The Scorpius War - Turn 25 - Ship Limit!

Friday, December 16, 2011
The best commanders in the Echo cluster are showing their prowess early on. Despite the early collapse of the Cyborg homeworld the ship limit of 500 has been reached in just 25 turns! As was loudly stated by Thin Lizzy... we now enter the mid game. Commanders will have to make do with what they have and now carefully manage their current fleets as they engage in combat to earn priority points to get critical build rights.  

Summary of activity to date based on the rumors and basic information which has come out from the reporting channels. 

Turn 6: Commodore Halion of The Evil Empire announces the location of the Privateer homeworld. 
Turn 11: The Cyborg homeworld led by Obscure is captured or destroyed. The most likely cause is an ambush by Commodore Thin Lizzy of the Lizards. 
Turn 13: Lizard ship sightings are published by the Rebels. Perhaps by probing Falcons?
Turn 11-16: An early skirmish appears to be opening up with Captain Aladrius of The Colonies losing a few ships. The most likely culprit are the sneaky Birdmen led by "Captain" Admiral_Thrain.  
Turn 21: Commodore Obscure appears to be launching a comback as The Cyborg suddenly have 3 starbases again. Perhaps aided by some potential allies looking to gain control of some Cyborg tech? Or perhaps just some assimilated worlds paying off?  
Turn 25: It looks as if Thin Lizzy is continuing his Cyborg hunt and the Cyborg are back down to 1 base without many ships being produced.
Turn 25: Ship limit is reached. Ship production is immediately halted by the physicists from each race because of the Transwarp Blackhole Limitation.

Commodore Thin Lizzy was kind enough to provide a map outlining some of these key events:

What is the Ship Limit?

Back in the early days of Transwarp flight, even before the 11 races became lost in the Echo Cluster a negative result of faster than light travel was discovered which has been called the Transwarp Blackhole Limitation (TBL) better known as the "Ship Limit". This limitation is the maximum number of Warp drive signatures possible in a given system or region of space before the unnatural production of enormous blackholes which have been known to destroy entire quadrants. This limitation can change slightly in different parts of space, but for most regions the number of possible ships is roughly equal to the number of planetary systems which stabilize the affect. In the case of the Scorpius War (being fought in the 500 planet Shaddan System) there is a limit of 500 ships.  

Physicists from all races understand the mechanics of this limitation and have sensing systems which can determine when it has been reached and it is no longer safe to build additional ships. When this happens, races must have 100% certainty that it is safe before building further ships by either destroying enemy ships in combat, recycling their own existing ships or setting up many starbases with TBL sensing systems set to build a ship quickly before another race gets the chance. This process has been in place for so long the 11 races all consider it a key aspect of military strategy. 

The incredible commanders in The Scorpius War have hit the Ship Limit in just 2 Nu Years, after only 25 turns of the system. This is considered extremely fast.   

416 Planets Colonized

In addition to hitting the ship limit 416 of the 500 planets in the system have already been colonized leaving very little expansion room. Commodore Thin Lizzy has jumped out to an early planet and ship lead with 72 Planets and 89 Ships. As he stated himself however, the ship limit shifts the balance of power particularly to the Privateers and Crystalline who have great technology for capturing enemy vessels. In addition to Commodore Obscure of the Cyborg it appears that Captain Aladrius of The Colonies may be struggling having come down from his earlier planet counts and only has 19 remaining.

You can follow all the commentary on the official PR channel here:

View statistics and vital data on the war page here: