Utility Script: Draw objects on map

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2635 days, 13 hours, 0 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Starting this as a more "official" thread for documentation of the add-on suggested in this thread:

It lets you do some basic drawing on the maps. Here's the notes:

Creates 2 new map tools:

"Draw" - Allows drawing various things on map. Once "Draw" is selected, clicks
on the map will draw instead of accessing ships, setting waypoints etc.
You can also use the options at top to create/rename/delete separate layers
to organize your drawn objects. To exit "Draw" mode, click "Starmap".

"Layers" - Brings up a list of all the layers you have created with the "Draw"
tool above. Each has a checkbox which can be used to show or hide that
particular layer.

NOTE: "snap waypoints" under the point settings will override snapping to other
ships' waypoints, if a click is near both.

Take a look, all feedback welcome. The script is at:
2635 days, 11 hours, 20 minutes ago
View lindybomber's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Best script so far!
2634 days, 10 hours, 43 minutes ago
View vepr's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
This is a most excellent script.   ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! 

only a few minor incremental improvement suggestions. in addition to the sharing ability,  it would be nice if you could change the size of the font to make different labels stand out more at different map magnification settings.  another is if possible to have an option to delete certain items in the layer independent of the layer, at least the last one.  sometimes your label doesnt quite come out as you envision it and it sucks to have to redo the entire layer.

strong work though, this is a must have script!
2634 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
I'm glad you all like it! I've been pretty pleased with how it came out too. I took this one on more as an interesting programming challenge than because I thought I'd use it much, but I've found I already use it more than expected.

Obviously, the ability to edit/delete the objects individually would be nice, and will probably be put in next. Vepr, I'm not sure what you mean by the font standing out more at different zoom levels though. Do you mean if you make some text at 100% zoom, then zoom to 200%, the text should be twice as big? Or something different? I agree some sort of font size control would be nice. The default one is a bit tiny unless you write in all caps, at least on my screen.

As for labels not turning out as you expect, note that the object you're working on is not saved to the layer until you click the save button, so you should be able to see exactly what it looks like and tweak parameters as needed before committing. For example, if making a point with a label, or just a text label, if you enter the text you want and then press "enter", you should be able to see it as it will display before you commit to it. You can then adjust the x and y params to move it around, or change the text to get what you want.

But yeah, at the moment, once you click save, it's attached to the layer and can only be removed by deleting the whole layer.
2631 days, 5 hours, 0 minutes ago
Profile Image
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Not much to say except: AWESOME! :)
2630 days, 20 hours, 31 minutes ago
View dark'a'man's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply

I have no clue how you guys (girls) got this script thing done, but it's a great way to extend the usability and playability of this great game. I do remember early threads about not being able to use addons, but the community is filling this in very fast.

2630 days, 19 hours, 12 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Many thanks Big Beefer! Great script!

A sharing function would make this the killer script for alliances and especially team games. I wouldn't mind doing a little hand work (like copying a message into a note) to achieve this.
2630 days, 9 hours, 15 minutes ago
View nakor's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Sounds good, but doesn't work unfortunately. :(
There are no "Draw" and "Layers" option items in my "Map Tools" listed. Any idea why?
I'm using Firefox.

2630 days, 8 hours, 6 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Don't know, I use Firefox pretty much exclusively so I know it *can* work. A few things to check.

- Are you running any other addons?
- I doubt this works with the new site, if you are trying to use that.
- Do you see the script in greasemonkey, and it is enabled?

If you still can't get it too work on the old site, go into one of your games and from the firefox menu select "Web Developer > Web Console". Then type in:


and see what it spits out. If null or something the code isn't loading. If you see a whole bunch of code spit back, then it is. We can troubleshoot further from there if needed.
2629 days, 16 hours, 27 minutes ago
View nakor's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
a) Yes:
- color coding for races
- load your own ships in simulator
- cloning preview
- explosion ship name
- show mine hits
- ion storm prediction
- race filters for open games
- strategic information assistant

b) I'm using the old site.
c) Yes, it is enabled.
2629 days, 16 hours, 24 minutes ago
View nakor's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
This is what the console spitted out... as you can see it just came up with [object Object] after I typed in what you wrote:

