Alright so I'm pretty new, but I'll post the basics of my "plan" for the first few turns as well:
HW is ID#73 situated in the center of a string cluster of ~13 planets running basically from wsw to ene.
There is a close cluster of 5 planets south of the line in the central part of my HYP circle's southern hemisphere.
There is a semi distant cluster of 5 planets to the north near the edge of the HYP.
To the East there is a distinct line / border cluster on the edge of the HYP line ~12 planets running north to south
To the west there is another border cluster of 14 planets (5 more north and the rest grouped more south).
I'd guesstimate enemy homeworlds ESE of my HW near ID#458 and another to the NNW near ID# 383
Based on the density of the planets in my HYP and the potential HYP circles of the guesstimated enemy homeworlds, the 6 planet cluster around ID# 391 could be hotly contested by the Southeast enemy. If that enemy's homeworld is farther south around the rim of my HYP circle it could pull the cluster around ID# 165 into contention early as well.
To the North or NorthWest the best clusters appear to all swing farther North of my HYP circle, though the cluster around ID# 328 could be tempting.
I think this means that the most threatening of my neighbors will likely come from the South and/or East so my initial strategy will be to establish colonies in the HW while shoving defensive/scout forces quickly towards the south and east. The slightly longer distances between worlds to the north make that a more difficult approach for an enemy and I should be able to deal with that somewhat later.
Since I'll need to be producing torpedoes early and often to keep a defense of the home cluster functional, I plan to start by maxing factories and mines. I typically raise taxes only to 9%, or the last point which avoids reducing happiness whichever is greater. At the starbase I'll max Engine tech, raise hull tech to 6, beam tech to 6 and torp tech to 5. Those levels provide ships with good capabilities and weapons that are powerful but still cheap enough to afford early on. I will expand first to the north east in the local HW cluster.
I'll open construction with an Opal with TW eng, Heavy Blaster and Mark 4 torp. Building the torps for it now makes sense so I can drop a mine field quickly if necessary early on. Turn 2 construction will be an LDSF (assume TW eng unless otherwise noted). Turn 3 will be a second LDSF. Turn 4 will be a Ruby Class with heavy Blasters and Mark 4's, turn 5 will be a 2nd Ruby same config.
The initial colonization efforts as mentioned will focus on the HW cluster heading north and east. The Opal will scout the edges and try to get into position to watch the south and east approaches. The Ruby's will bring web mine fields to the crucial points of the potentially contested clusters which I expect will be to the south east or just south and possibly one to the north.
That's what I have got so far, what do you think? What should I do differently or more specifically?
Cheers, hawtsoop |