hisss and gsx on the same turn.  The question is not whether they can do it but rather if the ship will remain cloaked for the remainder of the turn even once it's mission has been changed.  Until you spoke I was certain that it did not remain cloaked.  After all, if the cloaking device is turned off how can the ship be cloaked?  But then, I learned the game before I understood programming.  I suppose that it is hard to test this since there has never been an on-screen indicator...until now.

Thank you