Utility Script: Planetary Management Plugin

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2206 days, 14 hours, 20 minutes ago
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Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I'm releasing my first script, a planetary management plugin.

The planetary management plugin is designed to help you manage your planets more quickly and more efficiently.  It introduces a new view to the dashboard, listing all of your planets and relevant information.  The plugin allows you to select from several structure management methods, and apply them each turn.  It also allows you to set colonist taxation strategies and native taxation strategies, and apply them each turn.

You use it by selecting the methods you want to apply for each of your planets, and then clicking the small planet icon on the top right.  The plugin will then iterate through each planet, applying the strategies that you chose.  The strategies are remembered from turn to turn.

The initial release includes the following structure and taxation methods:

Structure Management Methods
  • Manual
    The manual method performs no automated construction. You manage the planet the old-fashioned way.
  • Safe Build
    Builds structures to maximum, ensuring that you are safe from enemy sensor sweeps. This method will first build 14 factories, then 19 mines, followed by 15 defense posts. It will then build the maximum structures, starting with factories, then mines, then defense posts.
  • Safe Build No Burn
    The same as safe build, but this method will not convert supplies to megacredits. Use this if you, for instance, expect to have a cash influx on the planet soon, and you're better off holding onto the supplies until that money is available and building more structures.
  • Factory First
    Maximize factories, then mines, then defense posts. You will not be safe from enemy sensor sweeps, but you will develop faster.
  • Safe Min Defense
    The same as safe build, but once factories and mines are maxed out, this method will not build any further defense posts.

Colonist Taxation Strategies

  • No Tax
    Colonists are taxed at 0% (no tax).
  • Manual
    The manual method performs no automated taxation. You set the tax rate the old-fashioned way.
  • Growth Tax
    If the colonists are at or will be at maximum happiness, tax them the maximum amount you can that will keep them above a happiness of 70. Otherwise, don't tax them, to allow them to grow maximally. This method yields better growth and money over the long term than simply maintaining their happiness at 100, taxing whatever you can.
  • Chunk Tax
    If the colonists are at or will be at maximum happiness, tax them the maximum amount you can that will allow them to recover to a happiness of 70 in one turn. Otherwise, don't tax them, to allow them to grow maximally. This method generates more megacredits over time, but costs you a turn of growth.
  • Growth Tax >1mil
    The same as the Growth Tax method, but will only tax if the planet has more than 1,000,000 colonists.
  • Chunk Tax >1mil
    The same as the Chunk Tax method, but will only tax if the planet has more than 1,000,000 colonists.

Native Taxation Strategies

  • No Tax
    Natives are taxed at 0% (no tax).
  • Manual
    The manual method performs no automated taxation. You set the tax rate the old-fashioned way. You may also use this method if you are using another script to handle native taxation; this plugin will not interfere with native taxation.
  • Growth Tax
    If the natives are at or will be at maximum happiness, tax them the maximum amount you can that will keep them above a happiness of 70. Otherwise, don't tax them, to allow them to grow maximally. This method yields better growth and money over the long term than simply maintaining their happiness at 100, taxing whatever you can.
  • Chunk Tax
    If the natives are at or will be at maximum happiness, tax them the maximum amount you can that will allow them to recover to a happiness of 70 in one turn. Otherwise, don't tax them, to allow them to grow maximally. This method generates more megacredits over time, but costs you a turn of growth.
  • Borg Tax
    Tax the natives maximally until they reach a happiness of 40, and then continue to tax whatever you can to maintain them at that level. This method generates maximum megacredits in the short term, but severely inhibits native growth. It is most useful for the Borg, who want to extract as much money from the natives as they can before they are assimilated.

The plugin also introduces a new view for each planet, a large view that contains the relevant information, which you can access by clicking the planet picture in the list view.  This screen is informational for now, but I intend to add more to it in the future.  Once in this view, you can continue to the starmap as usual by clicking on the large planetary picture.

This release should be considered a beta.  I have tested it in a few test games and it seems to work well.  I hope you find it useful!  Feature requests are invited.  Bug reports are appreciated. 

You can find the script here:


A few caveats:

 - Be careful using Colonist Chunk Tax, currently.  It does not account for increased structures on the planet, which affects colonist happiness.  It may put you a point below what you can recover in a turn if you build a bunch of structures that turn.  I hope to fix this soon. 

 - It needs to be run every turn.  If you miss a turn, it will continue to tax at the previous rate.  No structures will be built.

Lastly, there is a 'manual' mode for the methods, which basically tells the plugin to do nothing.  So you can use this with, for instance, bigbeefers native taxation plugin if you prefer, if you just want to use this for structure building, by setting tax strategies to manual.  You can also use it just for the planet list view, if you like, by not running it each turn.

I hope you find the plugin useful!  Let me know what you think and what you'd like to see.  One obvious feature that I'm working on now is allowing you to devise your own building/taxation strategies, and save them.  But that's a big deal, and I thought I'd get this out there as is because I think its useful now.

Lastly, thanks to kedalion for the nuV3 template, without which this would not be possible, and big_beefers scripts, which showed me how to save things in notes, among other things.  Thanks!


2206 days, 14 hours, 17 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
A link to the formatted forum view if you're in the activity part:

I tested the plugin under Firefox 22.0/Greasemonkey.  Unsure about Chrome yet.
2206 days, 13 hours, 46 minutes ago
View tom n's profile
tom n
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hi, Sounds promising. I installed and tried on Chrome, but don't see it working. I tried disabling Beefer's tax mod, but still nothing.
2206 days, 12 hours, 33 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Yeah, it didn't seem to like running under Tampermonkey. I made a tweak and I am now able to install and run the script on Chrome using tampermonkey. I was also able to run it natively, although this is difficult to install anymore on Chrome.

If you like, give it another try; I may have fixed this.

Script developers: I added a @include http://planets.nu/* line, chrome+tampermonkey wouldn't run it with just http://planets.nu/#/*... doesn't like the #? Who knows.
2206 days, 12 hours, 32 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Yeah, it didn't seem to like running under Tampermonkey. I made a tweak and I am now able to install and run the script on Chrome using tampermonkey. I was also able to run it natively, although this is difficult to install anymore on Chrome.

If you like, give it another try; I may have fixed this.

Script developers: I added a @include http://planets.nu/* line, chrome+tampermonkey wouldn't run it with just http://planets.nu/#/*... doesn't like the #? Who knows.
2206 days, 12 hours, 18 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Yep, tampermonkey seems to have an issue with the #.
I'll give it a try tomorrow.
2206 days, 11 hours, 40 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
How about a Lizard option? Raise the taxes for maximum production without riots/unhappiness AFTER checking and factoring in the number of Hissing ships in orbit?
2206 days, 10 hours, 14 minutes ago
View tom n's profile
tom n
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
+1 Mule to see a Lizard option.
2206 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
While we are asking...

When you are in a game in which your immediate neighbors are willing to allow you some time or when the spacial geography provides the same, many "growth oriented" plans will work well.

But, when you are being harassed from every side and you are worried about survival, you need a "Wartime Mode." Because now you want to tax and spend to build ships and munitions at the MAXIMUM rate short of causing riots - at least I do - that you can. Growth be damned!

And every plan I have seen thus far seems tax very lightly, if at all in some cases. But, maybe I am missing something. I have set and run every one of these plans and then click done on my turn. Afterwards I go back in and look at my tax rates and not one is in the YELLOW that I might have used. So, just when I wish I could pay more attention to that enemy fleet on the horizon - I am back to micro-managing my planets to squeeze a few more credits or supplies out for more torps or fighters.

So, call it Wartime or Danger-Danger-Will-Robinson, but I want a taxation mode that will maximize - not future growth - but this turn's output. And then maybe a little extra race option. Borg, Lizard, Carrier (needs supplies to build fighters), Torp (needs credits for everything.)

OK, that's my wish list. Thanks for your consideration. :)
2206 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Good suggestions, I'll put these in. With the lizards, I think I'm just going to add hissing checks to the existing methods, so they'll just work that way.

With regards to the wartime mode, yeah, that'd be useful. I have what I call the Borg tax in there for native taxation; this essentially just taxes your natives down to 40 (lowest without rioting) and keeps them there, sacrificing all growth. I think I need to rename this something else - Max MC Short Term? Or something. And implement it for colonists too, on the off chance someone is in that situation.

Keep them coming!
2206 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Please don't take any of my feedback as criticism! I really appreciate the work that has obviously gone into this.

That said...
While playing with this thingee to see what I can squeeze out of it and and maybe not have to stay on manual - maybe it's just my computer or my interface - but it seems to take quite a while to run. I was wondering if it would run faster if we skipped all the images? If so, can I have just a text mode?

And when I said I had tried every taxation mode I realized I hadn't tried Borg yet. So, I went back and tried that too - even though I am not playing Borg. TALK about TAXES! Somehow I don't think I want to tax my colonists at 46% to get 2 MC. But, when it comes to taxes, the Borg sure don't spare the horses!
2205 days, 21 hours, 41 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I had to go back and reset all my planets after experimenting with Planet Management. We all have different plans which will vary according to the situation. So, I do not believe one is right for everyone or in all situations. I know mine will not be even close for some players.

That said, if it is of any use at all and if I were setting up an automated management tool, it would look something like this:

Mule's Wartime Rates.

Taxes: Increase taxes until > Max (native or colonist) undecided rate is reached OR Max MC is being collected. note: if no more MC can be collected why increase taxes and unhappiness?

Build factories 2 to 1 over mines until > Max for population is reached AND/OR until mines can extract approximately 90% or more of the remaining resources with the current number of mines.

Unhook Def from other builds. I want to build all Def manually. Threat assessment cannot be made by a program. Why build def on planets in little or no danger of attack?

