ion storms warp 6 ?

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2994 days, 4 hours, 37 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
ion storms warp 6 ?Write Reply
I keep looking at this and i see all ion storms traveling at warp 6 in nu.  they should travel different speeds.   weak ones warp 1-4  dangerous warp 6 and higher etc.
2994 days, 1 hours, 14 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
RE: ion storms warp 6 ?Write Reply
there goes 12 ships.  there is no way to tell when an ion storm will increase and become deadly.  if they all travel at the same speed the all look the same.  if an ion storm was increasing in speed then I would know that it was a bad storm.
2994 days, 0 hours, 40 minutes ago
View veldan's profile
RE: ion storms warp 6 ?Write Reply
ion storm physics
  • In Host 3.22.003 and later, storms with more than 250 MeV always move at Warp 8.
  • Storms smaller than 200 ly move at Warp 6.
  • For other storms, a dice is rolled. The storm moves at Warp 2 with a 20% chance, Warp 3 with 48%, and Warp 4 32% of all times.
I don't know what else to say.  I would like some changes to ion storms such as a visual representation of the storm front (27 ly's ahead of a warp 6 storm).  This is what gives ion storms the "push" effect.

Perhaps Nu should spawn more large radius (>200ly) storms in order to create more storms that travel at speeds slower than warp 6? 
2993 days, 1 hours, 29 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
RE: ion storms warp 6 ?Write Reply
all the ion storms travel at warp 6.  bigger than 200 lys smaller.  ion 1,2,3,4,5 all travel warp 6.
2993 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes ago
View veldan's profile
RE: ion storms warp 6 ?Write Reply
I have not seen the same behavior, infact several class 5 storms ripped through the Challenger 5 game at warp 8 once they got to class 5.  Just look at the time machine for turns in the 50's and 60's.  I have seen a "few" wide radius storms spawn that were traveling at speeds slower than warp 6.  But can't remember off-hand where I saw them.. perhaps in some training games.

However, I agree the vast majority of storms fit the criteria for travelling at warp 6, and I think ion storms need to be tweaked to offer a bit more variety.
2993 days, 0 hours, 45 minutes ago
View mugulor's profile
RE: ion storms warp 6 ?Write Reply
I have noticed this too. All the storms in beta 6 are at warp 6.
I suppose its better than warp 9, lol.
2992 days, 16 hours, 1 minutes ago
View kosh's profile
RE: ion storms warp 6 ?Write Reply
That warp6 is standard ION-storm speed.
Deal with it. I know some times they seems to hunt cloak races :)
But they are random.

2992 days, 15 hours, 22 minutes ago
View mugulor's profile
RE: ion storms warp 6 ?Write Reply
I thought the speed varied is all I am saying.
2992 days, 15 hours, 19 minutes ago
View kosh's profile
RE: ion storms warp 6 ?Write Reply
I havent see any other than warp6 Stroms.

Usually larger are harmless, but beware those small ones. they are usually those what make damages.

And ofcourse they uncloack all cloacked ships.

2992 days, 9 hours, 18 minutes ago
View mugulor's profile
RE: ion storms warp 6 ?Write Reply
From Donavan's:

"Ion storms move along semi-predictable paths at a warp factor ranging from 1-10. The heading vector of a Ion disturbance can not change more than 20 degrees per turn."

Also, this guy seems to have done a fair bit of research on it:
2992 days, 3 hours, 53 minutes ago
View donaldworrell's profile
RE: ion storms warp 6 ?Write Reply
warp 6 is not standard.  ion storms can appear at any size and speed.  they do not.  they all apear at warp 6.
2992 days, 3 hours, 28 minutes ago
View challengespaceyard's profile
RE: ion storms warp 6 ?Write Reply
If you read the physics more closely, you'll see that Warp 6 is the standard.

Ion storms deviate from warp 6 only if
  • Voltage exceeds 250 MeV - Warp 8, or
  • Radius exceeds 200ly (only possible to weakening storms, or to merges) - Warp 2-4
  • In the event both conditions are satisfied, the highest warp factor takes precedence.
2469 days, 6 hours, 36 minutes ago
View nakor's profile
RE: ion storms warp 6 ?Write Reply
I just suffered a surprise when I opened my new turn...
The class 5 ion storm which moved at warp 6 now moves at warp 8! It changed its speed by +2 within 1 turn!!!

I expected it to keep on moving with warp 6 and gave according orders to my ships. Now they are in serious trouble...

At least I know the reason now. Thanks for posting the rules and explaining them.