I think it is right, but I can't guarantee it. I'll take a look. But can you check one thing? I've see it come up in my games, and I think it's a case where this tool actually is more helpful than I had even anticipated.
Ships sweep in order of ID and the minefield is reduced in size accordingly with each one before the next sweeps. So a lower ID ship can actually reduce the size of a minefield it is sweeping enough that other ships trying to sweep the same field will not be able to reach it.
To see if this is the case in your situation, I'd recommend the following. 1. Turn all the ships within 5ly of the minefield off of minesweep. 2. Set the lowest ID ship to minesweep. You show see the preview of the swept field. 3. Look at the distances of the other sweeping ships to the edge of the "previewed" field. 4. If the distances are greater than 5ly, the script is correct and showing you what will happen: the first ship will sweep the field out of range of the other sweepers, and they won't actually sweep anything (unless enemy lays more mines). Otherwise, yes it would be a bug and I will investigate further,
I've had a couple times already where I stopped a lower ID ship from sweeping so that a higher ID ship with better sweeping power would still be able to reach the field and actually sweep more.mines total than if both had been set to sweep. It's a rather annoying part of vgap mechanics and something I never would have bothered to try and calculate before I wrote this.
This is also why, in general, when using multiple ships to sweep you want to position them so that higher ID ships are closer to the middle of the field.
Anyways, let me know what you find out. Also, I do plan on adding "msc" and mines destroy mines sometime, but it might be awhile. Summer tends to draw my interest from the computer back to the real world some...