Since the thread's resurrected anyways, this might be as good a time as any to make a couple comments on the implementation of the change:
(1) System-generated zero-ally games still have effectively unlimited safe passage and share intel settings. Given the tendency of these games to be higher level and more competitive, I find this strange - I can share intel with as many people as I'd like in my Standard Commodore+ zero-ally sector with a DM of 1.93, but I'm under strict diplomatic constraints in my Standard Commander+ sector? While I'm not entirely sold on the diplomatic limitations in general, I would think that for the sake of consistency (if nothing else) a zero-ally sector should have safe passage/share intel settings at least as restrictive as other sectors.
(2) The limitations on safe passage are particularly hand-tying in sphere sectors. When you start with 4-5 reasonably close neighbours, not including anyone else you may meet in the centre, a cap of 3 diplomatic agreements has a much greater impact than in other sectors. I would probably argue for a +1 to all categories, and/or a +2 to safe passages, for spheres.
(3) Horwasp sectors. Even those who advocate for Horwasp on the feed interpret their role as something of a 'bogeyman' race - something against which other races are *supposed* to have to band together. Diplomacy limitations on the other races are likely to be a substantial advantage to the Horwasp - especially share intel, which is extremely valuable for cooperative screens. IMHO, diplomacy limitations should not apply to Horwasp sectors. |