Utility Script: Idle Object Visualizer Plugin

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1987 days, 14 hours, 17 minutes ago
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Utility Script: Idle Object Visualizer PluginWrite Reply
Planets.nu - Idle Object Visualizer Plugin:      

Would you like to see on the starmap which ships you haven't marked 'ready' yet? Are you tired of jumping all over the map when going through unmarked ships by ID instead of area by area? Then this script is the right thing for you. I've been updating and testing it for some time now and don't really want to play without it any more.          

The script visualizes the 'ready' status of ships, planets, and starbases on the map. It can be activated through the map menu under 'IdleVisualizer'. Once clicked it will stay enabled until it is disabled through the button in the same menu. By default 'non ready' ships are highlighted, but planets and bases can be added as well as filtered for another status such as 'ready' or 'always ready'. The markers will NOT clear when 'X' is pressed as that seemed to defeat the purpose.

This is the first version and I have more idea on what to put in here, but I'm happy to hear any suggestions.

The script can be found here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/376978

(I found that there used to be a script by @spiper that seems to do something like this, but couldn't test it as it's only for the old site and hasn't been updated in a while: http://planets.nu/discussion/utility-script-marks-objects-not-ready.)

1986 days, 22 hours, 29 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Idle Object Visualizer PluginWrite Reply
Excellent, didn't see any point to the 'mark ready' check-boxes since it wasn't useful in the Starmap view, which is how I select and order starships around. 
1935 days, 12 hours, 29 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Idle Object Visualizer PluginWrite Reply
I updated the script with some additional things. 

- Planets and starbases are always shown in the miniview even when selected. This prevents the ship order constantly being altered. 
- Planets, bases, and ships are marked in the miniview as well if they match the selected 'idle' status. Previously, on the map a circle would indicate that at a location a ship wasn't ready yet, but the player had to manually go through all ships at that location.
- When having full allies, both own ships and allied ships get drawn in blue on NU (not on purpose I believe) and it is rather annoying. The script fixes this issue EVEN when no filters are enabled.
- I added specialty ship filters that allow to highlight ship classes like terraformers, firecloud, alchemy ships, etc.
- Rings for planets, bases, ships, and ship classes don't overlap any more. 
1935 days, 12 hours, 26 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: Idle Object Visualizer PluginWrite Reply
I noticed the updates, very nice. How do you use the specialist ship filters?
1935 days, 12 hours, 25 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Idle Object Visualizer PluginWrite Reply
It's another map tool item.
1934 days, 18 hours, 10 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: Idle Object Visualizer PluginWrite Reply

 When you select an object in the miniview it is shaded and it also shown on the left side (focus view?). May be it is worth to use just the mini view? If more than 1 object is present and the focus view when only one object is present.

I like the focus view, you get to see the imagery lager and better.
1934 days, 13 hours, 30 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Idle Object Visualizer PluginWrite Reply

@Figak, I'm not sure what exactly you mean. Maybe you can clarify? I'll explain below what I changed in the miniview and why I did it...

The default by NU was such: Only one object at the location? Then don't show the miniview. If more objects are at the location, show all in the miniview. The currently selected object is shown big in the focus view and shaded in the miniview. If the selected object is a planet or base, then omit it from the miniview. 

I changed it such that it 
1) always shows the miniview even if there is only one object. That way I can show that it is not marked ready with a border. Otherwise I'd have to create another method to mark the focus view.
2) always shows planets and bases in the miniview (even when they are selected). That prevents the silly movement in the list which always annoyed me. Additionally, I can also show borders around them to highlight if they are not marked ready yet.

PS: Nice idea always starting comments with a links to the thread. :)
1934 days, 13 hours, 9 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: Idle Object Visualizer PluginWrite Reply

Sorry I wasn't clear. I changed my mind as I wrote my reply. Initially I thought, ok the miniview and showing the larger image for the chosen object is redundant information. Perhaps get rid of the larger object? Then I thought twice, well I like to see the larger objects. Finally I realised: Well, best is to show just the larger object if there is only one object.

So using your points:
2) I like - rather annoying thing.
1) I don't like - when I look at lonely planets, it just lost elegance.

I think you don't need to mark the lone objects on the left pane, with the circle on the map is enough.

It is needed when you have a stack and you are left wondering "damm, which of these did I forget to tick?".

1933 days, 2 hours, 35 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Idle Object Visualizer PluginWrite Reply

Ok, got it fixed. A new version is available. I do like it better this way as well. 
I also colored the menu entry. :)
1933 days, 2 hours, 16 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Idle Object Visualizer PluginWrite Reply

Ok, got it fixed. A new version is available. I do like it better this way as well.

I also colored the menu entry. :)
1899 days, 11 hours, 2 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Idle Object Visualizer PluginWrite Reply

New download location: https://monkeyguts.com/code.php?id=187

1827 days, 3 hours, 48 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Idle Object Visualizer PluginWrite Reply
Can we get a feature to label planets for Ore Condesors to visit?

SpaceSquad requested this, thought this mod would be the best way to add this feature.
1826 days, 23 hours, 28 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Idle Object Visualizer PluginWrite Reply
http://planets.nu/discussion/utilit y-script-idle-object-visualizer-plugin

@Glyn, I thought about it already, Should be easy enough to integrate it. I'm just a bit hard pressed in terms of time. Should be better in mid September though. Feel free to poke me again around then.
1732 days, 7 hours, 24 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Idle Object Visualizer PluginWrite Reply
http://planets.nu/discussion/utilit y-script-idle-object-visualizer-plugin

I moved the download location for the Idle Object Visualizer Plugin over to Greasyfork: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/6442-planets-nu-idle-object-visualizer-plugin