Utility Script: show mine hits on starmap

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2685 days, 10 hours, 5 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
Utility Script: show mine hits on starmapWrite Reply
Here is another little user script that adds mine hit info gathered from the messages on the starmap. Web hits are shown in a greenish grey color and normal mine hits in a yellow. A small x is displayed if the damage reported from the mine hit was < 100% and a larger X (same size as a regular explosion) if the mine hit was fatal. Here is a screenshot of a turn where I hit 4 web mines (note the small x's in the web fields):

Right now it shows hits from your ships and enemy ships in the same color, but this can be changed. I figured context would probably keep things clear enough. And I'm also open to suggestions on how showing these can be improved. Not totally sold on the X representation as it can obscure ships beneath it, though that's also true of the normal explosion mark I guess.

Anyways, here's the link, let me know what you think:

2685 days, 5 hours, 56 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: show mine hits on starmapWrite Reply
Very nice script, thank you.

2685 days, 4 hours, 59 minutes ago
View mjs68508's profile
RE: Utility Script: show mine hits on starmapWrite Reply
I installed it and chrome says it is installed. But, I don't see any x's. Bummer. Looking forward to this.
2685 days, 3 hours, 7 minutes ago
View mjs68508's profile
RE: Utility Script: show mine hits on starmapWrite Reply
O.K., it works now. I guess after you add an extension, you have to close chrome and then open the browser anew.

I like it. It is especially nice when playing or fighting Crystals. Cool!
2684 days, 14 hours, 2 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: show mine hits on starmapWrite Reply
refreshing the browser should be enough to fix it - just go back to the main planets.nu screen, hit F5 to force refresh, and then go back into the game.
2684 days, 6 hours, 40 minutes ago
View mjs68508's profile
RE: Utility Script: show mine hits on starmapWrite Reply
Added to links page:

2676 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: show mine hits on starmapWrite Reply
Hey Beefer this is really really useful. Good stuff.
2625 days, 2 hours, 11 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: show mine hits on starmapWrite Reply
Updated to work with new client. Current version 0.2
2483 days, 7 hours, 44 minutes ago
View eeon's profile
RE: Utility Script: show mine hits on starmapWrite Reply
beefer i have a question regarding minehits and while unrelated to your script i was wondering if maybe you could help me understand this.

im playing feds in one game, privs are nieghbors so naturally i have lots of minefields all over the place.

i recieved an explosion message that an eros class starship was destroyed, its co-ordinats point to deep within one of my minefields that is way huge, the destruction "X" is located 120lyrs from the edge of this field. the field has been around for many turns. and i only own one eros. its not my eros so it belonged to someone else obviously. i got no minefield hit message. so its explosion was not the result of a minehit. nor was it the result of a vcr as i dont have a vcr that turn.

also i checked the history so it could not of been even towed there by a mcbr, as i would of been able to locate in my turn history prior to the event.

additionally the priv player has been given safe passage by me, so if it was his eros, it would not of hit any minefields. nor would i of destroyed thru combat. but it is possible it was a cloaked mcbr that was named "eros class whatever" but im doubting it. since explosion messages dont use the ship id# it makes it difficult to investigate.

so i guess my question is this, is it possible the x,y co-ordinates get reversed when posting explosion messages? if so this could very well mean it was a lizard owned ship that actually blew up for some other reason located in his territory and not mine. do you have knowledge of things like x,y confusion on explosions?
2478 days, 17 hours, 44 minutes ago
View kissofpain's profile
RE: Utility Script: show mine hits on starmapWrite Reply
If I remember correctely, the explosion message don't tell you the ship class but the ship name. This means anyone can rename his Dark Wing in Eros Class Research Vessel. :)

Oh and btw, this addon is awesome, exactely what I needed for my borg vs priv game. :P
2478 days, 16 hours, 57 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: show mine hits on starmapWrite Reply
I know what happened with the Eros... Hehehe
2472 days, 12 hours, 0 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: show mine hits on starmapWrite Reply
I do have question about the presentation:

According to message log enemy ran into three mines with three vessel, all hits where fatal.

The starmap shows me, as forementioned, three yellow Xs. However, there are still two purple (traditional) expolosion X-signs around the same region, say within 20 LYs. No other battles involved.

May and can I assume that server tells me - ith purple X - where the ship wa heading and in a away where it died (at its turn ends destiny), and script tells me where the ship hit the mine and wether  the hit was fatal or not... make sense?

Otherwise, this utility runs nice on Firefox. Thank you.
2471 days, 18 hours, 25 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: show mine hits on starmapWrite Reply
I'm in my first game since nu added showing mine hit explosions to all players, and this last turn got to see a little of what's going on here.

Basically there are now 2 messages that may be sent for mine hits:

1. One for the mine hit, which is the classic vgap message and is only sent to the owner of the ship and the owner of the minefield. It appears the coordinates in this message are correct and this is what the script displays.

2. One for the explosion, only if the minehit is fatal, sent to all players. I've seen a couple other threads on this and they all agree the location in this message is wrong, but I'm not yet sure whether it is showing the explosion at the location the ship started, or whether it's where the ship would have ended up (had it not hit a mine). People seem to have different ideas about it, and I have no evidence in my game to support one over the other.

Side Note: I would be able to get better info on this if Jomiii would quit cloaking all his ships!

Anyways Anaconda, it seems your description is more or less right, the script shows where the mine hits occurred, and the explosion location is wrong. I'm sure someone will figure out if it is showing the start or end location, and hopefully they will share what they learn with us. Eeon, how does that fit with what you saw? Could the "eros" have been a gravitronic that started inside your field and hit someone else's mines?
2471 days, 17 hours, 24 minutes ago
View eeon's profile
RE: Utility Script: show mine hits on starmapWrite Reply
@beefer regarding destruction fatal minehits. ive been trying to study this as well, and from what im seeing its displaying the location of destruction as to where it would have ended up if it had not been a fatal minehit. so this is point 1 of where the innacuracy is. its not a flaw in your program but rather in the host message. point2 of the flaw appears to be that the message does not include ship id number or ship class, merely the name of the vessel. how our scanners can tell what the ships name was and  not the class or id number is beyond me. and the fact opur scanners indicate an incorrect location is another matter.

regarding my situation posted earlier, i recieved no message of a minefield hit. it was merely an explosion. which i suppose could of been the result of my nieghbors minefield hit and a mcbr named eros class whatever .... the double bug being that only the ship name was displayed, and the incorrect location is what threw me. im fairly positive that the "Explosion Messages" need an overdue overhaul. cuyrrently they are not worth the electrons used to write them.


2468 days, 15 hours, 52 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: show mine hits on starmapWrite Reply
Those blank explosions are indeed minefields destroying each other, e.g. in a counter-mining operation when enemy lays a mine field on and over empires trade routes.
2154 days, 7 hours, 22 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: show mine hits on starmapWrite Reply
This script has been updated for the new version. It adds back a piece that didn't make it into the .nu implementation, showing mine hits on enemy ships. It can be useful in judging where a ship was coming from... and I just like to see them. It's very satisfying!