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1069 days, 15 hours, 46 minutes ago
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darth balls (The Cyborg)
Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply
Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking through the game turns to see how things went down. I have prepared this list of significant events in preparation for this game coming to an end and I would like to direct your attention to some of these critical moments in our game's history as you surf the game in your Time Machines. There are many, many more important events but these are the ones that I felt were important enough to note.
1069 days, 15 hours, 46 minutes ago
View darth balls's profile
darth balls
RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply

Turn 4
-Colonized p390 which soon became a strategic crossroads in between myself, Forger, Ra, and Landgrab

Turn 8
-Early Privateer sighting tips off Ra's likely home cluster; I alerted Forger of his neighbor to gain some social capital. This might have been the first time an ion storm injured Ra's position in this game.

Turn 13
-High-stakes negotiation with Ra lays strong foundation for victory.

Turn 21
-Forger attacks my Bovie planet at p357 but it wasn't worth going to war over.

Turn 34
-War against Rebels heats up as I destroy my first Rush.

Turn 46
-I trade Siggi his first Biocide for several d19s; At this point I like the general cut of his jib and saw the benefits of a strong relationship with him.

Turn 49
-Forger attacks my p452 and tensions rise over my remaining colonies near his planets; I assert a very strong rebuke for the attack and threaten to enter the war against he and Zavulon if he doesn't back off.
-I offer to help Ra start planning a strike against Forger but Ra declines and chooses to honor his peace agreement with Forger instead.

Turn 55
-I explain my policy of Mutually-Assured Destruction with Forger after deploying a gom jabbar near one of his planets and we begin a generally pleasant exchange over our ongoing border disputes.

Turn 60
-CrystalCT begins laying web mines in the way of forces attacking Ra's planets; war gets a lot more complicated for all parties involved.
-The war with the Rebels continues to go well; Ronnie forecasts Borg ascension and I start to feel really good about my chances in this game as well.

Turn 63
-I agree to send Ra 10k credits to help finance some of his web mine defenses; I cannot afford to let the Feds and Colonies be too successful in their attack against Ra.

Turn 64
-Forger publicly replies to a message CrystalCT had posted in the activity feed and I call him out on rallying forces against me. I think this cost him some credibility in the others' eyes and makes it harder for him to pull together the coalition forces against me.

Turn 65
-Pie still on his face, Forger sues for peace so he can focus on the war with Privateer and Crystal; we eventually settle on a term peace agreement through turn 100 while he and Zavulon concentrate on Ra so I pursue other interests.
-I ask Ciocco for intel about some planets and he doesn't respond to my request.

Turn 71
-I revoke Safe Passage with Ciocco to get his attention for ignoring my previous messages. He finally replies but provides false intel. This marks him as an even more likely target, especially with the war against the Rebels winding down and me not wanting to slip into the complacency of peace.

Turn 73
-Borg and Empire, at peace, are of one mind; we shall carve up the galaxy while the others sit waiting.
-Ciocco and my planned ship trade breaks down; I decide to keep the Bovies he had tried to conceal from me.

Turn 75
-Victory over Ronnie Robot as Rebels are pushed out of the game.

Turn 80
-I overtly enter the war against Ciocco because he has failed to adequately defend his territory and he is giving up far too many planets to my opponents.
-The first round of d19 engine upgrades with Siggi occurs to give his lacking d19s some much needed maneuverability (Siggi proposed this in turn 69).

Turn 82
-First real contact with Loner leads to a pleasant discourse.

Turn 83
-I reach a term peace agreement with the Federation to allow he and Forger to focus on Ra while I address more pressing matters such as the Bird Man war.

Turn 86
-Landgrab disappears for a few turns; missing them altogether or marking them complete very close to host running.

Turn 94
-Ciocco is finished; pushed below FoF threshold.
-Siggi's war against CrystalCT has faultered; I realize that he needs help and I just ran out of enemies. At this point it is really looking like CrystalCT and Ra are gaining the upper hand in their war. I begin to participate in some shadowy dealings in order to ensure that the Crystals are dealt with.

Turn 98
-I offer to help Siggi by helping him with another round of d19 upgrades; this time in order to refit them with Heavy Phasers in addition to transwarp drives so he can have some additional sweeping power.

Turn 110
-Formal declaration of war against Loner; it made sense at the time and there were no other apparent enemies for me to fight.

Turn 112
-Second round of d19 upgrades is completed. Siggi now has a chance to stop the Crystal's advance against him.

Turn 128
-I bite my tongue and attack CrystalCT which pushes him below the FoF limit; I don't like that Landgrab and Redwolfe forced me to do so but his game has been finished for some time and at this point I need to keep as many of his planets from falling into enemy hands as possible.