Convert supplies manually. Another decision based on overall need for MC that a program would have a difficulty with.
2205 days, 21 hours, 21 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
OK, a little more on Mule's Wartime:
IF max undecided is reached with 0 income, return tax to zero.
Cap auto-build Mines at 100.
Now I'm done - I think. :)
2205 days, 12 hours, 7 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Thanks for the excellent feedback! I'm going to be releasing a new version here, hopefully in the next few days, to address some of these issues. I'll add a few tax plans to tax down to 70 and 40, for max credits, while either maintaining some growth or not.

Also, I think the story here when it comes to building structures is that no defaults are good for everyone. I've coded some stuff where you can make your own build plans, and then apply them to whatever planets you wish. I need to test it a little more before releasing, but I think this will be much more useful than being constrained to any planetary structure build plans that are prescribed.

2205 days, 11 hours, 49 minutes ago
View mjs68508's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I don't know if this is one option, but I use the 70/100 shuffle, with 2 exceptions:

I don't start until population is 500,000. Also, I stop when population gets to 6,600,000. Population growth halves at this point. These are personal preferences. But, maybe having a minimum and maximum pop would be helpful.

2196 days, 10 hours, 0 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Planetary Management Plug-In - Version 1.01

I'm releasing version 1.01 of my planetary management plugin.  There are a lot of changes and enhancements from the previous version.  Here are the highlights:

- Create your own planetary structure construction methods
- Create your own taxation methods for colonists and natives, using Growth Tax and Safe Tax, and change methods at population milestones
- Enhanced Planet Detail View, including the Planet Predictor, which shows you what effect your methods will have on the planet over the next 50 turns

Here's an introductory video.  In case it doesn't show, you can see it here: http://youtu.be/3wlie1DMTcc

And the script is available here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/174481

As always, suggestions and bug reports are appreciated.  I hope you find this useful!

Some details for the curious:

- All taxation methods will not tax more than they can collect; ie, if the method wants 10%, but you can only collect enough megacredits for 5%, only 5% will be applied.
- All taxation methods account for Lizard Hiss missions, fed tax bonus, avian bonus, etc.
- The Planet Predictor accounts for most effects, including riots, civil wars, etc.  Trans-uranium mutation is not accounted for (does anyone know the formula?) although this effect is negligable.  Amorphous natives eating clans, climate death, overpop eats supplies, etc, are accounted for.  It's pretty accurate from what I've tested.

If you happened to be using my earlier version, this will reset all your planets back to manual to handle the new method creation stuff.  This won't happen in future versions, as I've put versioning on the methods.  Sorry for any inconvenience!
2196 days, 9 hours, 3 minutes ago
View halion's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hi Dotman,

I've installed this and watched the video. got to say, seriously impressed! thanks a lot for building this. makes turns a whole lot faster and the planet predictor is excellent.
Couple of points after the first use on a medium sized game.
I would love some kind of master 'apply all' button where i can set the same options on all planets in one go... a lot of clicking to set-up an in flight game otherwise! (easier to then go and configure the few 'special' planets afterwards.

In the above scenario say i set one policy and hit 'run' then change my mind and adjust the instructions and then hit run again i don't think it goes through and reverses the original instructions before processing the new instructions... so if i originally asked for 100 def as a rule but my new policy doesn't.. i still have 100 defense built (if possible) on planets after my new policy was 'run' hope that makes sense.? is it possible to put a check where it reversed any 'in turn' build instructions before running the newest instruction set?

Will continue using and see if anything else springs to mind but for now i am enjoying this immensely. thanks again.
2196 days, 8 hours, 59 minutes ago
View regicide's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hi Dotman,

Just installed no host runs yet but Seems great. Thanks for butting the time into this.
2196 days, 6 hours, 46 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Ohhh predictor looks very nice.

One small borg request/question (must get off ipad and on to laptop), does the predictor summary say when natives will be fully assimilated? Important when you are rushing to build a base before the natives go extint to have a free tech 10 base.
2196 days, 3 hours, 15 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Creates amazing addon and instructional video...still has little tutorial robot in bottom right of planets screen. :)

This is absolutely brilliant. I appreciate your work and your obvious mad computer skillz.

2196 days, 2 hours, 52 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Great work! Thanks! You made my day!
2196 days, 2 hours, 21 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Looks very promising, it has a bug though in Chrome at least... I think it conflicts with Beefers Tax script and the game disconnects when trying to play with both scripts.
2196 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Thanks for the feedback everyone.

@Figak: The predictor should handle native assimilation.

@Gudmo: I use Firefox and admittedly I did little testing with Chrome. I'll do a little today and see if I can figure that one out.
2195 days, 23 hours, 50 minutes ago
View azzazzello's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Dotman, very useful script - thank you for making it.

Couple of comments:

BUG: In create build methods:
After adding a method with do not convert supplies, checkbox is reset but setting on the screen stay as previous method.  This makes the checkbox act opposite of the label for the next method.

MUST FEATURE: This is missing from tax methods or ability to add a method that is based on happiness gain per turn.  The idea is to tax the population to 1 turn happiness gain bellow 70.  I.E. if you happiness gain on the planet is 7 and current happiness is 100, you would tax to -37 happiness. This should actually make your population grow faster over long term and probably generates more cash in the long run too.  Bigbeefer calls it Chuck Taxing in his mod.  

Thank you!

2195 days, 23 hours, 35 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Azzazzello: Thanks for the bug report, I'll fix that.

Regarding the chuck tax feature, yeah, I thought that might be wanted. It's a little complicated because if you build a bunch of factories and mines, this can affect your maximum happiness gain on the next turn. In my beta version, this resulted in you not being able to get back to 70 the next turn, which is bad of course.

I've got it coded though, using the predictor to see what the happiness gain next turn will be. I wanted to include it in this one but there's some kind of bug I'm still hunting that causes it not to work right sometimes.

Look for that soon though! Thanks for the feedback!
2195 days, 22 hours, 21 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I'm playing on a custom map with 600 planets, and the first screen works fine, but you cannot use the planetary prediction screen (or whatever that second screen is called) with planet #s > 500. It simply says "no planet selected"
2195 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@Halion: Yes, applying them all to a running game is a pain, I've been going through this myself. I'll add some kind of master add functionality to the list. I was also thinking about being able to set a default method, or something, that gets assigned automatically when you take a planet, but I'm not sure I want that happening without me thinking about it.

@Furey: Yes, good point. This will only work for 500 planet games. It's worse than you think; I would think there would be errors if you try to assign methods to planets over ID#500. I'll see what it'll take to accomodate higher planet games, but for now, I would not recommend this for games over 500 planets.
2195 days, 19 hours, 55 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
All games with Debris Disks have more than 500 planets. Planetoids do not count for victory, etc. But, if you have 3 Debris Disks with 21 planetoids you will have planets #1-518.
2195 days, 19 hours, 39 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I would like to reiterate just how awesome this is, and hope you don't take any of our feedback as anything but constructive love.

PS Marry me.
2195 days, 19 hours, 35 minutes ago
View bacchus's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
You know, Furey, your wife might take exception to that last :>
2195 days, 12 hours, 28 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Dotman, I downloaded your latest and it looks interesting, but to echo someone else here, we need a "global" setting like the old Winplan had. Then we could just manually change the exceptions. Right now, in a mature game, when I look at the list of planets I would have to address one by one, I get lazy and just click BB's script instead. Because the whole idea of planet management is to save time and labor.
2195 days, 11 hours, 53 minutes ago
View snork's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Being able to set max structures would be nice.
2195 days, 10 hours, 52 minutes ago
View azzazzello's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
You can in the definition of the build template
2193 days, 23 hours, 57 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hopefully, I found the right thread... Planet Management?

On a game that I didn't have quite so many planets, I went through and set each of planets - mostly using the safe tax 70. I ran the script and then went back one by one to see what it did. Many were fine, but I also found many planets had driven both colonists and natives into a HATE taxes status for 0 (zero) to few (<5) MCs. This makes no sense to me at all. and I immediately reset them all manually.

Now, I don't mind taxing mercilessly and making my virtual people hate me. Especially when I can lower the taxes next turn to keep them from rioting or not procreating. I just want something out of it!
2193 days, 19 hours, 39 minutes ago
View marklein's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
This is a seriously cool script. Well done.
2193 days, 17 hours, 28 minutes ago
View paro's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hi Dotman,

I have been trying it out for two turns now. I think it is a seriously useful plugin that you wrote and I would like to say thanks. Not only does this promise to improve my play but it also taught me a few things about growth I did not take into consideration, such as the 6,6 M growth halvation. 

I do have a bug to report. It appears that the max clans is not working. At least when I set a method with 20000 clans minimum it still applies taxes to planets with just 2 clans and such.

Best, Paro
2193 days, 16 hours, 19 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Ugh, I thought I had that bug out. I updated the script just before uploading it and put it back in. Bugger.

I'll push an update here soon that will fix that and some of the other bugs reported in this thread. Thanks!
2193 days, 14 hours, 2 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
About chunk tax:
You can tax not only down to 70 but to 70 minus happines-increase and still have growth in the next turn. In the host order the population first get their happiness points and then the growth is calculated.
e.g. with a happiness-increase of 6 you can tax down to 64.

If you tax your pop from 100 to 64 in 1 turn you wont have growth anyways beause of the high tax rate.

