After considerable time spent in development and manufacturing our very own community member Thin Lizzy has created a Planets themed card game called Planets Super Trump! It went through a thorough round of testing by a recent gathering in Munich of some of the best Planets players in the Nuniverse.
Planets Super Trump is a personal project by Thin Lizzy and is not directly affiliated with Planets Nu but we think it is a fun and cool project from the community and has our full support. Thin Lizzy discussed this project with the Planets Nu team before starting.
Planets Super Trump!
Here is the information of the game and some photos provided by Thin Lizzy in his own words:
Many of you probably have played Trumps before, a game with 32 cards that typically revolves around winning specifications of cars, airplanes, ships or cities. Now for the first time ever there is also a special edition of three sets of cards containing all 105 starships from the Planets.Nu standard ship list.
A normal round of Super Trump takes 15-30 minutes and can be played with 2-6 players without turning on the computer. No prior experience with Planets is necessary, although players who have played several races on Planets.Nu will have a slight advantage. The ship specifications used for the game are self-explanatory to the experienced Planets player, although the cards also include unfamiliar figures like the ships' maximum ranges and mine hit damages for a better game balance. The game comes with instructions and thanks to support from Planets.Nu we were able to include all official ship images and logos to give it the unique Planets.Nu look.
The price will be USD $18 for a single set or USD $12 per set if you order all three (USD $36). Remember that you need to have all three sets of cards to play with the complete standard ship list. All games will be printed, cut and coated individually and we only got this great price because I told the manufacturer that we will order several! So get a set for yourself, one for your Planets buddies, one for your kids, one for Santa Claus and one for just in case!
Many thanks to Planets.Nu for making this possible!
To order please send an email to:
Those who already said they want one, please write and remind me again, just to be sure. Please specify how many individual ($18) or full sets ($36) you would like to purchase.
For additional information go to - There you can also find the super-official unboxing video of the prototype for your entertainment.
This project is a personal project of Thin Lizzy. All proceeds from the above sales will go to Thin Lizzy. Planets Nu holds no responsibility for the quality of the product or it's delivery. We do think it's very cool though and our team has ordered 5 full sets with Christmas presents in mind.