Intergalactic Disturbance Interrupts Communications

Sunday, May 19, 2013
YEAR 0029 - Breaking News! A massive intergalactic disturbance of unknown origins has ripped through the Echo Cluster causing subspace communication errors preventing many Commanders from communicating with their ship captains and colony governors. Not all commanders were affected but those that were are experiencing the severe consequences of even a short blockage in communications when events are in progress. Full communications have now been restored, fortunately the Aries and Sagittarius Wars were unaffected. Please support the affected commanders in their rebuilding efforts!

Real Life Explanation

The Planets Nu website experienced a very long outage today (~6.5 hours) due to the API shutting down unexpectedly. The error did not trip the monitors which usually notify the admin so the recovery was much longer than normal. We've done a full investigation and believe we have found the cause of the problem which is actually due to an interaction between the old version and the new. We hope the problem will not occur again. However, in case of future similar events additional monitors have been added including adding a monitor the host service so that hosting will be stopped if players are unable to play their turns. This should prevent the missed turns that we saw today from happening again.  

In addition we have extended the existing monitors to another staff member to improve the response time should one be unavailable.

Like any online service we strive to maintain the best possible up time. Please accept our apologies and rest assured that we are working hard to prevent future problems.