The population will still grow faster as with growth tax because they will have more turns with 0 tax.
2193 days, 13 hours, 23 minutes ago
View halion's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
still loving this and getting more games set-up thanks!
couple more thoughts:-
1. ability to jump to planetary management screen from the planet page on the starmap (automatically takes me to that planet in the planet mgmt screen)have this ability to jump to a planet from the Planet mgmt details screen, can we do the opposite to jump back and forth?
2. Ability to show or filter planets that have currently completed the current build instructions so i can review the next phase of building (if any)
3. Ability to flag/filter planets that currently have no instructions (build or tax select-able) as when you have 100 plus planets and acquire a couple more it is a pain to scroll through to the new ones to set instructions.
4. Filter to highlight planets ready for starbase (we already have the predictor so can we flag when one has everything ready to build... again nice to have when managing many planets)

think that is all for now :)
thank again for the efforts.
2193 days, 13 hours, 16 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Dotman, I finally found and watched your video instructions. Boy, do I feel dumb! You will get no further complains from me for quite a while. Good work and THANKS!
2193 days, 10 hours, 54 minutes ago
View snork's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
1.01 doesn't work for me. It only remembers the native tax settings while everything else changes back to manual when I leave the screen. Also it no longer processes the economy now either. :(
2193 days, 10 hours, 47 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@Snork: Are you running it under firefox or Chrome? Also, when this happens, are you getting a 'disconnected' message at the top of your screen? Finally, is the game you're looking at one with more than 500 planets (or has debris disks)? That may be a problem with the current version as I haven't tested it under that yet, although I hope to do so soon.
2193 days, 10 hours, 9 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Firefox. Tried one with custom 600 planet map and one without. Both use Stellar Cartography. No disconnected messages.
2193 days, 10 hours, 0 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Same problem using Chrome. I'm running Opensuse, if that might make a difference.
2193 days, 5 hours, 39 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I saw in your script you have a check for borg taxation, but when it comes to actually setting the tax rates for natives, it never comes to the point of checking for player race so it will still tax natives over 20%.

If you could include if "(vgap.player.raceid == 6 && rate > 20) rate = 20;" in your planetSetTaxGeneral, right before the planet.nativetaxrate = rate; that would fix the issue.
2193 days, 3 hours, 46 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
One more thing that I altered in your script, I don't know how others feel about this, but when there are only a handful of colonists on the planet, I still want to tax the natives for MC, even if it gives less than possible at 1 %.

In your getTaxNat you truncate the rate with

if (mc > maxmc)
     rate = Math.truncate(maxmc / (planet.nativegovernment * 20 / 100 * planet.nativeclans / 1000));

I've changed this to

if (mc > maxmc) {
     rate = Math.truncate(maxmc / (planet.nativegovernment * 20 / 100 * planet.nativeclans / 1000));
     if (rate < 1 ) rate = 1;

so that even if there's too few colonists to get the full 1% amount, we still collect the bare minimum taxes.
2193 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@Nada: Yes, yes, it does do this. This whole thing started out as a way to help me assign taxes when playing the Borg. In that first version, it would always tax natives at that 1% to get those initial megacredits flowing as the planet assimilates. I removed this in the general version for the reason below.

Generally, if your income is limited by your colonist amount, the script will err on the side of undertaxing a % rather than overtaxing a %; you get slightly less megacredits but slightly more growth. This was a design decision based on what I thought would be more useful in the general case, but I think what I want to do is add another checkbox when you create methods that lets you determine what you want to do in this case.

For the borg, then (or anyone, but I think its most useful to the borg during initial assimilation), it would defer to that 1% to get any megacredits, instead of 0%. Definitely sometimes you want to squeeze out those extra mcs.

Re: the 20%, I'll add that to the list. Thanks!
2193 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes ago
View veldan's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I just added this, and love it! No problem running under chrome + tampermonkey, with 10 other user scripts.

I like Halion's suggestions, and find myself wanting for Nada's tweak on very select planets. But mostly I want to maximize each happiness point lost, so I'm not sure how I would like to tell the script to differentiate.

One thing I'd like to add, a friendly code randomizer that automatically adjusts your fcodes unless it's set to a "special fcode" such as att, nuk, bum, mkt, lfm, pbx, gsx, etc... Perhaps a checkbox where you tell an individual planet to randomize fcode. The script should remember which planets fcodes it's managing and carry that over from turn to turn.
2192 days, 23 hours, 53 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@Snork (And Everyone): I've looked into this. The problem is Stellar Cartography. The script was not designed to handle planet IDs > 500, a mistake by me. As it happens, through a lucky fluke of how arrays work in Javascript, if you actually assign a build method or tax method to those planets, they will function and be remembered. However, if any planet with id > 500 is not assigned both a build method and tax methods for both colonists and natives, no planets after that will build correctly. And of course the planet detail screen doesn't work at all for planets with id > 500.

I'll fix this in a future version, although this one may take a little time. Thanks for catching this, I don't play in any of these games (although they look interesting, I may have to), so its just not something I thought of!
2192 days, 22 hours, 47 minutes ago
View snork's profile
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Nothing is saving at all for me. :( The button still won't click either.
2191 days, 12 hours, 38 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@Veldan the 1% tax tweak is added after the happiness check, so if your planet is in recovery, it will not tax them at all since the happiness check will stop all taxing if it's supposed to.

@dotman I agree a checkbox might be the best option here, since everyone has their preferences I suppose :)

I've also made another adjustment to your script, since I disliked having to recreate all my builds for each individual game, since it was all stored in notes which are limited to that one game only.

The adjustment I've made makes use of localstorage to store the build and tax templates (or your note id 4 and 5). That means, that you can use each of these templates in all your games. It will still make use of notes to store the planet settings, since those ARE game specific.

This is what saveObjectAsNote, initSaveObjectAsNote and getObjectFromNote now look like:

saveObjectAsNote: function (id, type, obj) {
var sId = "PM" + id;
if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined" && (id == 4 || id == 5)) {
localStorage.setItem(sId, JSON.stringify(obj));
} else {
var note = vgap.getNote(id, type);
if (note == null)
note = vgap.addNote(id, type);
note.changed = 1;
note.body = JSON.stringify(obj);

initSaveObjectAsNote: function (id, type, obj) {
var sId = "PM" + id;
if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined" && (id == 4 || id == 5)) {
if (localStorage.getItem(sId) == null)
localStorage.setItem(sId, JSON.stringify(obj));
} else {
var note = vgap.getNote(id, type);
if (note == null)
note = vgap.addNote(id, type);
note.changed = 1;
note.body = JSON.stringify(obj);

getObjectFromNote: function (id, type) {
var sId = "PM" + id;
if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined" && (id == 4 || id == 5)) {
if (localStorage.sId !== "")
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(sId));
return null;
} else {
var note = vgap.getNote(id, type);
if (note != null && note.body != "")
return JSON.parse(note.body);
return null;

Note that adding these changes will initially reset your builds to default!
2191 days, 12 hours, 32 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Downside of this is that if you use multiple computers to play the game, the settings do not carry over. I guess you can make a combination of notes and localstorage to carry over between various pcs, synchronizing localstorage through notes ... if you really wanted to :)
2190 days, 16 hours, 29 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
The planetary management overview is tricky to use.

Probably ok if you use it from turn 1, but I have just joined a game in turn 45 with 50ish planets.

At the moment it is sorted by ID and no filters are available.

I live with ID filter if there was some filtering available, filters that I missed so far:
Planets with natives/without/off
Planets with bases/without/off
Planets by goverment (here probably grouped into 1-3,4-6,7-9)

Government type


Early tribal3

2190 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Also I see that the addon assumes that it is the only source of build commands. Since I play a lot on ipad I also use the target build that is available in the standard interface.

Could the predictor also take that into account?
2189 days, 20 hours, 15 minutes ago
View mthomas47's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
First, this is a beautiful piece of work. Thank you very much. The prediction factor alone would have been enough and it is so much more.

However, I am having a problem which I don't understand and I'm hoping you can help me out. I built a build script to mimic my normal play, n-f-14-m-19-d-20-rfm-200-100-10. This works fine on one planet and totally different on another. I have two planets, no structures on either, natives on both, one with 20 supplies and no credits, other with 4 supplies and 30 credits. First generates 100+ credits and growing, second 30 credits and no growth due to colonist limit. Script works fine on second planet, building 4 factories, then eight and so forth. First planet builds 4 mines with the 20 supplies before the credits arrive and it is stuck without supplies. As I interpret the script, it should wait for the credits and then build factories to generate the supplies. Is my script valid? Am I missing a step?  Hope you can help me out. Running Chrome, normal game, no Cartography, Crystals, 

Thanks again for this add in.
2189 days, 12 hours, 25 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@Nada: Yeah, I considered doing the local storage thing, but I didn't see any good way to recreate the data if you clear your cache, similar to what Kedalion can do with the enemy shiplist plugin by cycling through turns. So I went with the note approach, especially for the cross-computer thing, since that's how I play, sometimes on my desktop and sometimes on my laptop. It would be cool though to have both.

#Mthomas47: You ran into a bug that I spotted after I released but I think you're the first one to notice here. The problem is with my no burn supply build; I wasn't checking for no burn during the ratio build, and it build a bunch of mines burning up the supplies. Sorry! Look for a bugfix soon here in the next version.
2189 days, 10 hours, 21 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Planetary Management Plugin - Version 1.11

I'm releasing an update to the planetary management plugin with a bunch of new features you guys asked for that I hope will make it even more useful. Here's the shortlist:

- Planet Filters: Filter your planet list according to all kinds of different criteria
- Global Method Application: Assign build methods or taxation strategies globally to all planets of any given filter
- Stellar Cartography: The plugin should now function properly for games with more than 500 planets or games using the Stellar Cartography feature of Planets Nu

There's a short video going through some of the new features here: http://youtu.be/rl4owPS9eGk

And as always, the updated plugin is available here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/174481

I've got a list of all the features people have asked for in this thread, and I'm working on adding them in, but I wanted to release this update now as I think the filters and method applicator will be quite useful. I've also fixed a bunch of bugs:

- Bug in borg assimilation in predictor caused final colonist count to be wrong
- Bug in RFM build caused mines to be built burning supplies even if no burn was selected
- Bug going to planet detail screen on ids > 500
- Bug on certain planets with extremely low or high temps causing script to crash when predicting
- Bug causing checkbox on build method wizard to be backwards after method addition
- For the Borg, Planet predictor will no longer predict turns to max natives; instead shows turns to assimilation
- Bug causing minimum clans not to work

As always, bug reports appreciated, and I'm working on the other features requested in this thread (especially the happiness tax feature!)
2189 days, 8 hours, 49 minutes ago
View mthomas47's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I can confirm that the new release fixed my bug. Thanks.
2189 days, 4 hours, 13 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
WOOOAAW !! I need to try this out immediately .. 

