The following champions have been named by each race to represent them in The Leo War:
The Solar Federation name: Fleet Admiral Side Tracker
Fleet Admiral Side Tracker has been gathering intelligence for quite some time. He may have found his best experience with the Solar Federation, but the Rebels, Robots and Evil Empire would still have to refer to him as "Captain". Plus he has spent time fighting for every other race but one, which doesn't leave much room for his enemies to surprise him. The exception? - The Privateer Bands might be able to throw him off.
The Lizard Alliance: Fleet Admiral Marduk
The multi-talented Fleet Admiral Marduk knows not only how to recognize a strategic opportunity, but also how to build them for himself. Whether he has chosen to take over the abandoned campaigns of lesser commanders or build his own success from scratch he has enjoyed victory with several first place finishes. However, he is used to sharing the spotlight with an ally, so we will see who he potentially tries to befriend on this battlefield.
The Empire of the Birds name: Fleet Admiral Andy44
Once Fleet Admiral Andy44 joins a fight his enemies are going to have a hard time getting rid of him. He has had time to reflect on his experiences of the Sagittarius War, and has found a new place to spread is leadership "wings". Top 4 finishes and tenacity that has earned him a place in the DIE HARD series will make him one to watch.
The Fascist Empire name: Rear-Admiral Nakor
Perhaps you might describe Rear Admiral Nakor as efficient, if nothing else. Relatively speaking, he, at first, appears to be lacking experience, but upon closer reflection one would likely form a new opinion. His precise approach to strategy that wastes no time and no opportunity has richly rewarded him with first and second place finishes and sweeping planet counts.
The Privateer Bands name: Fleet Admiral Demon the Conqueror
If you don't have a Loki, you probably want to start making arrangements now to borrow one. Fleet Admiral Demon the Conqueror is probably going to steal your stuff. Whether he has time to plot his strategy from the beginning of battle or finds himself working with the leftovers of others, the sheer volume of battles he has faced (14 finishes as the Privateers alone) means whatever situation he finds himself in, chances are he's already overcome it once before.
The Cyborg name: Admiral Toxis142
Admiral Toxis142 seems to be a quick study. He has learned to combine his laser-like focus with just enough charm for his enemies to forget he's a threat and his allies to gratefully share victory. This war could prove to be the shining moment of Admiral Toxis142's career.
The Crystal Confederation name: Admiral Joesnoffy
The phrase "second place" is not part of Admiral Joesnoffy's vocabulary. If this were a horse race, you would be placing your bet without hesitation on this thoroughbred of a commander. Start upgrading your beams kids, because you might just find yourself with the Crystal Confederation as a neighbour. It could mean a lot though, to be responsible for the first blemish on this Admiral's record.
The Evil Empire name: Commodore Ville Kauppinen
A war like this one might bring Commodore Ville Kauppinen's charismatic and approachable facets to light, or you might find yourself simply scorned - omitted even - from play if he doesn't like how things are proceeding. This commander has many friends among leaders and experience working with crews from every race, so consider making a good impression when you meet him or you might find yourself dealing with Mr. Hyde rather than Dr. Jekyll.
The Robotic Imperium name: Rear Admiral RedPhoenixChaos
In some cultures, the colour red is considered good luck, and of course the symbolic phoenix represents a certain form of immortality. Historically speaking, Rear Admiral RedPhoenixChaos is living up to his moniker as he conquers one sector after another ---any ally of his is probably going to feel pretty lucky to tag along.
The Rebel Confederation name: Fleet Admiral Snid
No matter how this war ends, Fleet Admiral Snid is going to be there to witness it. Even if that means he has to manually set the self-destruct on his last ship and quietly, nobly, wait for the end, chances are you'll see a part of his empire still standing. So, there's an opportunity to buddy up with a staunch ally here, or the possibility of underestimating a zealous commander - the latter provoking a pugnacious solo attempt at the throne.
The Missing Colonies of Man name: Fleet Admiral Halion
Fleet Admiral Halion has felt this kind of pressure before, twice before, in fact. He describes himself as "collaborative", but this approach has yet been unfruitful when it comes to seizing the top spot. Perhaps a sleek new fleet, complete with fighters and plenty of fuel will finally propel him to new heights.
Claws, teeth, sure - but real lions ROAR to victory!
Against the odds, these commanders have dominated the Echo Cluster many times over. Now they find themselves shoulder to shoulder with the most talented leaders found in the galaxy. Who will push themselves to new heights, and who will crumble under the pressure? Which one will become Emperor of the Echo Cluster? As always, only the coming Nu Years will decide.
Representing your race and its future place in history is not without risk. All 10 losing commanders will be stripped of all their achievements and will have to start again at the bottom of their race. The winner will be elevated to the title Emperor and will be remembered for all time as a hero among their people.
In addition to glory in the Echo Cluster, the following prizes will be awarded by the overseers of the Nuniverse:
Winner of the Leo War - The Emperor will receive a free lifetime premium membership to Planets Nu.
Survival - Any player who controls at least 1 planet at the end of the game will receive 3 months of premium membership.
Spirit - The non-winning player with the best overall gamesmanship, diplomatic flourish, and game spirit as voted on by the other players will receive 3 months of premium membership
Crowd Favorite - The non-winning player who through his outside of the game communications entertains the crowd as chosen by the non-playing Planets Nu community will receive 3 months of premium membership
Good luck to all commanders! We will post regular updates as the game progresses, be sure to cheer on the representative of your favorite race!
The game is underway and can be found here:
The game discussion is here: