Clone bug

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2908 days, 21 hours, 19 minutes ago
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Clone bugWrite Reply
I'm playing Colonies in game 18198: Star Curcuit System and I traded a D7 Coldpain with the Fascists. I cloned it a few times (of course!) and then flew it to the Birdmen HW. I then tried to tow a Bird LDSF away to avoid killing it wih my Virgo that arrived next turn.
Next turn the Virgo destroyed the HW, but something strange happened. The Coldpain had not moved and had mission set to exploration. Also there was a brand new Coldpain in orbit owned by the Birdmen.
So it seems the Birdmen base cloned my Coldpain! This should not have happened (but I am very grateful :-P) according to the cloning rules as explained by Donovan's:

Both the ship which is to be cloned and the starbase which is to do the cloning must be owned by the same player.
2908 days, 21 hours, 10 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Clone bugWrite Reply
I guess this means you left the original D7 as "cln" by mistake over the base of the bird.

2908 days, 21 hours, 2 minutes ago
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RE: Clone bugWrite Reply
Yeah, just didn't bother to change it, because it wouldn't clone anyway unless on a SB that doesn't build a ship. And also, you can't have enough cloakers.
2908 days, 20 hours, 19 minutes ago
View dangerjoe's profile
RE: Clone bugWrite Reply

interesting bug:

For cloaker races this gives you the opportunity to prevent your opponent to build something valuable by placing (shit weapon or none at all) a cloaker at FC 'cln' in orbit.

2908 days, 16 hours, 20 minutes ago
View capnkill's profile
RE: Clone bugWrite Reply
Well hopefully it is fixed soon :)