Magic Minefields

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2821 days, 6 hours, 3 minutes ago
View rp mickler's profile
rp mickler
Magic MinefieldsWrite Reply
Hey guys - is it possible for an enemy minefield to:

1. Be invisible: not show up at all on the map?

2. Even after your ships run into it, you go to look for it, and it doesn't exist?

Also, if anyone has any "best practices" for laying minefields, I'd sure appreciate it. I tell ya: minefields are an effective weapon in the hands of my adversaries. They're crap wastes of time when I throw them down. I must be missing something.

Thanks -
2821 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes ago
View veldan's profile
RE: Magic MinefieldsWrite Reply
If the center of a mine field is covered by an ion storm you cannot detect it, or sweep it, except through colonial fighter sweep.

I would highly suggest reading the article on donovans on minefields, if you haven't already.

Other articles are;

Minehit Probability

Torp conversion

As a rule of thumb I only travel through as many mines as I can until I reach a 10% chance of hitting a mine.  So when cloaked, it's 20ly's through a single minefield, 10 ly's through a double field, and 5 ly's through a triple field.

When sweeping, I get my heaviest high tech and high beam count ships together, load them up with supplies, and plow them into the minefield to clear the way.  Yes, they'll take a minehit or two, but you can only do so much sweeping from the outside edges.  So an uncloaked ship, like a T-rex/Nova can carry enough supplies and at least one battle salvo (8 - 10x's number of tubes) torps, and still carry enough supplies to repair one minehit, 2 in the case of a nova.
2821 days, 5 hours, 45 minutes ago
View rp mickler's profile
rp mickler
RE: Magic MinefieldsWrite Reply
2821 days, 5 hours, 44 minutes ago
View veldan's profile
RE: Magic MinefieldsWrite Reply
I accidentally hit add post, so I added some more to my original post.
2821 days, 5 hours, 36 minutes ago
View rp mickler's profile
rp mickler
RE: Magic MinefieldsWrite Reply
Again, thanks -

I have read this article before and the probabilities I understand. I didn't see the piece about ion storms in the Donovan article; I didn't realize that.

In my recent situation though there was no ion storm in the area. I'm looking at the map where the explosion coordinates were relayed to me in the messaging system, and there's no minefield. How can that be?

2821 days, 5 hours, 34 minutes ago
View veldan's profile
RE: Magic MinefieldsWrite Reply
Do you have any of your ships set to sweep mines?

You can only detect a minefield if you are within 100 ly's of the outside edge, and the ships mission is set to sweep mines.
2821 days, 5 hours, 6 minutes ago
View rp mickler's profile
rp mickler
RE: Magic MinefieldsWrite Reply

Now this I didn't know either.

So a minefield won't automatically appear on the map unless I've a ship set to sweep mines? Regardless of the proximity of my ships?

This would make some sense then ... I though sweep mines was for eliminating mines, not detecting them? Interesting ... you'd think "sensor sweep" or something would be more appropriate. Weird. Okay, that makes sense ...! Thank you!

2821 days, 5 hours, 2 minutes ago
View veldan's profile
RE: Magic MinefieldsWrite Reply
That is absolutely correct.  You're lucky you haven't been facing off against the Crystal. =)

I think the sensor sweep mission should detect space mines as well, but that's not how it's set up.
2821 days, 4 hours, 45 minutes ago
View rp mickler's profile
rp mickler
RE: Magic MinefieldsWrite Reply
Bizarre but useful info - thank you!
2821 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes ago
View jomamasfat's profile
RE: Magic MinefieldsWrite Reply
It's also possible that he dropped the field with a low ID ship and then had a high ID ship scoop the mines.  If your ships move in between these actions you can hit a mine, but the minefield will be gone on the next turn when you see the result.
2821 days, 0 hours, 32 minutes ago
Profile Image
RE: Magic MinefieldsWrite Reply
Doesn't scoop happen before movement?

IE you lay mines, you scoop mines, enemy ship moves?
2820 days, 23 hours, 46 minutes ago
View sakawa's profile
RE: Magic MinefieldsWrite Reply
Just to complete/Clarify the information.

Minefield detect range: 200

Ships on a minesweep mission will detect minefields within 200 light years.

Host Order
  • Lay mines 
  • Lay web mines 
  • Ion storms: 
  • -move 
  • -join 
  • -decloak ships 
  • -damage ships 
  • -drag ships 
  • -new storms formed 
  • -affect minefields 
  • Mine sweep/scoop 
  • Mine decay 
  • Mines destroy mines 
  • New minefield fcodes established 
  • Web drain 
  • Starbases fix or recycle ships 
  • First build new ships 
  • Clone ships 
  • Super refit 
  • Force a surrender at starbase 
  • Mass check, repair & mkt 
  • Towing ships move 
  • - check for impact with debris disks and star clusters
  • Cobol Ramscoop makes fuel 
  • Warpwell calculation 
  • Star cluster radiation kills crew/colonists for moving ships
  • Most ships move (Incl. HYP) 

One question came to me reading here


All races,except for the Colonies of Man, can not see or sweep a minefield that is inside an ion storm. They can sweep mines in an ION storm with fighters.

I knew about the special abilities of the Colonies regarding normal minesweep from 100 LY away but did not know that they were able to see those (minefields/webmines) with the center in an Ion storm. ¿Can anyone confirm this? Thanks.

2797 days, 0 hours, 23 minutes ago
View halion's profile
RE: Magic MinefieldsWrite Reply

Hi Can anyone confirm or deny the previous post from sakawa? I 'had' been operating under the assumption that colonies of man could indeed see and sweep mines inside an ion storm.

Recent data has given me reason to doubt this though.

Anyone got a definitive awnser, Joshua? i checked the config page and there is nothing there that i could see.

Thanks in advance.

2796 days, 23 hours, 40 minutes ago
View nitemare's profile
RE: Magic MinefieldsWrite Reply
Hi, I can confirm that colonies can't see webminefields inside an ionstorm. You can see it by yourself from the colonies point of view in: between turns 48-49 around the ionstorm #41


2796 days, 23 hours, 37 minutes ago
View halion's profile
RE: Magic MinefieldsWrite Reply

Thanks Nite,

To finish then that means that while some documentation exists foir VGAP to say colonies can sweep inside an ion storm the current config of does not allow for this.

2796 days, 23 hours, 34 minutes ago
View nitemare's profile
RE: Magic MinefieldsWrite Reply
Not really, I only said that colonies can't see WEBminefields, and for sure they can't sweep them. I can't say the same with normal mines. You should get the turn from some colonies player yo see if they had minesweeped minefields inside an ion storm