This is an Action News Special Report -- The Capricorn War: Conflict In Echo Cluster! Hello; I’m Jim Chancellite, filling in for Pat Patterson, who is on
assignment. Today we bring you an inside look at the hidden Rebel Base,
somewhere deep inside the Capricorn War. Embedded with the Rebel
forces is veteran correspondent Wish Keydrinker; we’ve got him on a subspace radio link. Hello, Wish; can you hear us? WK: Yes, Jim, I can hear you.
JC: What’s the situation over there, Wish?
WK: It’s an amazing sight, Jim. As you know, the Rebels are
traditionally outgunned, lightly armed and poorly supplied. They set up
temporary bases on ice worlds and in abandoned temple structures,
relying on a flimsy chain of small hyperspace transports to support
their industry. And yet, I look at these soldiers and pilots, some of
them starving and no two wearing the same uniform, and I see true
enthusiasm. These are some excited warriors, Jim.
JC: So I take it the rumors of a Confederation morale problem were…
WK: Yes, vastly exaggerated. These people are downright eager to get
into combat with their enemy. Even the legendarily short-lived fighter
pilots are fervently hoping for battle.
JC: Fascinating. And is there any word on when such a battle might take place?
WK: Not yet, Jim, though I’ve just heard that a major announcement is due to be made any minute now.
JC: An announcement?
WK: Yes, apparently from the high command. It’s likely to be Admiral
Squidface, but it’s possible that the reclusive professorial scholar
that guides this rag-tag band from behind the scenes, the legendary
J-Zan himself, will speak. We haven’t been told much, but — just a
minute — yes, I’m hearing… Ah! I’ll patch in to the intercom now. *SQRRRK*
“…the notecards, yes, yes… Right; now how do I broadcast? This button here? But it’s on already. Ah; er… Right.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is J. Zan speaking.
First, I’d like to congratulate you all on the wonderful job you’ve
been doing. Our new hidden Rebel base is coming together quite nicely,
and I’m told the completion date has been moved up to this afternoon.
We’ll be finished eight days ahead of schedule. Well done; well done
Now, this brings me to my second point: shore leave. There will be
extra leave for the construction crews before we begin your
cross-training sessions; this is, of course, a reward for the… er… rapid
completion. Now, I shouldn’t have to tell you this, you’re all adults I
know, but… well, the fact of the matter is, every time crew goes on
leave we run into this, and we have people in sickbay for months!
Look, you are all issued military-grade… err… precautions. It’s
regulations; you’re going to bring protection with you anyway, so use
it! Remember: Cyber-crabs are very contagious! Even the most brief
casual contact with a cybernetic organism can transmit the disease, and
the thing is, you can’t always tell the difference. There are Cyborgs
everywhere, and the sickness is catching. It’s embarrassing, painful,
and most of all it’s bad for the war effort.
So remember your protection, and use it. Don’t be stupid.
Now, go and enjoy your leave. Class– er, I mean, dismissed.” WK: And there you have it, folks: the wisdom of Professor J. Zan. Impressive.
JC: Very. Well, take care of yourself over there, Wish.
WK: Will do, Jim.
And now an update from Empire space. Many of our viewers have
written or called to express their concern about our reporter Olen
Hyven-Kilma. You may recall that she was stranded in deep space inside
an Imperial escape pod. We have stayed in close contact; the Empire’s
search and rescue forces are on the job, but Olen’s pod is still out
there. Fortunately, it’s rated for up to three years survival, and she
has been sent instructions on how to activate the military-grade coffee
station. We’ll keep you updated as changes occur, but for now, our
thoughts and prayers are with you, Olen.
Turning now to Bird space, we’ve got contact with our reporter
Torbjorn Greitenkamp, embedded with the crew aboard the battleship
[CENSORED]. Are you there, Torbjorn? TG: I’m here, Jim.
JC: Ah; I see you’re not wearing your blindfold today.
TG: That’s right. I’m told that the [CENSORED] is undergoing routine maintenance for the next few days.
JC: So have you seen much of the ship, then?
TG: I’ve now been permitted to visit three rooms, Jim. The lounge was most entertaining.
JC: We in the newsroom have been very curious about the name of the ship, the [CENSORED]. It seems very unusual.
TG: No, Jim. Actually, it’s a traditional name that has been used for
several famous ships throughout Bird history. The original [CENSORED],
along with her sister ships the [CLASSIFIED], the [TOP SECRET] and the
[CONTENT REMOVED FOR SECURITY PURPOSES] were the triumphant vanguard at
the famed Battle of [ICANTEL-YU].
JC: Fascinating. Thank you for that bit of history, TG.
TG: My pleasure, Jim. And now, on the lighter side of things, we’ve just had word that
Action News ace reporter Pat Patterson is on his way back to us after a
brief stint on a Crystalline prison ship. Apparently, due to some
confusion over his travel permits, Pat was briefly detained and, in his
words, “given a thorough clean-and-polish”. Fortunately, all is well
now, and we look forward to his speedy return.
Finally, we have this statement just in from the Colonial homeworld:
“This is Fleet Admiral Gnerphk. Following several suspicious actions by
our president, his cabinet, and certain members of the Quorum of
Twelve, a top-secret military investigation has uncovered evidence of
corruption, bribery, high treason and an egg-and-cress sandwich at the
very highest levels of power. Due to the military emergency, I have
declared martial law throughout the Colonies pending the trial. I want
to assure you that the accused will be given ample opportunity to defend
themselves before we hang them for high treason. Thank you.”
And that’s the way it is, today, Saturn’s Day the 15th, in the fourth year of Emperor Mentar. Long may he reign! We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming, already in progress.
(Copied with permission from the Planets Magazine. All rights reserved.