@Singularity Thank you
Done the coding in MS Office 2010, need to get a copy of LibreOffice and see if it contains the libraries that are needed, if it is just a case of cleaning up the code to make it compatible than I shall do that.
I think you struggle to make it run that fast and I am not sure I can as most of the time is spent parsing the JSON which is all done in code that I borrowed from somewhere else (hence the second module)
With regards to the headline, I could easily leave that out as that is the header line bolted onto the body, could easily be skipped.
For the CRLF is use vbCrLf const. I could use CHR codes if you prefer, I am replacing the html line break, not sure if excel handles just LF
I was thinking about the dedub, the thing is that it is how the client handles it. If you send to 3 players you will send 3 messages and the sender stays but receiver changes, I left them in in order to not have gaps if you start to filter on sender and/or receiver. It also sends a copy to self which I did remove, I also remove the Open communication message when you first sent an ambassador as that was just mega annoying. I agree when you select a party of more than 2 in Collumn G they are a bit annoying. I could make it an option to merge all multicasts into one message and list all receivers, in which case, party filter Collumn G will work great, but receiver filter collumn C would not work so great.
Good feedback, thank you. |