[13:22:14.541] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.4/jquery-ui.min.js:277
[13:22:14.541] anonymous function does not always return a value @ http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.4/jquery-ui.min.js:278
[13:22:14.542] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.4/jquery-ui.min.js:291
[13:22:14.545] anonymous function does not always return a value @ http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.4/jquery-ui.min.js:333
[13:22:14.556] reference to undefined property e[j] @ http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js:113
[13:22:14.602] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ http://vgaplanets.nu/_library/2010/5/raphael-min.js:15
[13:22:14.603] function Sa does not always return a value @ http://vgaplanets.nu/_library/2010/5/raphael-min.js:31
[13:22:14.604] anonymous function does not always return a value @ http://vgaplanets.nu/_library/2010/5/raphael-min.js:34
[13:22:14.604] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ http://vgaplanets.nu/_library/2010/5/raphael-min.js:37
[13:22:14.605] anonymous function does not always return a value @ http://vgaplanets.nu/_library/2010/5/raphael-min.js:70
[13:22:14.607] applying the 'delete' operator to an unqualified name is deprecated @ http://vgaplanets.nu/_library/2010/5/raphael-min.js:113
[13:22:14.613] assignment to undeclared variable Raphael @ http://vgaplanets.nu/_library/2010/5/raphael-min.js:7
[13:22:14.623] anonymous function does not always return a value @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/dashboard.js?ver=fef3b3f7-8a83-4b8d-9b7e-d6702e542fb3:305
[13:22:14.628] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/soundmanager2-jsmin.js:46
[13:22:14.628] anonymous function does not always return a value @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/soundmanager2-jsmin.js:48
[13:22:14.628] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/soundmanager2-jsmin.js:53
[13:22:14.628] anonymous function does not always return a value @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/soundmanager2-jsmin.js:49
[13:22:14.629] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/soundmanager2-jsmin.js:74
[13:22:14.629] anonymous function does not always return a value @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/soundmanager2-jsmin.js:81
[13:22:14.630] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/soundmanager2-jsmin.js:90
[13:22:14.630] anonymous function does not always return a value @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/soundmanager2-jsmin.js:94
[13:22:14.642] variable density redeclares argument @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/vgap.js?ver=1.96:3649
[13:22:14.647] variable message redeclares argument @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/vgap.js?ver=1.96:5569
[13:22:14.659] anonymous function does not always return a value @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/vgap.js?ver=1.96:10756
[13:22:14.662] function buildParserCache does not always return a value @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/vgap.js?ver=1.96:10987
[13:22:14.662] function getWidgetById does not always return a value @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/vgap.js?ver=1.96:10994
[13:22:14.663] function makeSortFunction does not always return a value @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/vgap.js?ver=1.96:10994
[13:22:14.663] anonymous function does not always return a value @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/vgap.js?ver=1.96:10994
[13:22:15.188] variable a redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:1
[13:22:15.188] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:2
[13:22:15.188] variable a redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:2
[13:22:15.188] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:2
[13:22:15.188] variable a redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:2
[13:22:15.188] anonymous function does not always return a value @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:5
[13:22:15.188] variable a redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:6
[13:22:15.188] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:7
[13:22:15.189] anonymous function does not always return a value @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:8
[13:22:15.189] variable a redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:8
[13:22:15.189] variable b redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:9
[13:22:15.189] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:9
[13:22:15.189] anonymous function does not always return a value @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:10
[13:22:15.189] variable c redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:13
[13:22:15.194] reference to undefined property a[v] @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:5
[13:22:15.278] assignment to undeclared variable oldDrawExplosions @ http://planets.nu/home:1
[13:22:15.310] assignment to undeclared variable SaveRaceNum @ http://planets.nu/home:16
[13:22:15.310] assignment to undeclared variable SaveRace @ http://planets.nu/home:17
[13:22:15.310] assignment to undeclared variable set_cookie @ http://planets.nu/home:18
[13:22:15.310] assignment to undeclared variable get_cookie @ http://planets.nu/home:19
[13:22:15.310] assignment to undeclared variable checkColorModSettings @ http://planets.nu/home:24
[13:22:15.339] reference to undefined property b[f[J]()] @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:13
[13:22:15.339] reference to undefined property b[da] @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:11
[13:22:15.339] reference to undefined property c.db @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:11
[13:22:15.339] reference to undefined property c.ecp @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:11
[13:22:15.340] reference to undefined property T.bsh @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:15
[13:22:15.390] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:13
[13:22:15.390] variable a redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:15
[13:22:15.391] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:19
[13:22:15.391] anonymous function does not always return a value @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:57
[13:22:15.391] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:59
[13:22:15.392] anonymous function does not always return a value @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:112
[13:22:15.392] variable a redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:128
