One of the most interesting things about Planets is the diversity the Echo Cluster offers to players in terms of game formats. Over the many years that Planets has existed there have been thousands of different formats tried with many different add-ons, rule sets, schedules, map features, ship lists etc.
As a player it can be very fun to design such a game and attempt to play it out with your fellow Planets enthusiasts. The hardest part however is finding people excited to play your particular game. To help solve this problem Planets Nu is happy to announce a new "Interest" concept to the game creation process.
The idea is to add a layer of "voting" to decide which game concepts will become actual joining games. This is represented by the new "Interest" tab on the Games List screen. Here new games which are seeking interested participants will be listed. If you find the game concept interesting and would like to play in a game you see you can click the "I am Interested" button to show your support for the game. If enough people show their support for a given game the game will be promoted to full "Joining" status. All the interested people will be notified and the game will be listed in the New Games section.
Any player on Planets Nu will be permitted to list a game in the Interest section for others to vote on. Several of the current Planets Nu game formats will also move to this section. This will also give the Planets Nu team a place to experiment with many more game formats without slowing down the game joining process with too many joining games.
For now the following popular game formats will be auto-created into the New Games section:
Standard Beginners
Giant Campaign Melee
Mentor vs Midshipmen
All other formats will begin showing up in the Interest section. So if you'd like to see a "Teams of 3" game for example you can find that there. If there is enough interest (at least 12 players) then the game will get promoted to Joining and the interested parties will be notified so they can join (or not) and the game will start when full as per normal.
We hope this will allow us an effective, community driven approach to diversifying the game concepts and make it fun and easy for both player hosts and the Planets Nu team to offer much more unique games.
If you are interested in creating a game on the Interest tab be sure to carefully design your game settings and then when ready create a game with the "Is Public" flag checked. This feature is now enabled. Your game will show up in the Interest tab where people will be able to see it.
Happy Hosting!