Emperor Joesnoffy has commissioned his new ship for the Crystalline fleet. It is now available for use in the Campaign scenarios.
Name: Selenite Class Battlecruiser
Tech: 8
Mass: 240
Fuel: 440
Cargo: 380
Crew: 426
Engines: 2
Beams: 10
Torps: 4
Bays: 0
Cloak: No
MC: 400
Dur: 64
Trit: 80
Moly: 160
Adv: 30
Special Ability:
The ship may move minefields using the Push or Pull minefield missions. To move a minefield the ship must be inside of a minefield and select the center of the minefield* as its waypoint. The warp setting on the ship will determine how far the minefield will be pushed or pulled. (warp 9 = 81ly) The fuel used will be based on the "Mass" of the minefield which is calculated as the minefield units/10. Ships and minefields being moved must have the same owner.
*If a web minefield and regular minefield are centered at the same point, the web minefield will be moved.
For example: to move a minefield of 22500 units will be the same as moving a ship with mass of 2250 for the distance chosen by the warp speed. The engines of the ship are used to move the field. So better engines will use less fuel. Transwarp drives moving 81ly would use ~182 neutronium. The direction of movement will always be directly away or directly toward the ship depending on whether push or pull is used.
Move minefields happens immediately before the Lay Mines mission in the host order.
Move minefields happens in ID order.
The Selenite Class Battlecruiser will not move when performing the push or pull but can be towed during the turn.
Enjoy the new ship!