Hi vepr, thanks for your interest. :-)
I agree, it's still a bit (too) involved. Also, I've had reports that it doesn't work (yet) in Chrome.
You could wait a couple of days but if you're eager, you can obtain your API key by using e.g.
cURL (if you're using a linux distro like ubuntu, there's a package available you can easily install). Then run on a command prompt:
curl -d username=vepr -d password=secret http://api.planets.nu/login
Once you have that key, you have to edit the greasemonkey script's source.
- In Firefox: Tools -> Greasemonkey -> Manage User Scripts...
- Right-click "Load Planet Data" and select Edit (or choose Options and then Edit)
- Enter your API key and your game ID (usually a 5-digit number) near the top of that file and save.
Now when you go to the VGA Planets calculator, it will load your planet data from the game you selected (look for a cyan box).
Of course you shouldn't have to edit the source, but as I said -- this is alpha. Hope this makes it work for you!