[13:22:15.394] variable c redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:198
[13:22:15.394] variable a redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:202
[13:22:15.395] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:254
[13:22:15.396] variable a redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:256
[13:22:15.396] variable c redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:256
[13:22:15.396] variable d redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:256
[13:22:15.396] variable a redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:260
[13:22:15.396] anonymous function does not always return a value @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:268
[13:22:15.397] variable c redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:316
[13:22:15.397] anonymous function does not always return a value @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:318
[13:22:15.398] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:324
[13:22:15.398] variable a redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:325
[13:22:15.398] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:329
[13:22:15.398] variable a redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:331
[13:22:15.398] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:332
[13:22:15.398] anonymous function does not always return a value @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:335
[13:22:15.398] variable a redeclares argument @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:345
[13:22:15.398] test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:355
[13:22:15.398] anonymous function does not always return a value @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:355
[13:22:15.416] reference to undefined property a.push @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:56
[13:22:15.426] reference to undefined property (a && a.rpc || {}).disableForceSecure @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:193
[13:22:15.426] reference to undefined property a.useLegacyProtocol @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:205
[13:22:15.430] reference to undefined property a[7] @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:324
[13:22:15.431] reference to undefined property x[1] @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:333
[13:22:15.431] reference to undefined property c[e] @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:316
[13:22:15.431] reference to undefined property c.size @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:364
[13:22:15.431] reference to undefined property c.count @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:358
[13:22:15.431] reference to undefined property d.db @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:358
[13:22:15.431] reference to undefined property d.ecp @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:358
[13:22:15.438] reference to undefined property _.U.ld[a] @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:269
[13:22:15.446] reference to undefined property _.$e[a] @ https://apis.google.com/_/apps-static/_/js/gapi/plusone/rt=j/ver=Jz0vCAWp90s.de./sv=1/am=!3Knd3SMj0U-IYYHMOA/d=1/rs=AItRSTNmqBkk5pRbrz4JsWTVPDcD7YsD8Q/cb=gapi.loaded_0:204
[13:22:15.449] reference to undefined property g[b] @ https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js:9
[13:22:16.383] reference to undefined property e.queue @ http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js:136
[13:22:16.809] reference to undefined property a[b] @ http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js:38
[13:22:16.809] reference to undefined property f.queue @ http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js:139
[13:22:16.834] reference to undefined property a.nodeType @ http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js:49
[13:22:18.300] reference to undefined property this.planetMap[key] @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/vgap.js?ver=1.96:671
[13:22:18.303] ["c:1768-11-160"] @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/vgap.js?ver=1.96:10981
[13:22:18.303] ["Cache error: ", (new TypeError("idb.db is undefined", "http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/vgap.js?ver=1.96", 10949))] @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/vgap.js?ver=1.96:10981
[13:22:18.303] reference to undefined property idb.db @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/vgap.js?ver=1.96:10949
[13:22:18.633] reference to undefined property a[3] @ http://vgaplanets.nu/_library/2010/5/raphael-min.js:16
[13:22:18.666] reference to undefined property f.opacity @ http://vgaplanets.nu/_library/2010/5/raphael-min.js:43
[13:22:27.498] reference to undefined property a.target.nodeType @ http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js:56
[13:22:27.504] reference to undefined property a.result @ http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js:55
[13:23:42.438] reference to undefined property this.mdownX @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/vgap.js?ver=1.96:2825
[13:23:59.878] vgap.addOns.vgapMapMarkUp
[13:23:59.880] [object Object]
[13:24:14.624] POST http://planets.nu/_ui/plugins?method=Refresh&&assembly=PlanetsNu.dll&object=PlanetsNu.DashboardFunctions [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 266ms]
[13:24:14.650] POST http://planets.nu/_ui/plugins?method=Refresh&&assembly=PlanetsNu.dll&object=PlanetsNu.DashboardFunctions [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 281ms]
[13:24:55.492] assignment to undeclared variable x @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/vgap.js?ver=1.96:10528
[13:24:55.492] assignment to undeclared variable x1 @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/vgap.js?ver=1.96:10529
[13:24:55.492] assignment to undeclared variable x2 @ http://planets.nu/_plugins/planets/vgap.js?ver=1.96:10530
2627 days, 2 hours, 2 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Seems there may be problems with this script running with the newest release of code, so it may need to be disabled until I can find time to take a look at it. Sigh.
2627 days, 1 hours, 33 minutes ago
View bondservant's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Well .. I am having issues with normal operations of the game right now too, so maybe when they fix those issues then all your good stuff will work too.
2627 days, 1 hours, 26 minutes ago
View joshua's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
BondServant we just released a new version. If you are using a utility script make sure you disable it. If you are still experiencing issues please let us know specifically what they are.