Turn 132, 133
-Build-up and cessation of hostilities with Redwolfe and realization that Landgrab is pulling my strings.

Turn 133
-I negotiated a deal with Siggi to help him repel Landgrab in exchange for helping me defeat Zavulon.

Turn 136
-Large Fascist victory over Evil Empire.
-Landgrab loses his cool over my trading with Siggi. Later in this game he reveals that he observed my LCC s30 this turn and it caused him to believe that I was discretely moving forces against him, which isn't remotely true, and he reported his visibility of my ship as a bug. I later report bug as well, but I didn't get any reply. I still don't have an answer, but if this is really the reason I am going to soon enter a war with Landgrab then it will seem that a good amount of this game was determined by this unexplainable bug.

Turn 141
-A large carrier battle weakens both Forger and Ra.

Turn 148
-The Federation is defeated, and Landgrab picks up lots of free ships and starbases again.

Turn 152
-Called Landgrab out for his imminent betrayal and seized his SSDs until he could explain himself. He claimed incompetence as his excuse; although he is incompetent he was almost certainly lying here instead and my move this turn severely impacted the effectiveness of his planned joint attack with Siggi. I feel like I may have dodged a bullet here.

Turn 153
-Siggi joins the fight against me in the most polite way ever.

Turn 154
-Successful attack against the Robot Empire effectively cleaves Loner's area of control into two Empires, isolating his northern planets from his southern planets
-Borg offers peace talks to the Robots, Loner refuses to participate (it later came to light that this may have been Landgrab's decision but Loner accepted it).

Turn 155
-Evil Empire (with 117 planets) revokes Safe Passage and attacks Borg Collective; Evil has fewer than 50 turns left in this game but doesn't know it at this point.
-A message from Loner prophesying complete obliteration of the Borg Collective provides inspiration and strengthens my resolve to win.
-Privateer and Borg begin to Share Intel in order to better collaborate against what Siggi later refers to as a "Desperate-Last Ditch-Effort Coalition" of enemies; Fascists, Robots, Colonies, and Empire.

Turn 156
-Another large carrier battle substantially weakens both Forger and Ra.

Turn 157
-First successful Frycutus of Forger's forces; we *almost* lose a Meteor but I sacrificed a Biocide in order to correct my mistake and prevented our enemies from recovering the ship.
-I win a substantial victory over Loner's forces in the same way when I grabbed a few of his ships and tossed them into a wormhole.

Turn 162
-Huge victories for Privateer and Borg; resistance is becoming futile!
-I messaged Landgrab to give him a chance to survive the game but he refused.
-Massacre of Forger's northern fleet at p400- I thought he might be going there to build more fighters for Siggi's carriers which are running low.
-We successfully repel Siggi's attempted invasion of p274 which stops his offensive war against Borg in the south; we rob and capture a few ships.

Turn 169
-We all experience lots of casualties on both sides of the conflict
-I published my Borg story as we launched our failed attack on p272, but we were successful in shattering Siggi's western fleet at p198 so the attacks were not a total loss.
-Landgrab attacks Ra during their Peace Agreement; later claims he did it because he was bored.

Turn 176 to 178
-Flawlessly-executed capture of Loner's SSD s475; this will prove to be the only SSD I get to use all game and I certainly put it to good use. This single ship will capture more starbases from the Empire than all of his SSDs combined do from me in the entire game.

Turn 178
-Second successful Frycutus of Forger and Siggi's forces + forced surrender of a Virgo.
-Substantial Privateer losses at p466 in a failed capture attempt of Automa.

Turn 180
-Landgrab's unexpected attack on Forger seals my victory; desperate last-ditch effort coalition crumbles.

Turn 183 and 184 (Darth proposed in turn 179)
-Loner's Last Stand is successful, Robotic Empire collapses and my attack fleet grows by 9 Biocides in the ship-building wake that follows.

Turn 196
-Landgrab's betrayal of Redwolfe almost wipes him out. This forces him into the war but not really in time to do anything other than reclaim most of his own starbases.

Turn 202
-Victory countdown starts as Borg surpasses 250 planets.

Turn 204
-I finally manage to do to Landgrab what Loner threatened to do to me in turn 155 when he said "Faulty decision making seems to have brought about the destruction of the vast and powerful race. All ships were destroyed. All worlds were scorched. All traces were removed from the galaxy." Today will be celebrated as a holiday among those who do not betray others in the worst way possible.

