Utility Script: Advanced Starbase Screen

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2589 days, 4 hours, 30 minutes ago
View lord helmet's profile
lord helmet
Utility Script: Advanced Starbase ScreenWrite Reply
Long long ago the feedback forum was established, and one of top (unadressed) features is

Allow selling supplies and upgrading tech from the starbase

Here's the answer.
There's a new button at the build screen (below Build Torpedo Launchers) that allows to sell supplies and raise tech levels without leaving the space dock.

While I was at it, I added a feature indicating ship parts that are too expensive in minerals/credits.

As always tested with Firefox/Greasemonkey only, report any issues.
2587 days, 6 hours, 58 minutes ago
View jomamasfat's profile
RE: Utility Script: Advanced Starbase ScreenWrite Reply
Thank you!  This is one of the most obvious omissions from the user interface.  The fact that it still hasn't been addressed, despite MANY requests, highlights the lack of attention given to paying user's requests.  In my opinion, this isn't a new 'feature' to consider adding, it's fixing an obvious flaw in the UI.  I thank you for stepping up and giving us the gameplay that should have been present from the start, or at least after the first 50 times it was pointed out.
2586 days, 11 hours, 33 minutes ago
View esneskrad's profile
RE: Utility Script: Advanced Starbase ScreenWrite Reply
Pressing the hotkey 'L' also brings up the same menu.

2586 days, 9 hours, 27 minutes ago
View lord helmet's profile
lord helmet
RE: Utility Script: Advanced Starbase ScreenWrite Reply
Yeah, I found that out just after I released the userscript. However with the userscript you cannot accidently close this menu (by hitting the ok button or pressing enter) and thus make the build screen unaccessible.
2563 days, 13 hours, 15 minutes ago
View lord helmet's profile
lord helmet
RE: Utility Script: Advanced Starbase ScreenWrite Reply
I just released an update that fixes a security issue, thanks nitemare for the note.