Big Beefer, the changes were very small. So most of your stuff should still work fine or require very small tweaking.

2626 days, 18 hours, 36 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
The Script to show mine hits on the map also doesn't work properly any more: If you use the time machine the old mine hits remain visible. I haven't encountered serious side effects up to now.

Something with the redraw event?
2626 days, 17 hours, 56 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
There may be more issues: I deactivated the map draw script and the mine hit script. I have 9 other scripts running. I closed and restarted Firefox. I used the time machine and changed a waypoint in an old turn. Being back in my current turn I can't change a waypoint. But after deactivating and reactivating Greasemoneky I can't reproduce it. Hmmmm ... not a good bug report I know.

2626 days, 12 hours, 20 minutes ago
View bondservant's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Everything seems to be working fine for me now, with all the addon scripts taken away (except I kept the add-ons that are just for the Game Data page).
2626 days, 4 hours, 44 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
New version (0.6) Fixed for new client.
2622 days, 9 hours, 53 minutes ago
View tdcc's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Hey Big Beefer,

This is a great tool.  Sadly, while running the 0.6 update solves the planets.nu interface problems for me (i.e. not being able to select things on the map) I am still unable to use the draw functions.  They worked great prior to the planets.nu update, but I can no longer add anything to my map.  For example, I can click draw, create a new layer, choose line, and the cursor changes to the cross.  But no matter where I click, it just acts like the normal mouse cursor, no lines are drawn.  The same is true with the circle, point and text tools.  Am I doing something wrong?

2622 days, 9 hours, 40 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Are you running the VPA-object select or warp-well using scripts? We've seen this behavior if both are running. If that's it, you'll probably just need to change the execution order to make sure that the map drawing script is run after the other one. Then they should both work. There are directions on how to change the order in firefox in the thread for xeye's script I believe.

Also, Nakor and I were able to troubleshoot his problem with the script. For this script to work (and several of my others), you need to make sure "localstorage" is enabled in the browser config (you can google how to do so). I use it to store settings for the addons and the script will bomb if it comes back null.
2622 days, 6 hours, 43 minutes ago
View nakor's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Enabling "localstorage" in Firefox:
1. Open (a tab in) Firefox.
2. Type about:config in the address bar.
3. Search for "dom.storage.enabled".
4. Switch its value to true.

2621 days, 19 hours, 4 minutes ago
View tdcc's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Thanks!  Execution order solved it!
2617 days, 6 hours, 7 minutes ago
View vepr's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
script not working again.  has another update been implemented?
2617 days, 3 hours, 51 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Updated version 0.7 fixes this (mostly). When they updated to change the note color selection functions, they removed a variable and a function I was using to set colors for the drawing objects. I put them back, but now the color selection boxes appear to be twice as big. I'm probably not going to have time to work on this for a bit so it will have to do for now. Note though, that now the drawing settings overlap onto the starmap. You will need to click on the upper part of the controls when using them (to set the radius, the color boxes, etc). If you click on the part that overlaps the starmap (when cursor is a crosshair) it will count as a click on the map instead of the control and move your object (or add another point for lines). Annoying, but hopefully functional enough until I get a chance to look at it.
2617 days, 3 hours, 4 minutes ago
View vepr's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
2617 days, 2 hours, 4 minutes ago
View regicide's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
This is great.
2600 days, 16 hours, 30 minutes ago
Profile Image
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Sorry for my english. Until some days i have problems with this script. The look of the windows has changed. Now this windows is largest. But i can not check the buttons (save, cancel, snap). When i put over the mouse, seems that the window is transparent and point the map point that is below the window, change the position (x,y). I have firefox 13.0.1
2600 days, 11 hours, 45 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Thanks for pointing that out! Updated version 0.9 should address this. There is still a little overlap, but it should be usable. Let me know if you have further issue with it.
2600 days, 3 hours, 58 minutes ago
Profile Image
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Now,if you have actived a ship or planet, the windows for this ship or planet are over your draw windows. You cant see the left part of the draw windows. Is not a big problem because you can close the ship windows.
Edit. Sorry i cant speak english well. I see now you know this overlap. Excuse me, and thaks a lot for your program. Is very important for me.
2600 days, 1 hours, 3 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Thanks for your comment, spanishknight. I actually had not noticed the overlap when the left side window is open. I play on a rather large monitor, so there is room for it all to fit, but I could see this affecting people with other screen sizes. I'll look into improving it with the next update, but as you noted, it should be good enough for now.
2600 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes ago
View mycroft's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Would it be possible to find a method to delete certain portions of a layer without the entire layer itself? This way I can avoid having to redraw entire portions of things over diplomatic or situational changes in planing. 