Turn 207
-Gemini Sector ends with Darth Balls narrowly edging past Mentar's highest planet-count record of 284 planets in a championship match. I'd have had a wider margin if Ra and Forger hadn't taken my planets this turn.
1069 days, 6 hours, 3 minutes ago
View smn's profile
RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply
Thanks for the highlights, I'm having a great time reading through the diplomacy. Looks like it has been a very fascinating game for everyone involved.
1069 days, 4 hours, 20 minutes ago
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RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply
I'll reflect Smn's remark: I quit watching and trying to figure out your economic expansion. The real joy is the diplomacy tab!
1069 days, 3 hours, 53 minutes ago
View darth balls's profile
darth balls
RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply
@SMN I am learning a large amount of new things as well! From what I have seen in the messages there are some of my competitors here who almost always told the truth, while one of them hardly spoke anything but lies. It is fun to see how those various intrigues played out. My biggest regret from this game is that I couldn't divine a path to victory in which Loner could have survived; he was a most worthy opponent and deserved to survive this game.

The decision to have only those 2 Biocides at the ship limit was deliberate because the Merlins were necessary to get everything else on track. Everyone in this game should have known that I was still vulnerable in the beginning, right?
1068 days, 2 hours, 54 minutes ago
View ted's profile
RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply

Well done, new Emperor.

As @SMN already poined out. I am really surprised that in T30 you had only a ... moderate fleet with 2 Biocide, 15 Firecloud and 2 Merlin . This is a really low PBP mass but the end result tell us that it was enough to make it! :)
1067 days, 12 hours, 31 minutes ago
View mentar's profile
RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply
I also need to mirror what Smn said: This summary indicates how much was going on diplomatically in this game. I love how often cooperations were agreed and broken. THIS is how this game is supposed to be played, IMHO. Finally a game in which not one player broke away early and powered through, but rather a gradual outcome of maneauvering.

Also, this was a championship game in which FoF seems to have played a very distinct and powerful role, as intended.

Finally: Yet another Borg winner? The Big Three are pulling away in victory counts...
1067 days, 9 hours, 52 minutes ago
View iso--t's profile
RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply
Nice to read! ...And ofcourse Darth Balls won, he got balls to do it. As I predicted in the voting before the game started.. ;)
1067 days, 9 hours, 34 minutes ago
View iso--t's profile
RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply
One thing I need to say about the BOTS: They are close to my heart, and that is why I keep investigating bot play in champ games.

Only thing they need is Duranium, it is everything, it is crucial, and you need a bit luck to found a deposit. It is awfull to play when you just do not find it.

In this sector, there was Robotic duranium eldorado found on turn 2(!). For some reason, Robots did not see it worth mining before turn 9(!?!?). That is the reason robots did not have 25 carriers at shiplimit and did not won the game. They had it
1067 days, 9 hours, 25 minutes ago
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RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply
Clearly having 25 carriers by the ship limit was not a requirement for an emperor, since the borg emperor had *2*. Yes. *2* biocides (one with W1 engines) with a total of 44 fighters. This game gives not one whit of concern about your military or your economy...if you can convince other players that they should let you will win. Your military and economy only matter when you must convince them with hulls instead of words.

Note: Compare this to Andy44 or Jobo, who lost, but had 7-8 bios and a much better economy by this stage. Excellent, excellent diplomacy. A well deserved win echoing one of the central tenets of Sun Tzu.

"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting"
1067 days, 8 hours, 51 minutes ago
View ted's profile
RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply
"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting"

yes, but beside that Planets is a war game it seems Sun Tzu seems a bit misinterpreted in this case. In a real world a surrender what support the Invader (to save what is left) is more common sense and to pay/take tribute or other resources may be the reason why more or less hiden Wars is even today a profitable buisness.

I think emperor selection in Planets Nu is also a ... mister/miss contest! :)
1067 days, 8 hours, 38 minutes ago
View iso--t's profile
RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply
Hey guys. That was a Joke...Diplomacy is the key. But my sayings had also some truth in it. I am pretty sure 25 carriers in spehere map would have helped to survive...

And hey. I might be just that "master diplomatist" Furey is talking of: "When you must convince them with hulls instead of words".
1067 days, 8 hours, 33 minutes ago
View smn's profile
RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply
@Ted no irony, a 0-ally game essentially is a "beauty" contest. No player wins the game without the support of other major players. And once the game develops far enough, a majority of the players will have lost their realistic paths to victory and they need to choose whom they support as the winner. This can't be avoided, even resigning is a conscious act to support someone for the throne - some player is always in the position to benefit disproportionally from a drop.

The only plausible "fix" is with the ship queue mechanics. Without builds there can't be rebounds, without possibility of rebounds there will always be 2-3 winner candidates and the rest will become voters.

In Gemini, DB did a magnificient job by initially avoiding becoming a target, then moved towards candidate position by knocking out isolated opponents and gaining strength and finally, he used Landgrabs erraticness to his maximum advantage in disqualifying his major competing candidate. A true statesman.
1067 days, 6 hours, 16 minutes ago
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RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply
It looked like DB had won by turn 100.
1067 days, 3 hours, 1 minutes ago
View darth balls's profile
darth balls
RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply
Sometimes two is all it takes.

