VGAP Viewer

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2300 days, 18 hours, 17 minutes ago
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VGAP ViewerWrite Reply
At a recent company Hack-A-Thon, I did a little project to display a turn-by-turn animation of the dev team's recent VGA Planets game.

The GitHub page has some example animations, plus everything you need to build animations of your own games using the Planets Nu API!
2300 days, 18 hours, 11 minutes ago
View marklein's profile
RE: VGAP ViewerWrite Reply
NEAT! Good job,
2300 days, 16 hours, 36 minutes ago
View ville kauppinen's profile
ville kauppinen
ville kauppinenWrite Reply
Gotta try it. Would love some nice additions like the Echoview in the "old world".
2300 days, 9 hours, 0 minutes ago
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kedalionWrite Reply
Very cool.
2300 days, 7 hours, 16 minutes ago
View domlaay's profile
domlaayWrite Reply
Yea that is awesome.