Game format adjustments

Thursday, April 11, 2024

As part of our continual improvement at Planets Nu, we regularly review and adjust the game formats we offer. We are releasing a set of minor changes, and a new Intermediate game format. Any changes will only apply to newly created games. Those in progress will not be effected. Adjustments include:

  • Beginner games are changing to a 50 turn fixed turn win condition
  • League beginner games are having their end turn reduced from 60 to 50 to match
  • All standard size and beginner games are having the diplomatic options reduced to an agreement with only one other player. In league games this is still limited to a max of Share Intel, with Full Alliance available in non-league.
  • Horwasps are being removed from standard campaign games
  • We are removing all player restrictions from long format league games. The per-team limits on High and Very High Standard games remain, but individual player limits no longer apply and they can join any game their team can.

The new Intermediate game format is intended as a next step for players ranking out of beginner games, but who do not feel ready for full standard games. Features include:

  • 120 planets
  • 9 races - all beginner races plus the Cyborg (crystals and privateers still omitted)
  • Supplies (but not fuel)
  • Global ship limit of 120, and each player starts with a bank of 100 Priority Points
  • 70 Turn Fixed end condition
  • Max rank: Commander