Maybe also the option to rotate the text from side to side so its angled like / or | rather than - exclusively. Could feature it with a similar method as the line drawling system where the first point start the text and the second point is the direction the text will move.

If not its alright, more of an ergonomic feature then anything.
2580 days, 7 hours, 12 minutes ago
View nakor's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
The script still doesn't work in my browser (Firefox 14.0.1).
I have the "Draw" and "Layers" menu items under "Map Tools" and I can even create layers, but I don't know how to add something to a layer. Mouse input doesn't create anything.
Any ideas?
2579 days, 9 hours, 46 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Nakor, are you running any other userscripts, in particular the VPA-object selection or warp-well using scripts? If so, you need to make sure the map drawing script is run AFTER the others. I've seen this behavior in the past and that was the reason.

When you click "Draw", I assume you can see the drawing options (Circle, line, etc.)? But when you click on the map it doesn't do anything (or just does what it normally does) instead of drawing?
2578 days, 15 hours, 12 minutes ago
View nakor's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Thanks for your help, big beefer.
No, I'm not using those two scripts. Currently I use these ones (in that order - the small arrow points upwards in the add-ons manager):
  • Planets.nu strategic information assistant 0.2
  • Planets.nu show mine hits 0.1
  • Planets.nu ion storm prediction 0.1
  • Planets.nu Race filters for Open games 0.1
  • Planets.nu Explosion Ship Name 0.3
  • Planets.nu cloning preview 0.1
  • Planets.nu - load your owned ships in simulator 0.1
  • Color Coding for Planets.nu 1.51
  • Planets.nu Tax Assistant 0.3
  • Planets.nu map drawing 0.9

Exactly. I see the drawing options, but no draw actions are taken when using the mouse. Just the standard actions happen.

2547 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes ago
Profile Image
gabriel a. zorrilla
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Hello :) AWESOME script, already using it to machinate my evil plans. But i also would like to have the option to erase or at least undo draws, it's a shame to ditch a complete layer just because i misplaced a line :-)
2544 days, 7 hours, 9 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
OK, since it was brought up again, and it was a pretty obvious deficiency, new version 0.11 adds some basic editing tools.

First, the line tool has a "Delete Last Segment" button to allow you to undo things if you misclick or whatever. Pretty simple.

Second, there is a "Edit Layer" button added to the main draw tools screen (assuming the layer has something in it to edit, if not the button is hidden). Clicking on it will put you into object select mode where you can cycle through all of the things you've drawn on THE CURRENT LAYER (make sure you have the right one selected when you select "Edit Layer"). As you cycle through, only one object is shown at a time so you know which one you are selecting. When you find the right one, click edit.

From there the behavior is the same as if you had just added the object (which is essentially how the code works too). If you click on the map it will move the object (or add a new line segment from the end of the old one if using the line tool), you can edit all the parameters, colors, etc. Be aware there is no undo once you start editing, maybe I'll add one if it seems a big deal. Make sure you save the changes you make, or even if you don't make changes click save if you want to keep the object. If you click the other navigation buttons (starmap, dashboard, etc) the item will be deleted entirely. The delete button will also do this obviously.

This update should be fully compatible with any drawings you've already made, so everything should be editable. Let me know if there are issues.

