Utility Script: set random buttons for name & friendly codes

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2457 days, 6 hours, 50 minutes ago
View spiper's profile
Utility Script: set random buttons for name & friendly codesWrite Reply
Adds a "random" button to the ship and planet screens to assign a random friendly code.  Also adds a "random" button to the ship screen to generate a random name.  Name comes from wordnik.com.


2456 days, 23 hours, 53 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: set random buttons for name & friendly codesWrite Reply
I kinda like it, thank you!

What bothers me a bit is the non-cap first letter of a random name :P
2456 days, 23 hours, 45 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: set random buttons for name & friendly codesWrite Reply

...however, it seems that one can't access ships orbiting an untaken planet when the script is enabled (tested with firefox 16.0.2)
2456 days, 23 hours, 33 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: set random buttons for name & friendly codesWrite Reply
... and one other thing. It shows the notes written to the ship when you click on aunowned planet your ships are orbiting. (Didnt test how this works when orbiting an enemy planet...) I can see this feature to be actually rather usefull in times, especially if the view is identical when orbiting an enemy planet. Unfortunately you cant choose any of those ships yet - it appears.
2456 days, 14 hours, 48 minutes ago
View spiper's profile
RE: Utility Script: set random buttons for name & friendly codesWrite Reply
Thanks for the feedback.  I was using the same text box (hittext) that is used to draw the mouse over listing on the right side of the screen.  That code doesn't include a select function by default although it does include the notes display.

v1.01 is on the server now.


2384 days, 14 hours, 49 minutes ago
View tom n's profile
tom n
RE: Utility Script: set random buttons for name & friendly codesWrite Reply