Tim Wisseman gives his blessing to the VGA Planets 3 Remake

Friday, May 21, 2010
No official VGA Planets project could start without the first step taken by its inventor, and the hero of the community, Tim Wisseman.  So, when we here at Geographical Media decided we would like to create a new web based remake of Planets v3 we knew that before even considering the project we would need to contact Tim and get his permission so we did exactly that:  

My email to him was quite long, explaining my goals with the project and seeking his permission, but it started like this:  

Hi Tim,

My name is Joshua Perina and while you certainly don't know who I am, I have been a big fan of yours for nearly 20 years of playing VGA Planets. In fact back around 1993 (I was 14) I ran my own BBS hosting a game amongst my friends.  Ever since I started playing the game I had a desire to build my own version, or similar style game...

Tim responded quickly with this super response:

Hello Joshua,

This sounds like a wonderful idea. You have my blessing and support.

After receiving this response I felt a sincere feeling of a appreciation and happiness in knowing that the guy I'd looked up to all these years was more than worthy of my praise.

So, the VGA Planets "Nu" project has been born.  However, there is one more big step which is required to ensure the success of the project.  The support of the community.  So we will be starting a fundraising drive at Kickstarter and hope that we can get the entire VGA Planets community behind the "Nu" project so that we can make it a reality.  More details will follow in my next post.