And speaking of which, Nakor did you ever get this working? If not, send me a pm, there's a couple things I want you to try. Sorry, I kind of left you hanging there.
2543 days, 10 hours, 10 minutes ago
Profile Image
gabriel a. zorrilla
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Now it's AWESOME +1.
2524 days, 10 hours, 48 minutes ago
View mycroft's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Version 0.11 is splendid! With the ability to edit marks you have made, it has made this into a polished tool. Great work Beefer!
2513 days, 19 hours, 8 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply

very useful feature, like it!

i would have two little ideas, how to further improve the interface,
don't know how how hard this is to program though:

- add the 'X' hotkey: hitting x will disable the tool in order to return to ne normal star map
- make 2-click-circles, like in CAD apps (could be hard to program)
  this makes the circle also a radial measure tool
  -the first click defines the center and opens an elastic circle around,
  -the second click locks the chosen radius.
  -a small infobox or number shows the momentary radius (or up in the radius box)
  -'X' or 'Esc'stops the process.
  -'X' a second time brings you back to the normal star map

2483 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes ago
View darth balls's profile
darth balls
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Is anyone else having a problem with this script since the server change in the past couple of days?  I admit that I am using a lot of different scripts and have downloaded the most recent updates, but currently with this script enabled (in Firefox) I cannot select any ship or planet.  I have already refreshed the browser cache and tinkered with the script execution order but nothing has worked. 

I am wondering if I need to reset the profile and try installing them all one at a time again.
2402 days, 13 hours, 55 minutes ago
Profile Image
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Hi Beefer, I've been having a problem getting this script to work since yesterday on the planets.nu server, and with two separate PCs. It's last in the script activation list on Firefox 12.0.

The existing layers do not appear on the starmap, and when I click Draw, I don't get the draw menu bar. Going into the WebConsole and clicking Draw, I get... vgap.addOns.vgapMapMarkUp.overlays is undefined

Any ideas what to try next?
2392 days, 2 hours, 54 minutes ago
View elgeologo's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
I have some little problems with this script.

When i try to delete some points (for example a gathering point) it reappears next turn. In order to permanently delete it i have to delete the whole layer!

Suggestion: May be added a minefield preview (i don't know if there are another script for this)? Select a point in space, enter the number and tipe of torpedo and it makes the minefield circle! (a 4x option for the robot could be added)
The rest is OK!

Thanks a lot for this script!
2373 days, 4 hours, 19 minutes ago
View elgeologo's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Another Suggestion: 
In VPA you could bound a marker to one ship... This way every time you saw an enemy the marker will stay with him, and when you didn't see it, the mark stays in the last position.
2362 days, 20 hours, 17 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
ah, meanwhile this script has become so important to me - how could i play without it. thanks again!

hmh - yes, onion rings for md1 up to md0 and for a specific torp type would help quite a lot !
+maybe the existing radius to have some kind of simulator for future minefields.

you type in the torpedo type (or dropdown), the radius of the existing minefield, and it
gives you the md# possibilities you opponent will lay
(best including the decay, if you are going for the crystal :))

Edit: And snapping would be nice --

2357 days, 16 hours, 2 minutes ago
View deathstroke's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Is there any plans to make this script compatible with play.planets.nu?

(Or maybe it's just broken in Chrome? But when I have the script active, I cannot load a game.)
2208 days, 15 hours, 59 minutes ago
Profile Image
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
I'm know I'm bumping an old thread but this would be a really really script to have compatible with the new site! Any possibility this could be updated???

Thanks for considering!  And thanks for all of your other scripts too :)
2208 days, 12 hours, 36 minutes ago
Profile Image
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
It's not working for me either on Chrome with OS X. Would love to have it work with the new site!
2208 days, 10 hours, 29 minutes ago
Profile Image
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
It wont work for me neither. Nothing happens, and if I make it the firdt of my greasemonkey scripts the game wont load, it stay travelling to the echocluster forever.

It's a pity, because playing crystals I really need this script.
2207 days, 21 hours, 25 minutes ago
View ecatoncheires's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
I'd love to see it back, too.
2189 days, 1 hours, 39 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Bump... :)
2173 days, 14 hours, 28 minutes ago
View tinkerbell's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
I'm looking for a starmap draw line utility, does anyone know if there is a work-around or another script to draw lines?
2173 days, 10 hours, 28 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Beefer, is there a specific technical problem that keeps you from updating it or do you just don't have the time? Just asking, because we might be able to help if it's a technical problem... :)
2173 days, 7 hours, 0 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Subscribing for Big Beefy news ;)
2173 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
OK OK, I'll try to take a look at this next week. @Kedalion, I think your sensor range plugin actually covers most of the technical issues I'm going to come up against, so hopefully it won't be too bad... but I'll certainly let you know if it gives me trouble!
2172 days, 10 hours, 16 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Alright, version 0.13 is out and should (hopefully) work with the new client. I've only tried it with FireFox, but it seemed like everything worked OK. Players who created drawings in the old version should be able to see these in the new version, so switching over should be pretty painless. Right now, it works almost exactly like the old one, but I may look into adding some improvements soon. Plenty of ideas in this thread, and I'm of course open to more suggestions.