While I generally agree with the statements that diplomacy played a huge role in this game, I reject those that imply that I won this game without going to war. While Ra and I were fighting Landgrab, Loner, Zavulon, Forger, and Siggi there were certainly a large number of battles which could have gone either way and if we had lost even a couple of those critical battles during the time between turn 150 and 170, the tide of war could have turned against us. It wasn't all without luck, and we did spend an excruciating amount of time coordinating the details of ship movements. Our worst performance on the battlefield was in the battle of Turning World at p272 in turn 169 which was discussed here ( and that was really more of a stalemate than a defeat.

At the end of the day, Ra and I did a better job of maximizing each of our advantages while neutralizing those of our enemies. Since Ra's strategy was to help me overcome our enemies and then to come after me himself in the endgame, during the time we were fighting together, our interests were in almost perfect alignment. Our enemies, on the other hand, were fighting us with different goals; they were all fighting to defeat me while taking minimal losses in order to preserve their own chance at victory. For that reason, I don't think they trusted each other enough to work together with the synergy necessary to pull off such an upset.

Later in the game, after we had delivered significant blows to the Colonies, the Empire, the Fascists, and the Robots had been eliminated, the remaining players each realized that they had taken their shot and missed. I choose to believe that they saw that, as an Emperor, I wouldn't be such a bad one. I had demonstrated on the battlefield the qualities of mercy and humility. I also like to think that it was only after crushing them on the battlefield that they really stepped in line and started supporting my bid for the throne which was critical in discouraging Ra from making his move against me. Siggi told me this in 99 and turn 163. Forger told me this in turn 162. Even Ra told me this in turn 178 but I am supposed to not hold him to it. Diplomacy and another quality, leadership, are how I managed to head off that second resurgence of wars which could have started as soon as Loner was defeated if Ra had decided to make his move against me. If he had had a realistic chance at winning it I think that he would have went ahead and taken it (and I wouldn't have thought less of him for doing so) but without the support of one or two of the remaining players in the game he saw that Forger was ready to sweep mines for me and Siggi was prepared to trade me additional d19s and he had the wisdom to see that the war was over before it had begun.

@Talespin The expression we used to use was that "the game was mine to lose" at turn 100. I certainly had the advantage at that point, but the conclusion was far from foregone at that point. I could have been less trusting of Ra and failed to embrace the partnership or I could have been less generous and lost him to the other side's offers to woo him away. I could have been more careless in my attacks against Loner or Siggi and incurred significant losses. I could easily have continued with my attack against Redwolfe and pushed the Lizards into the conflict instead of swallowing my pride and aborting the launch sequence at the last minute and that may have triggered the others to rally against me sooner than anticipated. There are dozens of things that could have gone the other way; I just managed to navigate through to the end without stepping in any of those potential landmines. It was exhausting, but worthwhile.
1067 days, 2 hours, 27 minutes ago
View darth balls's profile
darth balls
RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply
Also, I prefer to think that this match was more like "Game of Thrones" than a "Miss Universe Pageant" thank you very much. :)
1067 days, 0 hours, 45 minutes ago
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RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply
I wasn't trying to downplay your victory. I just meant to say that you had a strong grasp on the game around Turn 100.
1067 days, 0 hours, 31 minutes ago
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RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply
The big three are pulling away?
Crystal 2(3) victories
Borg 2 victories

Colonies 1 victory
Lizard 1 victory

Which race do you consider as number 3 of the big 3?
1066 days, 23 hours, 13 minutes ago
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RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply

I would never imply that you won this game *without* going to war.

Moreso that you won it *before* going to war...the mark of a true military thinker.

You had minimal fleet composition by ship limit by anyone's measure. Your first war was against an opponent who had only 2 starbases and 3 freighters by the ship limit, and everyone else left you alone until you were big enough to crush them.

In short, you played a masterful diplomatic game. Once you had survived with a large planet and starbase count relatively unmolested, you had made all the moves necessary to win this war. All that was needed now was time.


I too used to believe that this was a war game with a side of diplomacy. I now know myself to be in error. It is a diplomatic game with a side of warfare.

You can outproduce and crush a weak opponent for sure, but in a champ game where at least half the players are very good the ship limit is reached
far too early to allow this, and diplomacy is the game winner.

I would think you, more than most, would realize this with your frustrating situation in your own champ game.

910 days, 17 hours, 57 minutes ago
View whisperer's profile
RE: Some of you have undoubtedly already started picking...Write Reply
Like all good things, the reign of @Darth+Balls must come to an end. After six months, he is being replaced by @Emork+The+Lizard+King as the new Crystal Emperor.