We are happy to announce the second of the Planets-conventions for the last weekend of august (friday 29th until sunday 31st) in the city of Leiden in the Netherlands. Your organizing committee will be Robijntje and Dazdya. After the devastating success of last year’s event, admirals from around the globe can join us for a follow-up. Events are far from final, but they might include the following (or not):
- arrival
- get-together with early arrivals
- hangout with everybody who has an opinion or is looking for one
- betting pool for current emperor games
- ‘How to defend a starbase’ – the story of Leiden
- ‘862 KTons of minerals and 900,000,000 credits’ – building a
- starbase for Earth
- State of the Nuniverse – by Joshua
- ‘Trans-Atlantic blitz with 20 generals looking over your shoulder’
- ‘Best Planets-related joke ever’
- ‘One hundred things you were afraid to ask because it might make
- you look stupid...’
- Presentations by some of the best commanders in the Nuniverse.
- betting pool for future emperor games
- intervention for SMN to organize the next Con in Finland
- hangout with everyone who used to have an opinion
- departure
The preparations are far from complete, so more news will be forthcoming. We do know that we are still looking for a group of players in the USA who live in the same region, for the trans-Atlantic blitz. Recent posts suggest people may be setting up a Con on the other side of the pond; it would be awesome if we could make it a double-feature. Also, if people wish to announce that they will join, or that they would like to organize something, have an idea for a presentation, or just for feedback, please send an email to planetsconATdazdya.com.
An official invitation will be issued as soon as we have an idea how many players intend to come.
Again if you are interested attending or have other feedback please email: planetscon AT dazdya.com