Much thanks to @Kedalion, who's work on the plugin template and sensor range plugin really helped pave the way for this.
2171 days, 17 hours, 17 minutes ago
View tinkerbell's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Works! Excellent! Many thanks!
2171 days, 7 hours, 48 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Just lovely. It seriously works like a charm. Awesome integration.
Great work, beefer!

I have two ideas how to make it even better.
1) Floating point radius for circles. I know in Planets everything gets truncated, but...
2) Add a way to share/sync/send layers to allies... Maybe through messages? There was an addon that sent stuff to allies, but I never used it. How did they do it?
2170 days, 15 hours, 49 minutes ago
Profile Image
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
@Big Beefer...thank you soooooo much. Finally got to try it today and it's incredible. You da man!
2169 days, 10 hours, 54 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
This may be a silly question, but is there any way to enable the scripts on an iPad (safari)? I used to use Echoview when I played back in the day, and it would be great to be able to customize the star map! I may just be out of luck... If only there was an app!
2157 days, 18 hours, 43 minutes ago
Profile Image
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
That's fantastic! Thank you for this scrip utility. It was the only thing that I missed from the old vpa.

2157 days, 18 hours, 11 minutes ago
Profile Image
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
I love the add-on. Are there any plans in the works to share the drawn graphics with allies? Would be fantastic for allied play.
2155 days, 5 hours, 3 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Posted an updated version (0.16), which fixes a small bug that would sometimes draw things with "too wide" lines in the new client. It was annoying me.

I will look into sharing drawings with allies once I get the other script for the ally info sharing updated. It might be a while though. And yes @Kedalion, it sends through messages, and it was one of the works I was most proud of (but would still be much better built directly into the client)!

@G-bert, I honestly have no idea about using them on iPad. But maybe someone else does?
2155 days, 3 hours, 37 minutes ago
View deathstroke's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
@Big Beefer, it would be nice if the text was locked with the zoom level where it's created. If I zoom in the warp well, I like to add some text that is not necessarily relevant at galaxy-level.
2150 days, 4 hours, 48 minutes ago
View deathstroke's profile
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
I have another request. When you edit lines, you can delete last leg, but since I use lines to plan long term missions, I would need a "delete first leg" command.
2118 days, 10 hours, 29 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
A new version is out (Version 1). A fair number of new things (all new client only):

- better performance and just generally playing nicer with the new client map implementation

- text and labels are now centered on where you clicked instead of offset to the right (sorry if this screws up anyone's old stuff). This matches the old version implementation, and I just generally like it more.

- fixed the bug where deleting an object from edit mode would (most of the time) not save the change

- all numeric fields now accept floating point numbers

- added a "delete first leg" button for lines

- new zoom level cutoff options for all objects:

You can now set a min and/or max zoom level to display the object. So if you have some details you only want to see when zoomed in close you can set a minimum zoom level, and the object will be hidden when zoomed out more than that. And vice versa for things you only want to see when zoomed out.

By default an object will display at all zoom levels, though you can go and edit existing objects to add cutoffs if you want to add this to your existing drawings.

Selecting "Curr" from the drop down, will set the level to whatever zoom you are at WHEN SAVE IS PRESSED. I think this should make it easy to set because you can just select "Curr", zoom to the level it looks good at and save it without having to change the value again.

Adding these dropdowns makes the control bar a fair bit longer, so let me know if it doesn't work well for smaller screens and I'll try to come up with an alternative.

And just let me know what you think in general!
2108 days, 22 hours, 33 minutes ago
Profile Image
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
Hi! This is a great thing!

Can I create a mark that would move with my ships?
1942 days, 16 hours, 7 minutes ago
Profile Image
RE: Utility Script: Draw objects on mapWrite Reply
if you add  this line:
            $("body").css("cursor", "pointer");
at  line #669
(in the function   vgaPlanets.prototype.addOns.vgapMapMarkUp.resetDrawTools  ) 
then your cursor remain same after you draw something.( will not remain "cross" after using this script).