Hi olegboleg :)
I think that 'Share Intel' is transitive so effectively, if
A and B have SI B and C have SI,
then we have always had the situation where effectively
A and C have the effects of 'Share Intel'.
So one could never be chevalier about and take lightly 'Share Intel' agreements as ones enemies could incidentally benefit from those.
BUT there is (however also) reciprocity, so
one will also benefit from more info relating to the enemy;
and IF ones looks closely, then one will realise, that one sees 'too much' and thus will be able to deduce, that transitivity of 'Share Intel' indeed is in play.
BUT in the past VCR were for Full Alliance only;
but with these VCRs being now available already at 'Share Intel',
then these will be,
and indeed I have already seen that they are,
also Transitivity.
Personally I am sort of fine with that, as logically 'B' functions as a relying hub,
relaying information to his other 'Share Intel' associates, what he learns in relations, that they are NOT per say themselves a part of and pur-view to.
I may misinterpret this, but it seems to me, from your question olegboleg,
that you not only did NOT expect this, but that you quite possibly disagree with this choice;
which, if that is the case, I totally respect.
But this is to the extend of my understanding the lay of land 'as is' for now.
Sincerely bediju |