If you've got your speakers on when you open your turns this week you'll be greeted by a sudden rush of sound and music. Definitely not what you are used to from your normally near silent Planets playing experience. We have added sound effects and music to the game and want to shout out a big thank you to two main contributors. John Chernoff a player who has composed individual theme songs for every race and Cory Troxtell of
who generously contributed his album Scifiology to serve as the official soundtrack of Planets Nu.
Scifiology is an awesome, modern, electronic ambiance album with a nice story behind it.
Race Anthems
John Chernoff actually produced the 11 race anthems way back in November-December of 2010! It just took until now to get music/sound prioritized to the top of the to-do list. At the time we planned to get them in very soon and were also getting some great music from Lasse Karhu which you can expect to hear added to the background music over the coming months to keep things interesting.
One of the interesting challenges was how to use the anthems in the game. We have decided to play a short clip whenever you open your turn to get you in the right mood for the race you are playing. More might get added later. The full anthems are all available below:
How to turn sound and music on/off
OK, so you opened your turn at work and suddenly you got the huge Evil Empire theme blasting through your office and your boss is wondering what you are up to... luckily there is a quick and easy way to turn off the sound effects:
Go to Settings >> in your dashboard and at the bottom you will find the check boxes for sound effects/music.
Enjoy the new sound effects and music!
As always feedback is highly welcome and be sure to shout out a big thank you to Dependency Injection and John Chernoff.