Is it okay if i post a link and the videos on the Planets Mag? 
2189 days, 3 hours, 27 minutes ago
View halion's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
You definitely should Thin if Dotman agrees.
This addon is seriously awesome and i have been using it extensively!
this latest release will make it's usage and application to mature games even easier!

thanks Dotman!
2189 days, 3 hours, 20 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
nice! finally a way to priorize the automatic structure builds ...

unfortunately the plugin does not display the planetary details for me -
running chrome 28 on a win7 system 

i might find a filter useful for planets that _don't_ have a starbase 
(you know some players love to have masses of these to ride the build queue)

keep it up! i am sure this will grow to a must-have feature ...
2189 days, 3 hours, 9 minutes ago
View spacesquad's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
same for me, i can not see the planetary details with firefox 23 on XP.
I just build 9 bases thanks to the filter :)
2189 days, 2 hours, 49 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Script Disconnects my session when clicking on the apply button.. I have Chrome and FF ESR version and same applies to both.

2189 days, 2 hours, 24 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Just watched the video and will install it in a minute. Looks so awesome!!!
2189 days, 2 hours, 0 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Windows 7
FF 23.0
GreaseMonkey 1.11
PlanetaryManager 1.11

* Planet Details View shows nothing
* All filters regarding taxation/build methods show nothing

Still looks very promising! :)
2189 days, 1 hours, 54 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
To recreate data, you could add a "save to game" and "load from game" button. that way, you create your builds once, click "save to game" on each or any game you're playing in, then, if you're playing from another computer, or you have wiped your local cache, you can "load from game" to get everything back again.

Of course, you could also do it the other way around. Have the plugin write to note by default, then allow the user to click "load from game" to read the builds into the local storage, then when they start a new game, they can "save to game" to export the local storage settings into the game's note. That way, you can (with only a few mouse-clicks) still have your data carry over between games if you wanted to, and even between different computers.

Not the prettiest way, but with writing to local disk being so hard to do (especially with cross-browser solutions) it's hard to come up with a smooth way. Besides, writing to disk will still not carry over the data between computers.

Alternatively, you could use some form of web-based cloud storage, but with the source being available to everyone, this could be open to abuse, since everyone would be able to access all data.

It would be nice to have a way of storing settings on the server, similar to how notes work, only not game specific, but user account specific. That would help a lot with plugins like this one.

Dunno if this is useful or helpful in any way, but just my thoughts on the matter :)
2189 days, 1 hours, 50 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Two errors I noticed in the javascript console

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined play.planets.nu/:3813
plManagerPlugin.planetBuildBldgs play.planets.nu/:3813
plManagerPlugin.executePlanetUpdate play.planets.nu/:3835
(anonymous function) play.planets.nu/:774
v.event.dispatch jquery.min.js:2
o.handle.u jquery.min.js:2

GET http://api.planets.nu/game/save?jsoncallback=jQuery18301219815886579454_137…Targ etId:::0|||TargetType:::-174481|||Color:::&keycount=11&_=1376569838243 400 (Bad Request) jquery.min.js:2
send jquery.min.js:2
v.extend.ajax jquery.min.js:2
vgaPlanets.request nu.js:21
vgaPlanets.save nu.js:21
plManagerPlugin.saveObjectAsNote play.planets.nu/:4756
(anonymous function) play.planets.nu/:816
v.event.dispatch jquery.min.js:2
2189 days, 1 hours, 3 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@Thin Lizzy: Sure, feel free to put it on Planets Mag! What you all are doing over there is pretty awesome, I can't believe some of the things I never knew. But then, I was never a great player!

As for the planet details not showing bug, I'll look into that... not sure what's going on there. But that's a pretty useful feature of the script, so I'd like to get that fixed! Looks like its multiple users across all platforms.

@Gudmo: Thanks for the javascript console report, that'll help. I'll post if I see anything, but at a glance it seems like there's a build method that's no good in your build array somehow.
2189 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
BTW - All I did was to choose Safe Build in the Global section and the on the Button to apply.
2188 days, 21 hours, 44 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Best script ever.
And also the tutorial is great.

To be improved: Amorphous are taxed currently (at least when i use an own created tax method).
2188 days, 21 hours, 2 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I found out something: The details screen does not work in 4 of my games but in my 2 other it does.

Does not work:
* 1 private game with just a few planets, no stellar, beefer tax script NOT used
* 3 11-player-games, no stellar, beefer tax script used

Does work:
* 1 11-player-game (Aries champ game), no stellar, beefer tax script NOT used
* 1 11-player game, stellar, beefer tax script used

"Beefer taxt script used" means that I have set planets to tax methods with this fine script. I can't guarantee that there are no other differences that I simply overlooked.
2188 days, 18 hours, 40 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Thanks Emork, that's good info. For all, Beefer's tax script and mine should function together seamlessly; I use his way of storing data, using a method he has where they shouldn't overlap. Of course, if you use both, which ever one you run last will be the one that gets used. You may have noticed in the videos I'm running his script too; although I've switched over to mine for actual taxing, I still like some of the additional info it puts on the planet screen.

I'm still not sure what's causing this detail screen problem on some games, but I'm working on it. Hopefully I can figure that out soon. A couple of things I'm wondering about for those that the planet detail screen doesn't work on: 1) Is it correlated in any way to the race you're playing in that game, whether or not the screen works? And 2) On a game where it doesn't work, does it not work for all planets, or only some? Obviously don't click them all, but I'm guessing you all spot checked a few and none of them came up. I still haven't been able to replicate this problem, but I'm sure I will soon enough.

@Gudmo: Your build method array has become corrupted, probably due to something I missed moving between versions. I'm working out a way to reset all the data, to get it going again, but its bugged in my testing, so it might be a little longer.

Thanks everyone for the feedback! I hope to get these kinks worked out soon so anyone who wants to use it can.
2188 days, 17 hours, 35 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hi Dotman,

regarding the problem with the detail view:
* it happens to every planet, no matter if natives, base ...
* I don't see a relation to a specific race
* I disabled Beefers script before installing yours

I'm sure you'll find it sooner or later. Awesome work!
2179 days, 18 hours, 31 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hi Dotman!

Since two weeks I can post in the old forum any more. The reason is that if I post something, e.g. "test", the whole code of my three active user scripts is added to the posting. I can see this if I switch to HTML-view. I found out it's the planetary manager script that causes this.
2179 days, 18 hours, 4 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Oh, yeah, I have this problem too, although I didn't realize it was my script that was doing it! At any rate, a workaround until I figure out what causes this is to pop into and then out of html view, and you'll see at the end of your post something that says 'Embedded Script'. Delete this and your posting will go through.

I'm still not sure why this happens in the first place however..
2179 days, 14 hours, 42 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
A real labor of love. Thanks.
2178 days, 0 hours, 12 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Wow, very nice work.
Sad thing, i can't use it as it doesn't work on my mac.
Installed it with Chrome Version 29.0.1547.57 and Tapermonkey Version : 3.4.3568
But the click to apply changes button doesn't work (nothing happens)
Plus, i see nothing when i look at the planet detail view...

Tried using Safari, but i can't get Greasekit to install the plugin...
And couldn't also install it on FireFox...

Anyone on a mac that was able to use it without flaws?
2177 days, 23 hours, 19 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
For the script being added to forum posts issue, just use removeChild after you append it, ie:

2176 days, 5 hours, 21 minutes ago
View veldan's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Anyone else having a problem with this script trying to double the tax rate of insectoid planets? I'm running this in my games by default, and I've been noticing that I have to maage my insectoid planets by hand because when set to use growth tax it taxes them at 2x what they should be earning. I think you're accidentally doubling something dotman and haven't taken the time myself to peak at your code to see what you might be doubling.
2173 days, 3 hours, 41 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
How do I restore one of the defaults taxation methods that I accidentally deleted?  Specifically the growth one.
2171 days, 23 hours, 14 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Ehh, you can't. You'll have to recreate it and re-apply it; once its removed, its gone forever.
2171 days, 21 hours, 51 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@Ryder Cross. This is the addon you want.
2171 days, 21 hours, 51 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@Ryder Cross. This is the addon you want.
2171 days, 21 hours, 51 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@Ryder Cross. This is the addon you want.
2171 days, 21 hours, 50 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@Ryder Cross. This is the addon you want.
2171 days, 19 hours, 13 minutes ago
View ryder cross's profile
ryder cross
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Thanks Furey,
This is exactly what I was looking for!
2171 days, 18 hours, 47 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Holy multiple posts batman! Sorry!
2164 days, 16 hours, 41 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
What a thing of beauty Dotman, great job.

One question though - I just installed, and I only appear to have 3 tax methods.

Growth 70-100
Safe 70
Safe 40

Is that expected? Playing the Borg, I was looking forward to slapping down that interesting Borg method on my natives.

2164 days, 16 hours, 38 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
That's it. You can make your own to satisfy your borg desires.

Having used this in my current game as the borg, it's use is definitely in the colonists, for the natives, you still have to do them manually, because the add-on doesn't really deal well with assimilation.
2164 days, 16 hours, 38 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
That's it. You can make your own to satisfy your borg desires.

Having used this in my current game as the borg, it's use is definitely in the colonists, for the natives, you still have to do them manually, because the add-on doesn't really deal well with assimilation.
2164 days, 14 hours, 49 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Thanks Furey - from the initial post, I was expecting their to be taxing methods like Chunk, etc. Guess I'll burn a few of my brain-cells and define some new one.
2159 days, 14 hours, 23 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Dotman ... First of all, let me say I think this is an awesome addon. It saves an incredible amount of time. A small request: As the plugin chugs, where it is counting planet # of #, could you have it display the ID# of the planet? Maybe on the next line below the count?

When it stops for a planet with all manual methods, it's a pain to find out which planet you're on. Not so bad in early game, but if you've got 100+ planets, it's a bit of a pain.

