Recent Interface Updates

Thursday, June 27, 2019

As you may have noticed, we have recently been rolling out some improvements and fixes to the client interface. Here are some highlights, for those that might have missed them:

  • Drawing tools have been added and can be found in the map controls from the upper left. You can add/edit circles, lines, points, or add text notes to the map. Drawings can be grouped into layers that can be toggled on or off, and items can also have zoom level minimum and maximum levels set so they will only appear at certain times. Points can be set so that ship waypoints will snap to them if you click nearby. This addition is compatible with the older drawing plugin, and will display drawings created in it correctly. Drawings made with the new built-in tool will also display correctly with the plugin, though this might not always be the case in the future if new features are added.
  • Basic movement details (current location, next turn location, waypoint, mass) have been added to the ship details/notes screen. Click the ship's image to view. Also, a new color selector has been added that allows a more complete selection of colors.
  • Auto-selling of supplies enabled at ship/planet transfer screen. After all megacredits have been transferred from a planet to a ship, choosing to move more megacredits will automatically convert supplies for that purpose (there is an indicator to show this will happen). Unloading megacredits to a planet will automatically convert them to supplies if possible.
  • Mine sweep details added to ship screen when mission selected.
  • Hull cost info added to ship survey screen (click the ship's equipment to view).
  • Improved HYP planning tools always show a HYP ring for hyperjump capable ships, around both the current location and waypoint. Enemy hyperjumpers will also show a ring around their current location when selected. Additional HYP circles can still be added using the map tools.
  • Fight or Fail details have been added to both the in-game and game-page scoreboards.
  • Fixed/auto worker allocation selection for Horwasps added.
  • Warning added when removing all clans from a planet.
  • UI Scale setting added. For those on larger screens that may have difficulty reading the interface, we have added a setting that will allow you to enlarge the ship/planet/starbase screens and subscreens, and the hover information. You can find it at the bottom of the map tools.
  • Link rewrites in feed messages. Links to any and addresses will be directed to a local address for that page. This improves the link functionality for the mobile apps, and also keeps players from being mistakenly redirected to the old client by following a game link etc. Addresses without a hashtag will not be rewritten so a simple link will still go there. This should all be quite unnoticeable (admins have had it turned on for quite a while now), but is something to be aware of.

This release also includes a number of fixes for minor bugs like missing ship images, bad image links on some documentation pages, allies scoreboard formatting issues, and more. We hope you enjoy these additions!

Note: if you are not seeing these updates, you may need to do a full refresh (ctrl-F5) of your browser or clear the cache on your mobile app.