SECNAVINST 1650.1.H is the current Naval instruction for award procedures. It is a lengthy read, but anyone non-military (or Navy/USMC) can quickly pick up the key small things by reading the bulk of the first section and a few service and personnel pins/ribbons.
Normally the stars are delegated as Vepr stated. But, how many games you have played in a race as for campaign service ribbon/medal. The max amount to be earned would be 16 awards. Which would be denoted by the ribbon/medal and 3 silver stars. I myself have completed 11-12 bird games. And I'm in 3 right now. So here by summer of next year at my current rate I would be maxed out. Not to say I'm greedy and want to be recognized for my awesome use of free time. But if the award was for making 1st place. There could be equal stress from people due to a more significant award unable to be presented. This is why I mentioned non-conformity with Bronze value of one, Silver value of five, and Gold value of 10. We could also note a platinum star for 30 awards lifting the maximum viewable award value of 91. Which would take someone practically a decade to accomplish in campaign medals alone. And that's assuming they are moving at my pace of around 10 completed games per year.
Other things to note is regulations on awards for replacement players. I should not be able to earn an award for joining into a game with less than 20 turns remaining and perhaps having little to no impact on the outcome of the game. Especially if the player ended up first. As then good players could sell better stats by simply selling the seat prior to completion.
Pins should be standardized for all races. All of them are different cultures. As annoying and time consuming it is to likely produce these ribbons. Each race set should have their own awards look eventually.
There should also be medals for personal awards. Such as destroying a certain amount of tonnage in a single game. Or the capture of so many tons of vessel by the end (excluding or inflated for priv/crystal). Perhaps even "best in spirit" awards like those voted on for championship matches to give reason to be sociable and somewhat enjoyable to the character you desire to emulate.
There should be a large variety of things to be exemplified. The larger the variety, the more it can actually change the game. By adding a award system for specific combat models people may occasionally abandon certain methods at certain times in order to qualify for certain medals. Which adds to the game as a person adapting their gameplay not for the sake of winning but for the decorations. Giving more satisfaction then just winning.