Oh, and the filter for 'planets with all manual methods' doesn't work for me. What I think it should do is show me my new planets. But the list is always blank.
2159 days, 14 hours, 17 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I made an 'unbuild' plan. Taxes natives to 30% and holds them there. They're tearin down all the factories and mines :). The place is mined out, and they have a weak gov't so I can't get any growth with all the factories and mines around. So when mines are down to about 50, or whatever to get the max from the transmigration or whatever it's called, I'll set the natvies back to growth.

Which brings me to another suggestion. When in the plan builder, could you have it display the code thingy for saved plans (and the defaults) so we can easily share our plans?
2159 days, 13 hours, 24 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
There is a couple that I always make for all of my games. Factory-Defense Which prioritizes factories then defense. Then, Max Defense! Prioritizes defense over factories. Both of them ignoring mines.
2159 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
A very nice plugin!  Thank you.
But are some of the methods listed at the top no longer included in defaults?  I just downloaded 1.11 and I see a lot of differences.  For instance:
Structure Management:
Factory First or Safe Min Defense not included
Factories 2:1 included
Colonist Taxation Strategies:
Chunk Tax, Growth Tax>1mil, Chunk Tax>1mil not included
Safe Tax 70, Safe Tax 40 included
Native Taxation Strategies:
Safe Tax 70, Safe Tax 40 included
Chunk Tax, Borg Tax not included

The only one I'm concerned about is Safe Min Defense, but I am curious about the differences.

2149 days, 17 hours, 36 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Well now I've tried this script I'd have to say I'm very disappointed.

I'm not sure if it's a bug but I just lost 13 planets in one turn due to colonists fighting and all my planets have happiness at -20 !!

yeah... about that.....
2149 days, 17 hours, 33 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Sorry to hear that Gudmo, I haven't had any reports of others with the same problem... did you apply the methods to your planets each turn? Did you use the default tax plans or construct one of your own?
2149 days, 17 hours, 16 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
default tax plans (Safe Tax 40)

And yes I ran the plugin but looking at the time machine I can see that no change was made.

I forsee losing all but 13 planets out of the original 33 next turn, so this plugin has now completely ruined that game for me.

I reviewed my other games and reset everything and in one of them this would have happened as well, fortunatly I could avoid that.
2149 days, 16 hours, 57 minutes ago
View snork's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
It doesn't work for me either. Taxing and/or builds fail to save/run. @dotman is there any info I can provide that might help diagnose the problem? This script would be a massive help if I could get it working.
2149 days, 15 hours, 11 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@snork: No, I believe I know what the problem is (corrupted build/tax method array), and I have a fix for it, but it needs a little more testing before I release to make sure it meshes with people who do not have a problem.

I actually have one game myself where the plugin failed to work; it only works if I set every single planet to a build and tax method other than manual. Symptoms if I don't do that are that it will stop applying methods when it hits a manual planet and will not continue on.

@Gudmo: Listen, I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work for you, but you've been complaining in this thread for a month that the plugin doesn't work for you. I'm working to fix that, but understand that VGAP is just a game I play for fun, and like everyone else I have RL commitments that come first. I developed the plugin to solve a problem for me; I could have easily kept it to myself, but I thought it might be useful for others to try out. If it works for you, great, but you should always check your important planets afterwards!

I guess what I'm saying is, no warranty expressed or implied. Buyer beware! But it seems to work for me pretty well. And I hope the next version will correct your problem (along with a few new features!)
2149 days, 15 hours, 11 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@snork: No, I believe I know what the problem is (corrupted build/tax method array), and I have a fix for it, but it needs a little more testing before I release to make sure it meshes with people who do not have a problem.

I actually have one game myself where the plugin failed to work; it only works if I set every single planet to a build and tax method other than manual. Symptoms if I don't do that are that it will stop applying methods when it hits a manual planet and will not continue on.

@Gudmo: Listen, I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work for you, but you've been complaining in this thread for a month that the plugin doesn't work for you. I'm working to fix that, but understand that VGAP is just a game I play for fun, and like everyone else I have RL commitments that come first. I developed the plugin to solve a problem for me; I could have easily kept it to myself, but I thought it might be useful for others to try out. If it works for you, great, but you should always check your important planets afterwards!

I guess what I'm saying is, no warranty expressed or implied. Buyer beware! But it seems to work for me pretty well. And I hope the next version will correct your problem (along with a few new features!)
2149 days, 15 hours, 1 minutes ago
View ryder cross's profile
ryder cross
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Keep up the good work. Plugin has saved me an immense amount of time.
2149 days, 12 hours, 18 minutes ago
View halion's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Shame to hear some are having issues. For me it has always run great apart from times I am travelling and don't have the script and settings ported onto my laptop. then i need to manually manage the planets which is not great due to reduced time in game as well.

Only issue i have is there is a problem with the insectoid native tax calculations as it seems to double tax beyond the clans capacity which is not ideal.

keep up the good work Dotman thanks! and can't wait to see what new features you have added.
2149 days, 12 hours, 3 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I'll chime in with Ryder Cross. I've noticed a few bumps here and there, but this script rocks - thank you.
2149 days, 5 hours, 31 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Wow @Dotman

I call that adding insult to injury.. Complaining (Helping out by reporting potential bugs) about a month ago cannot under any circumstance be classified as "complaining for a month". To add to that I've never placed any pressure on you to fix those bugs, I merely pointed them out.

Don't you worry yer little noggin, I won't be complaining (Trying to point out errors to potentially make your script better) ever again.

Have a nice day
2149 days, 5 hours, 4 minutes ago
View halion's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
i always find it interesting how people speak to each other on the interweb often in ways they would never dream to face to face.

I didn't think dotmans comment was particularly offensive and more a turn of phrase to reference a period of time, but that's my perspective.

Not really the sort of interaction i would expect to see. We should be encouraging the community of 'volunteer' addon creators unless of course you are capable to build,test,maintain and enhance something like this yourself Gudmo?
2149 days, 4 hours, 56 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Yeah have to agree that Gudmo seems hypersensitive. Dotman said nothing that would have upset a rational human being.

I would think all he did was set safe tax to 40 and then forget to click "apply" the second turn.

I did that myself once, drove all my colonists to fighting, took forever to recover, but it was my mistake, not the addon, which has worked flawlessly.

Let's show a little more respect to the hard work of others please.

2149 days, 4 hours, 51 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@Dotman and @Gudmo: An often seen communication escalation when using mail. Two good people start to argue because of words that are easily taken too serious if you don't hear the tone of the sender, don't see the face of the sender and can't see the reaction of the reciever to correct misinterpretations. It's understandable that Gudmo is sad that a game of him is ruined and it's understandable that Dotman doesn't like that his great volunteer work was part of the problem. In a face to face and real time communication you probably would have had compassion on both sides, a good talk and an ongoing cooperation to make the script better.

Give it another try! :)
2148 days, 23 hours, 45 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Yeah, you caught me on a bad night. My apologies Gudmo, and everyone!
2148 days, 22 hours, 54 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
No problem Dotman, I'll buy you a beer if you're ever in Iceland :D

I think what happened to me is that I decided to try the script again a few days ago. And all was well.

I set the tax rates to "Safe Tax 40" globally and ran the tool, this of course set happiness to -60 on most planets as expected.

What happened on the next turn was that I clicked on the tool and on the apply button, waited for a few while the build screens flickered by and then went on to finish my turn.

The tool didn't actually change the tax rates back, hence the result of another -60 in happiness and the end result of -20 on my planets... Damn colonists can't take a joke! They go all postal :P

I should have checked that the tool did what I expected it to do, assumption is the mother of all *#&@ups.

This only happened in two of my seven games, but the other has not hosted yet so I was able to fix that.

The tool is awesome, I think it runs a bit heavy when going through the planets, unlike for example Beefers tax tool but it does the job.

p.s. - We all have our good and bad days, I understand that completely (three kids under the age of 5) and would also like to apologise if my text was harsh.

Keep up the good work Dotman, don't let my mad rantings throw you off course.
2127 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I use this mainly for the prediction feature (planet detail). However it doesn't work for the last few days? Any suggestions?
2127 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Not sure... does the detail page come up at all and just the predictions at the bottom are missing? Or is the page blank?

Did this happen when Nu updated?

2126 days, 23 hours, 1 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
The tab for the detail page comes up in NU but it's blank. It's been like that for a few days prior to latest update. Anyone else with this? Any info I can give you?
2126 days, 22 hours, 44 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I've had reports of this from some users in certain games but not experienced it myself. I've not yet heard of it working at one point in a game, and then not working for that game; is that your case, or did you join a new game and its not working in that game?
2124 days, 20 hours, 33 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply

I have just installed your script and the Planetary Management menu shows up fine, I can see my planets and set up taxation schemes etc, but applying them does nothing. Similar to what Figak says, I also see nothing in the Planet Detail window, its simply empty.

I have just installed your script and the Planetary Management menu shows up fine, I can see my planets and set up taxation schemes etc, but applying them does nothing. Similar to what Figak says, I also see nothing in the Planet Detail window, its simply empty.

EDIT: It seems if I change the build method of my first planet to something other than manual, the script will actually run when I do something.

Also, some of the search filters are not functioning, the list with "all planets that only have manual methods" is empty despite *all* of my planets being that way.


Learning as Im going. Planetary detail window is only empty until the script has been run on that particular planet. Roger!

2124 days, 19 hours, 29 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I'm going to be releasing a new version very soon, that I hope will correct some of these issues... although I'm still not 100% sure why the empty planet detail bug is occurring.

Today or tomorrow I think, stay tuned!
2124 days, 19 hours, 9 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply


One more thing: It seems to break on some of my planets and stop running at that point, particularly one with no available MC or supplies. After that it'll just show Building on Planet 4 out of 19, and Ill have to log out and log in to get it to run Again. unfortunately it'll still break at that planet.

