We are very proud to announce the deployment of alpha release 1 (AR1). This release is the first major step toward the new version of VGA Planets. Our goals for this release were the development of the overall user interface framework as well as the hosting framework and data extraction from the original source data files to a more modern database format and we have achieved these goals.
We would now like to invite all of you who have signed up here on the website to have a look and try out the new release.
To try it out, you need to sign in to this website (if you don't have an account
click here to register). Then go to the "My Games" page. You will see your current games list and a button for "Create Training Game". In the Nu version there will always be the option of creating a training game where you play against a simple computer player. This is the start of that.
Click "Create Training Game". Currently there is only one option for map type (more will come later) so click "Create" to create the game. It will take a few moments. When you create the game it creates a map and assigns you a home world and runs host for the first time.
Once you see your newly created training game click "Play" to play the game. For now most of the functionality inside the game does not exist, however you should be able to click around and see how the new system will look. Here's a hint, look for the "blue" planet, that is the planet that was assigned as your home world.
You can help us out
You can help us out a great deal by reporting any bugs you find or suggestions for improvements (even very tiny ones) in the forums under suggestions and bugs. We expect there to be some bugs. When you build software for the internet it may work on a lot of people's machines, but not on others. There are many different browsers and we can't test them all. So if it seems like something is really wrong, or you can't load the game please tell us in the forums about any error messages you get and what type of browser/operating system you are using.
We have tested the game on Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox 3+ and Safari on Windows and Google Chrome. We do not expect it to work in Internet Explorer 7 or less. IE 7 is still quite popular but is too old for the modern technology we are using. Since we are building for the future, we recommend that you upgrade if you are still using this browser. The best performance overall is in Safari, or Google Chrome. If you are wondering what the heck I'm talking about go here and watch the video:
http://www.whatbrowser.org/en/ and I recommend you install Google Chrome if you are using Windows.
You can also help us out tremendously by sending us screenshots of how the game looks on your computer. We know it looks pretty good on our computers, but maybe it doesn't look as good on yours, or maybe it looks better. We would love it if you sent us screenshots of what it looks like on your computer and we will post them here on the site.
Have fun with the new version, more functionality will follow very soon.
Please email any screenshots to us at: admin@vgaplanets.nu