The Solar Federation have announced a breakthrough discovery in Torpedo Technology - Quantum Torpedos. These new weapons are extremely powerful and have longer range than traditional Photon torpedos. However, this additional power is very expensive and not as effective in minefield production. The Federation is holding tightly onto this technology but some specifications have been leaked:
Quantum Torpedos:
Tech: 10
Damage: 70
Crew Kill: 40
Range: 34000
Mine units per torpedo: 100
Launcher cost:
Duranium: 3
Tritanium: 9
Molybdenum: 9
Megacredits: 340
Torpedos cost: 100 megacredits/torp
Limitation: Minefields can not be scooped into Quantum torpedos.
Quantum Torpedos may be refitted onto any torpedo ship.
This new Federation technology will be released into Campaign games shortly - and become available in the Battle Simulator for your testing.
Have fun Federation players!
Everyone else, beware!