Im gonna try to run it after next host run before I do my stuff to see what happens - or even better, update to your new version :)

2124 days, 19 hours, 7 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
That's good news Chron, I know what that bug is. New version should fix that problem!
2124 days, 19 hours, 4 minutes ago
View veldan's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Is it going to fix the insectoid taxation bug?
2124 days, 10 hours, 47 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hi everyone! I'm releasing a new version of my planetary management script, version 1.2!

As always, you can get the script here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/174481A

There's a couple of cool new features in this version. First, and foremost, you should see a MASSIVE speed increase in how quickly the script goes through your planets. This is thanks to @Joshua changing how data can be saved in Nu, now in much larger chunks! I've tested this on my games, and it seems to work fine on my largest empire (which is currently 170 planets). Let me know if you run into any disconnects or anything on a larger empire. It processed those 170 planets in about a minute on my machine.

Second, a lot of people were experiencing problems with the script stopping or crashing partway through processing your planets. In certain games, this would happen if you took over a new planet and did not set any methods on it. I believe this new version will correct this issue (looking at you @Gudmo); I had this exact problem on one of my games, and it fixed it there for me. So let me know if anyone continues to experience this problem. It is also my hope that this will fix the issue with planet details not showing for some users in some games, I believe they were related, but am not certain. Let me know if that problem persists too.

Third, I've found myself fighting those pesky birdmen in several of my games, with their wretched superspy wreaking havoc across my empire. So I've introduced friendly code randomization to the planet processing. In the planet list, you should see the friendly code of the planet now, just below the megacredits and the supplies. This is clickable to randomize on a per planet basis, just like in the starmap view (you cannot, however, set a specific friendly code from here yet; you still need to go to the starmap for that). There is also a new checkbox underneath the little planet you click to apply your planetary methods, that says 'Randomize Friendly Codes'. If this box is checked, it will randomize your friendly codes on your planets. It will NOT randomize or change any variation of the special friendly codes att, nuk, bum, dmp, or the pbX codes. All others will be scrambled. Let me know if you experience any issues with this feature. Sorry Birds!

Lastly, and this is for you @Veldan, I believe the insectoid double tax bug is fixed.

Hope this works better for everyone; it took a little bit to get this version out, but I finally had some free time this past week to look at this stuff. As always, feature requests welcome and bug reports appreciated!
2124 days, 10 hours, 15 minutes ago
View regicide's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
what about ntp?

I though that Joshua had said that no script that radomizes all planet friendly codes at once would be allowed. They must be a clik per planet as would weaken the birds to much otherwise.
2124 days, 8 hours, 51 minutes ago
View halion's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
just tried it. much faster, doesn't stop on the one game that had an issue and insectoids seem to be much happier with the new tax regime!
much appreciated!
2124 days, 8 hours, 23 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I just downloaded the new version, tried it.. and it won't tax my natives. I've tried all the settings and it just keeps setting their tax to 0% (even the ones at 100%).
2124 days, 3 hours, 26 minutes ago
View veldan's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@Regicide, I don't recall ever seeing a post by Joshua stating that. You got a reference?
2121 days, 21 hours, 33 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
so i better get my update before the auto randomization is deactivated again ;)
2120 days, 14 hours, 46 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@Dotman - I've used the plugin before this version, and it seems that it either taxes them extremely little or not at all. I have one planet with 31,400 colonists and 8,153,300 Natives. The natives got taxed 2%, with a happiness rating of 100 (+3). But yes, it definitely seems that with fewer colonists the natives aren't taxed.
2120 days, 14 hours, 30 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Whenever I have seen that, I have manually adjusted the tax and it always ended up in the orange (not enough natives to collect the full tax).
2113 days, 18 hours, 54 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I don't use the build part of this script, just the planet detail.

I noticed something strange. A planet where I have build more mines ( from 118 to 208 ) manually. With a mineral in plenty at 45%.

Mining prediction from this turn (n) is correct (94 kt) the rest of turns (n+1 and beyond) it is at the old 37kt per turn.
2113 days, 18 hours, 50 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hmm, yeah. It won't take into account any current built mines until next turn when it sees them actually built; it only looks at what the build plan would do.

I can fix that I think; let me see how complicated that is to do.
2113 days, 12 hours, 35 minutes ago
View bondservant's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Thanks Dotman for your hard work. I plan to check it all out (late to the party). Bond.
2108 days, 21 hours, 36 minutes ago
View rudel's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
If this is working, this is by far the best script ever. Need to try it out asap!
2071 days, 16 hours, 33 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hey Dotman.

Not sure if you are still changing this, but I think I found a small bug. Unchecking the "randomize friendly code" box does not work. The script changes your FCs no matter what the state of that box is.

Great script!

2071 days, 16 hours, 24 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I am Moorgaan, I'll check into that - thanks!
2050 days, 1 hours, 55 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Is there any chance you could add an option to allow the script to tax at the rate that provides the max income, even if some of the cash is lost due to insufficient clans? I would almost always prefer to get that extra cash, even if it slows growth down a little, especially if the difference is 0% vs. 1% on the tax rate.

1998 days, 10 hours, 40 minutes ago
View tom n's profile
tom n
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hi Dotman, I know I brought this up before, on the Itarius Activity Feed, but wanted to officially add it here. I really appreciate your hard work on this script! I use it to save time on all my games, but can you add a check box to exclude certain planets from the process? Right now I run your script then have to revisit Bovi planets to remove taxing. I would love to "lock" them at zero tax, to allow max growth, until they hit max population. It would be great if that "exclude" button keeps those planets from getting their FC changed also, as I use those sometimes to keep track of the Queue, or other reminders that are quickly visible on the hover boxes.  Thanks again!  Tom N
1998 days, 7 hours, 20 minutes ago
View smackdaddy's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Excellent idea Tom!
1997 days, 21 hours, 3 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Tom N, why don't you just set the tax methods for your Bovinoid worlds to Manual? Or build a tax method that doesn't tax till max pop? You can do this already.

The FC resetting is my only gripe, only special codes like 'att' don't get reset from what I've seen, and I've noticed only if the PM Mod changes something do all FC get reset even though the option box is unchecked.

Honestly, we should find a way to disable the randomize function ourselves, I'll take a peek right now.
1997 days, 20 hours, 38 minutes ago
View tom n's profile
tom n
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Good point on the "Manual" setting. I had rarely gone to each planets section of the mod, but will now. One other fix to mention again: The script will tax a new planet zero instead of 1%, when 1% nets less than full mc. It would be nice if the script recognizes it is better to tax to the next percentile when it will gain almost a full level of cash...if that makes sense.
1997 days, 20 hours, 20 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Features I have added or worked around locally (I forked it to tailor it to my self), that would be awesome in the default script:

- More extensive list of default tax/build methods. I added a good dozen or so my self.
- Options to set/control default tax/build methods. Save this to local storage instead of player notes.
- Riot taxation setting.
- Borg taxation settings for natives. It should predict population growth and plan taxation to maximise MC generation.
- Allow a toggle to overtax instead of under tax. Perhaps make it % based.
- Random FC toggle on each planet.

Over all I love the script. It saves me hours! Thank you!
1969 days, 10 hours, 15 minutes ago
View tom n's profile
tom n
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Anyone else having trouble with this script recently? I'd love a setting to NOT tax clans at all, unless they get to 20,000 clans (2,000,000 colonists) on more. I HAD a 'created' tax that used to work, but now doesn't. It goes through the motions when I submit, but when I check I see many planets getting over-taxed down to 40% Happiness.
1968 days, 8 hours, 5 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
maclav, can you send me your version of this script?
I plan add to your version the ability to edit taxation method, and mark planet "ready" when changes applyed - to distinguish the just settled planets.
1962 days, 6 hours, 30 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
tom n:  yes, i have a trouble with standart growth method.  sometimes it continue tax , even if the happines below 70%
1959 days, 20 hours, 7 minutes ago
View tom n's profile
tom n
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
That's a shame. I had to uninstall the mod, although it had some nice features and Dotman put a lot of effort into it. I think he may be on hiatus from NU at the moment.
1959 days, 19 hours, 45 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
When I get an opportunity to clean up my bad hackjob, I'll release a fork for this and see if I can nail down that bug.
1959 days, 11 hours, 46 minutes ago
View smackdaddy's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Looking forward to that MacLav
1959 days, 10 hours, 27 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
i have found this bug.  Seems it newer happen if you "apply changes" on the "all planet" list only.
But note: the standart "grows metod" switched to the "safetax 40" method if clans is at "maximum population", this is not a bug. "maximum population" happens on arctic or desert planets.

Also, i implement right behaviour with "randomize FC" button.
maclav, we can combine efforts.
1927 days, 23 hours, 10 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Nice Tool.
I wish to see and do Build- and Taxmethodes in planets screen
1914 days, 12 hours, 32 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply


1914 days, 10 hours, 15 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply

It might be an issue with downloading this particular script from the website. I can located it but it hangs on downloading with an error mssg.

Error Downloading

Unknown error

1910 days, 17 hours, 21 minutes ago
View mip40's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I also can't get access to the planetary management script anymore

timout:   http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/174481
1910 days, 17 hours, 7 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
try this
1910 days, 17 hours, 3 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply

This link will get you to the script source by using the 8080 port


However, you still will be unable to download as it times out there. Sometimes it will appear to be downloading and other times it doesn't show any progress on the download bar. In any event, even if the progress bar fills all the way, you will get the download error dialogue screen. This has been going on for a week for me. Today, I was able to download the updated color coding and map display for the first time as that too was timing out so maybe this one will download again soon


1910 days, 17 hours, 1 minutes ago
View mip40's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
thanks for the link you two, but as Mega said, i also get the download error.
1910 days, 10 hours, 52 minutes ago
View regicide's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I can't get access to any http://userscripts.org/ will not load for me but the one above does. Can anyone post a link to allien ship one?
1910 days, 4 hours, 45 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply

This link works because of the port. Some scripts still download. Planetary managment doesn't download/install (fails on download). Hopefully, they fix this site soon


1910 days, 2 hours, 44 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Finally getting around to releasing my fork for this, but of course userscripts.org is erroring out on the upload. Once its out, I'll entertain some enhancement/bug requests.
1909 days, 3 hours, 53 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Sometimes this script just disappears and wouldn't load, or sometimes the custom builds just resets itself to default for all the planets.

