Victory Score Games Now Available

Thursday, January 16, 2025

As announced at PlanetsCon LIVE 2024 we are beginning to trial a new victory condition that offers more pathways to winning than simply capturing planets. We call these Victory Score games and are initially offering a standard and epic version for you to try.

Victory Score games are won by gathering enough victory points (120 in standard and 300 in epic) and keeping them for a 5 turn countdown (similar to the countdown in a diplomatic planets win).

Each turn your score is calculated as follows:

  • 1 point for each planet owned
  • 1 point for each starbase owned
  • 1 point for each planet owned with 1 million colonists (10,000 clans) - excludes cyborg
  • Bonus points (20 in standard, 50 in epic) for each "title" owned that turn

The following bonuses are available:

  • Tech Accumulator - Given to the player that owns "foreign hulls" from the most other races. Foreign hulls are those that can be built by other races but not your race in that game. Requires a minimum of ships from 3 other races.
  • Biggest Stockpile - Given to the player that has the most Production Points, with a minimum of 100
  • Widest Reach - Given to the player that has colonized or captured the most planets over the course of the game, with a minimum of 1/5 of the planets in the game. These do not all need to be held at the same time.
  • Greatest Warrior - Given to the player that has destroyed the most enemy ship tonnage or planetary defense over the course of the game, with a minimum of 5000.
  • Happy Beings - Given to the player with the highest average happiness, based on the current happiness including change for the coming turn for both colonists and natives on any planets with 1000 or more colonist clans. Must have a minimum of 5 planets that qualify.

Each bonus can only be held by one player at a time. To claim a bonus someone else already has on the previous turn, you must surpass their score. Ties will remain with the previous owner.