The Scorpius War is now 75 turns in and the war has gone into the trenches, a battle of minefields, more minefields and web minefields. It is an all out economic war.
The past 50 turns have seen the demise of 3 more races:
1) The Birdmen (Turn 60), after a highly successful early strike against the Colonies were struck hard by the advancing feds... under this pressure and perhaps the realization that his end was near, Admiral Thrain disappeared from the Echo Cluster and has not been seen since.
2) The Fascists (still kicking), Captain Nicodemus has continued to fight valiantly but has seen his empire steadily declining over the past 25 turns. (by who?)
3) The Rebels (Turn 57), who under Captain Tom Graves chose to completely and utterly self destruct their own empire rather than give any benefits to the suddenly attacking Evil Empire.
Thin Lizzy of the Lizards continues to hold his early lead and has built starbases on nearly all of his 135 planets. However, general intelligence on the cluster suggest that the Crystalline (spacesquad) controlling the center of the sector are steadily advancing, web mining everything they encounter and are perhaps engaging in all out war vs the cluster. The Lizards and Federation, both in strong positions, appear to have formed a coalition to counter the Crystal threat.
Commander Halion of the Evil Empire advanced strongly and steadily toward turn 50 but has since seen his growth slowed and even slightly reversed.
Mesh_Hong has been relatively quiet... but appears to have struck up some sort of peaceful relations around turn 40, since that time his planet count has remaining almost unchanged.
The most peaceful commander in the cluster appears to be Ronnle Robot of the Robots who, after the opening turns, has had very little change to his planet count. There are indications however, that the advancing web mines have encroached and war is brewing.
The big question, in the Scorpius War appears to be, "Are there enough Heavy Phasers in the cluster to address the Web Mine Monstrosity?"
Current standings by planet:
Still in the running:
1) Thin Lizzy of the Lizards (135)
2) SqaceSquad of the Crystals (107)
3) TheDuke of the Federation (63)
4) Halion of the Evil Empire (63)
Potential game changers:
5) Mesh_Hong of the Privateer (32)
6) Ronnle Robot of the Robots (31)
On the brink of extinction:
7) Aladrius of the Colonies (15)
8) Nicodemous of the Fascist (12)
Birdmen, Rebels, Cyborg - DEAD
Please show your support for your commanders! They are in a huge, long, war and need your support! Commanders from the Scorpius War, can you give us more info? What is going on!?