In the first case, after several rejoins I give up and then start to manage my planets manually, which takes more time than usual, since the script was doing critical things in the previous turn.
1909 days, 1 hours, 29 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
customs builds reset every time you clean the browser's private data -like cash. I have tweaked this script to use local storage for customs builds only. This solve this problem.
1879 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
So, I finnnallllyy managed to have both time and remembered to do this:


1878 days, 23 hours, 58 minutes ago
View veldan's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Thanks for the update!

Just a question (probably not your issue) but is there any reason why I should have 2! planetary management plugin icons now on my dashboard?

I have disabled and uninstalled the old plugin, I have disabled and uninstalled the new plugin, then reinstalled the new plugin. I have disabled all other scripts and then reenabled them one by starting with this one and validating the icons on my dahsboard. With this plugin enabled with nothing else running I get the two plugin icons.

Just want to do a sanity check before I consider uninstalling tampermonkey completely and reinstalling everything.

So... yeah...

Running Chrome with Tampermonkey.
1878 days, 23 hours, 26 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Thx Maclav! I installed this plugin for the first time and I experience the same as Veldan - the plugin menue entry and icon appears twice.
1878 days, 23 hours, 11 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
If you remove both, then install the new one and reload the page, does the duplicate go away?
1878 days, 23 hours, 9 minutes ago
View veldan's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
No, read my comment to see what I have done so far.
1878 days, 23 hours, 3 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
In the dash board only one copy is active and its v2.1? Backup and delete the old one from the dashboard?

Open up the JavaScript console and see if one or two are loading. I suspect this has something to do with browser/cache stuff and that greasmonkey is going to see them as two different scripts since I changed the name. I suspect the page is still loading both of them, even though one is disabled.
1878 days, 22 hours, 52 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Maclav, I did the same as Veldan. Deinstalled version 1.2 and 2.1, then installed 2.1 again. Pressed strg+f5 several times. still have the icon twice. both lead to the 2.1 screen.
1878 days, 22 hours, 41 minutes ago
View veldan's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Okay, I checked the javascript console and it appears that it is still loading twice;

I have these in my console... (prays to the formatting gods);

Open Slot Filter plugin version: v0.16
2 Planetary Manager plugin version: v2.1

How do I delete the other one considering I have delted and removed everthing else?
1878 days, 22 hours, 29 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
HAHA, cut and paste error on my part. I must have hit ctrl-v twice as the online script had two copies of the code, thus loading it twice.

I fixed and bumped the version so you should be able to update.
1878 days, 22 hours, 25 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Fix confirmed. Thx!
1878 days, 22 hours, 13 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
NP. Let me know how you like the enhancements and if there is anything broken or missing. :)
1878 days, 21 hours, 53 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Sorry, a little off topic but....where can this script be downloaded now that userscripts is kapooey?

ps excellent work!
1878 days, 21 hours, 43 minutes ago
View veldan's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Look 14 posts up.
1878 days, 19 hours, 50 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Sonmething to optimize: My homeworld has 10 million clans, happiness 87 and I set growth tax 70-100. The plugin sets tax to 53% (-37 happiness) to earn 5300 mc. The obvious error is that this tax setting tries to earn more than the 5000 mc limit. The second "error" is that happiness will go way below 70 with this setting. My homeworld has reached the growth limit but nevertheless I want happiness to stay near 70. STF and Merlins are constantly arriving to load colonists. Then I need growth again.

1878 days, 19 hours, 4 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Do you have hiss ships in orbit?
1878 days, 12 hours, 23 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hey all,

I had to stop VGAPing for a while there and focus on some other projects, but those projects have happily ended for now and I've got some time for this again. I'm glad this script is still being used and much thanks to maclav for getting in there and adding some much needed features and even more needed bugfixes.

I've been monitoring the thread and when userscripts went non-functional I looked into getting it up somewhere else, but couldn't find a site and didn't have a lot of time then; I'm glad maclav was able to get it back up.

Emork, regarding the 5000mc limit thing, that's a bug that's on my list. Maclav, its an easy fix; the script actually does check for the 5000 mc limit on native tax, but not on colonist tax. If you look under the getTaxNat functino, you'll see the code that modifies the suggested rate if you can't collect that many megacredits:

var mc = Math.round(rate * planet.nativegovernment * 20 / 100 * planet.nativeclans / 1000);
// V1.20 - Insectoids overtaxed bug fix
// We needed to double the mc here as well, not just calculate max above
if (planet.nativetype == 6)
mc += mc;

// Check to find the suggested rate if we can't collect that many megacredits
if (mc > maxmc) {
rate = Math.truncate(maxmc / (planet.nativegovernment * 20 / 100 * planet.nativeclans / 1000));
if (planet.nativetype == 6)
rate = Math.truncate((maxmc/2) / (planet.nativegovernment * 20 / 100 * planet.nativeclans / 1000));
return rate;

This code needs to be added to the getTaxCols function, modified of course for colonists. It was an oversight when I built the function, you'll see the maxmc check is there but the code implementing the rate change at the end is not. It also doesn't address the fact that if I'm not mistaken, the total maximum intake is 5000mc from both native and colonists, and this would only check for each one individually; however, in practice, your income source is likely to be one or the other, but not both, at maximum, so its less of an issue.

Maclav, I had some things I was working on with this script before I had to drop it for awhile. I see no reason for two versions, I'd like it if we could work together on further developments with this thing, if you're open to that. I'd like it, as a matter of courtesy, if you'd put me back in as the @author, and add yourself as a second @author, or @contributor, or @codeveloper or whatever. I appreciate the work you've done (anyone who took the time to decipher how this thing works... goodness, I wouldn't wish that on anyone!), and I know the community is grateful, and I'd like to get back in it. Hopefully we can we can work out a way to codevelop and keep this thing the most useful script for Planets!

1878 days, 11 hours, 28 minutes ago
View tom n's profile
tom n
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Welcome back Dotman! And thanks again for your hard work!
1878 days, 9 hours, 33 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@dot, @Maclav,

just tonight i used the colonist portion to tax to "5002 MC". it was very useful to know that i was only "losing" 2 MC at that tax rate. that information saved me from having to calc out the "overage" taxes for the colonists in order to choose most the/(my) most efficient tax rate.

anyway to make those options available for both colonists and natives? what i am thinking is something like the "host config" alternate choices when you start a game, thus allowing each user to pick what is best for them.
1877 days, 3 hours, 11 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Absolutely Dotman. I think the @author got autofilled somewhere when I was forking it. I'll add you back in and send you a PM.
1875 days, 17 hours, 24 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
next problem: 1.now the desired number of factories can be entered without any plugins. however, the planet predictor in this planet do not know this. Also, this cause to appear happiness 39 with safe 40 happy tax rate.
thanks dotman, i use your script every day! however i modified my script
this way: add ability to overtax and undertax in tax model, add ability to use localsorage for tax and build methods only (and swap with player's notes), and ability to change methods for planet just visited on starmap, set "planet ready" status for applyed planets if this button checked, fix some bugs.
1768 days, 10 hours, 30 minutes ago
View tom n's profile
tom n
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hi Dotman, I wonder if "Manual" could be added as an option in the Global Method Application section? It would be nice to be able to reset all to manual at one time.

Also I've noticed when I set Native planets to Safe Tax 70, then apply to see "All Planets Built", I see most of my low clan populated planets show a Native tax of zero for some reason. It would be great if the mod would tax these natives at 1% and gain that important 1 or 2 mc so help build that first factory ASAP. As it is now I have to cycle thru all my planets to see if the mod has not taxed these early settlements.

Thanks again for the cool mod. Still a big time saver.

Regards,  Tom N
1768 days, 6 hours, 31 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I would also like "Manual" added.
1768 days, 5 hours, 4 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Good timing for this.

Dtolman, Maclav many thanks for the planetary manager! I tried it in one of my games for a while now and want to report.
I use the tax part only because the building part I do either completely manually (if every mc counts or the situation has to be reviewed every turn) or by the autobuild targets.

Two things hinder me to use it in every game - especially the tough ones where it needs to tax optimal:
* It doesn’t consider the 5000 mc tax limit when taxing colonists
* It doesn’t consider the 5000 mc tax limit when taxing colonists AND natives

Two things I find circumstantial:
* I can’t see/change the tax settings of a planet in the standard planets screen. When I am in the starmap and want to see/change the settings of the displayed planet I have to go through the manager’s single planet screen to the manager’s planets list and then scroll through this list until I find the planet. Or did I miss something here?
Pre-scrolling the list to the planet in question would help and allowing to see/change the settings also in the manager’s single planet screen would be even better. Best would be to be able to see/change the settings in the standard planet screen of the starmap but I understand this might be difficult.
* The value “manually is missing in “set all” drop down lists.

1767 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes ago
View tom n's profile
tom n
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@Wmerkel, You will need to update once Dotman releases it.

@Dotman, Looking forward to the new release! I love many things about your script...beautiful design, great to allow us non-developers a way to build our own methods, and much more. My wish list starts with the tax area. I'd love for the mod to err on the side of a slight overtax, especially when a newly settled planet could be getting 40mc but instead gets 21mc. There seems to be no 'rounding up' to the better choice. I also would love to have some options available on the planets screen, even if only to toggle on/off the use of the mod for certain planets. Thanks again!
1760 days, 23 hours, 10 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Another suggestion for improvement: Let me specify what initial build/tax methods should be set automatically on new planets. Well, if the tax selection moves to the original planets screen this would be not very important anymore.
1760 days, 22 hours, 16 minutes ago
View marklein's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
This thread is way long now... what's the latest version and where can I download it? Thanks. :-)
1760 days, 21 hours, 54 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hey Dot! You got a template for this thing that is titled - MaxMoney-NoRiots? I'm still a little gun shy from when the original version cost me a base.

