Advertising Campaign is Starting

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
We have released our first round of updates to the new system to Included in this is a new tutorial "assistant" who will walk new players through their first turns. 

When we announced the creation of the Giant Melees, one of the key things we talked about was using them for new player signups. This is now in progress and we will see how it works out. Essentially the signup process will work like this:

1) New player reaches
2) New player signs up using the Start Playing button
3) New player is added directly to the max rank - Midshipman Giant Melee game and the game opens immediately
4) The player is greeted by the tutorial assistant who walks them through the basic steps of the first turn.

We are hoping that at least 30% of players will make it through that first turn leaving us with a game of about 10 players. The nice thing about putting them straight into a real game is 1 - its real and 2 - it will call them back with the turn reminder emails every day.  

To help get brand new (never heard of us before) players to come try us out we are starting an online marketing campaign. Our company does this regularly for other products with a lot of success. We are starting off with a simple image ad campaign with a few different images:

Top banner:

Inline Rectangle:


Any of you who may be marketing experts or artists or just people with ideas (we definitely have a few of those) are welcome to submit some suggestions or images for ads and we'll give them a try to see how they perform. We will certainly be adding more over the coming months and weeks as we see what gets the best click through and conversion. 

These completely new people will be arriving as guests regularly at One thing that we would like to ask is that whenever you have time available try to play the role of greeter on the homepage. Try to say hi (using the new chat) to the new players as they arrive and welcome them. The more help we have greeting, welcoming and talking about planets to these new players the more likely they are to stick around and sign up.  

We'll be continuing further improvements to the new site to make it easier to use. In addition, everyone will soon have access to the "assistant" who will also be a source of basic reference information for all features in the game.  

More information coming soon. The advertising campaign begins today, so feel free to welcome any new guests you see!