Oh yah, and what Marklin said about updated link. I'm not seeing this one at http://vgaplanets.org/index.php/Planets_Nu_Client_Add-ons list.
1760 days, 21 hours, 1 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
It's there


Under Jim Clark Scripts

Planets.nu - Planetary Management Plugin v2
1760 days, 20 hours, 57 minutes ago
View marklein's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Can anybody throw me a bone to get this working on Windows + Chrome + Tampermonkey (or without TM, I don't care)? I've installed it, it's all green and looks like it should be running, but no icon in my games. :-(
1760 days, 17 hours, 42 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply

1. Did your refresh your browser after installing the script?
2. Sometimes these scripts take a while to load after you open your game (they sometimes check for updates, I think). Try clicking on "Home" in your game menu after a while to see if the icon appears.
1760 days, 16 hours, 50 minutes ago
View marklein's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Yes, even rebooted. Tested the "old" site and didn't work there either. Removed and reinstalled the script... nope. Maybe I should try an older version of the script?
1760 days, 16 hours, 15 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I suggest turning on the javascript console to see if there are errors.

Chrome menu... Tools... Javascript console
1760 days, 15 hours, 47 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Well, I get it to show up, but it doesn't seem to do anything. I clicked on several of the global options and Apply to All and then I check and see no changes. I even went to an individual planet and changed the native tax choice, Safe to Riot to etc. and each time I check the planet I see no changes.

I tried saying turn complete and then checking back and no joy either. There must be a "Do It Now" button I am not seeing.

What am I missing?
1760 days, 13 hours, 13 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Yes, there is a button you need to click. Click "Planetary Management" from the main menu, then there is a button that look like Saturn. It probably says "Idle" beside it. Is this what you are missing?
1760 days, 11 hours, 3 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
OK, got the button. Been experimenting with ratios and happiness and the like and can't seem to find the magic formula for taxing to get the maximum MC without natives rioting without going back and manually tweaking it all the time, which is what I'm trying to avoid in the first place. Like, one planet just as an example that is currently happy at 69 happy can vary from 0 income to 590 mc income before dropping below 69% happy. Then it can produce up to 1298 mc before going into Hate mode at -6 (63& happy?). It just seems like driving a car that reacts extremely slowly. That's the kind of thing that could make you run into a tree.

Normally (not using management tool) I'm guided by Happy/Angry/Hate levels and not any absolute happiness levels. I crank taxes up to just short of hate and then back down it looks like they are about to riot. Growth? Nah! Soon as they are just a little angry but not likely to riot I tend to leave them there. Absent any enemy invasions, of course.

So, How do I get that with the controls I have available. Anyone got any suggestions?
1760 days, 10 hours, 39 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Sounds like you want "safe tax 40" which is what I almost always use. It taxes down to 40% happiness (barely above riot level) then holds at that level.
1760 days, 10 hours, 36 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Eric, I tried that one and didn't see what I wanted. Maybe I need to run it out a few turns and be ready to keep adjusting it. But, thanks for the feedback.
1760 days, 10 hours, 31 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I have had three problems with the taxing, none of which convinced me to stop using the script. I love this script.

One problem is that it chooses 0% if you don't have enough colonists to collect all the mc for 1%. I prefer to err in the direction of getting a few mc to help my new colonies and patched my copy of the script accordingly.

The second problem was that it completely ignored hiss ships when I played as lizards. This was only important for a few of my planets, at which I set the tax rate to "manual" and controlled the rate directly.

The third problem was that I sometimes built factories manually after running it, at which point it was my responsibility to fix taxes accordingly. That one's my fault of course. :-)
1760 days, 10 hours, 28 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
WOW! I didn't even think about changing my copy of the script. But, if it only lives on my computer, I guess that's OK. Another reason to get back to working on my script editor.
1759 days, 18 hours, 49 minutes ago
View marklein's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@Robodoc No errors in the console, that would have been nice.

I tried the previous version of the script with no improvement.

Is there a way to run this on Chrome without Tampermonkey? I'd need a manifest.jason at least, and I don't know what else?
1759 days, 12 hours, 48 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply

Do you get the following messages when you run the script?

Tampermonkey started
Planetary Manager plugin version: v2.41
Read Notes Called: readOrder = 1 VM195:2416
Read Notes Called: readOrder = 2 VM195:2416
Read Notes Called: readOrder = 3 VM195:2416
Read Notes Called: readOrder = 4 VM195:2416
Read Notes Called: readOrder = 5 VM195:2416
Read Notes Called: readOrder = 6 VM195:2416
Printing CTARRAY array... VM195:2654
["m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", shuffle: function]
Validating Arrays... VM195:2169
Validating BMArray...
1757 days, 12 hours, 51 minutes ago
View marklein's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I got it working guys, thanks for the help! Whew!

I have a bug to report on mine right away. I can't scroll down far enough to see the full Global Method Application section. It's cut off. If I toggle F11 full screen mode then I get a little more but its still not all of it. I'm on an old laptop with only 800 vertical pixels.
1757 days, 12 hours, 26 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Something that was recently point out to me... On Firefox, Click the menu button (3 bars at top right). The customization menu will open and you will see the zoom controls at the top. Click the - (minus) and your screen will zoom out so you can see more of the screen. It will be smaller and maybe harder to read, but you can see it.
1757 days, 11 hours, 40 minutes ago
View marklein's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Good workaround, THX.
1757 days, 11 hours, 37 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
In Chrome and Firefox you can also use the shortcut 'Ctrl' with '+' or '-' keys to zoom in and out, respectively. That way you can play at your normal zoom level and quickly zoom out just when you need it.
1755 days, 19 hours, 27 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hey Dotman. This script of yours has been a great inspiration to me. Along with nu.js, it has served as my "textbook" for learning about Nu script writing.

How do you feel about other people "borrowing" your code for other scripts? I've been working on an AI that manages planets and freighters (off and on for the past year) that uses some of your planetary management code. Can I use this code when I eventually release my script? If not, I could take it out and sub in my own code.
1755 days, 13 hours, 31 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Glad to hear it!

I released the last version under a creative commons license noncomm nondev:


which essentially says you can use it and distribute it unchanged, with attribution, non-commercially, and precluding derivative works (see the link for the full explanation).

It's like this. I spent many, many hours, testing and developing (and continuing to develop) this script, for the benefit of VGA Planets and the NU community. I'm happy many have found it useful. I would like to prevent people using my work or derivatives thereof, certainly for commercial gain, but on a more personal level, without attribution of the effort put into it.

That said, we have a small developer community here, but an open one, and if it weren't for the work of the people before me, my script wouldn't exist. Further active development can only help the game continue to thrive, which is what I think all of us want. We all have limited time to put towards this, and there's no need to reinvent the wheel. So let me know what you want to use (probably the planet prediction stuff?), and I'll grant permission, and you can use it (with attribution; a comment in the code or something).

Interestingly, automating freighter routes and a starbase build predictor (planner, really) is next on my list after the next release. If you're interested, maybe we could collaborate on this.
1754 days, 22 hours, 36 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Dotman, I'm glad you are willing to consider giving me permission to use some of your code. :)

I will have to do a careful review of what I've used. I started this about a year ago, so the code was borrowed from version 1.20. The main functions that I borrowed or adapted include:

So mostly it was code used for setting taxes.

My script is designed to work as an AI, so it manages things automatically using some reasonable rules-of-thumb, and does not give the user any options for micro-management. The script manages planets automatically, and optionally builds starbases and ships, routes freighters, and manages warships. The freighter routing works fairly well, and I believe that my script runs a better economy than Hiatus (and manages planets better than some human players).

My script is far enough along that it can beat Hiatus in some blitz games, but it still needs more testing and cleaning up. I'll try to get the script cleaned up enough to release it within the next two months or so. Then you would certainly be welcome to check out my freighter routing code to see if it would be useful for your script. :)

The freighter routing algorithm is based on the calculated needs and surpluses of planets. For example, a newly colonized planet may need clans, supplies and MC, and a planet targeted for starbase construction will need the appropriate minerals, etc. Surpluses are resources in excess of needs, and deficits are negative surplus values. Once this stuff is calculated, the freighter routing problem is basically finding the best way to move resources from where there are surpluses to where there are deficits.
1754 days, 20 hours, 21 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Dotman, would a comment like the following be acceptable for each of the functions I mentioned?

// This function was adapted from Dotman's Planetary Management Plugin (version 1.20), with the author's permission.
1754 days, 19 hours, 44 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Looks good, thanks!
1748 days, 11 hours, 25 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I'm pleased to announce the release of the Planetary Management Plugin V3.0! I have some cool features to tell you about, but first, the location of the script has changed. You can install the latest version from


The previous link will work as well within a day, but for technical reasons I won't go into, I wanted my own repository I can update immediately if a major bug or something is found.

I have two exciting cool new features to tell you about, and some bug fixes included in this major release. The goal of the planetary management plugin has always been to help you manage your planets smartly, quickly, and most of all, effectively. The list view interfaces through the dashboard went a long way, but it has always bothered me that you have no real way to tell what planets are doing what, in relation to each other, spatially. After all, strategy is executed on the starmap, not on the dashboard. My goal was to bring planetary management to the starmap.

There's so much info hidden in the planets, displaying it on the starmap has been difficult. The NU client includes a dropdown box to display various information, but I've always found it tedious to use. This version of the PM plugin introduces map overlay functionality, used simply and easily with a mouseover or a click. You'll see on the right side of your starmap a toolbar containing various buttons, each of which displays information on the starmap about your planets. The information is displayed simply by mousing over the button; if you want the information to stick, you can click the button to keep the info up. Tooltips will tell you what each of the buttons do; here are some of the features:

- Planet names, temperatures, friendly codes
- Neut/Dur/Trit/Moly amounts, ground amounts, and densities
- Colonist and Native populations, growth, tax methods, and happiness change
- Supply and Megacredit Amounts
- Build Methods, Factories, Mines, Defense Posts
- Starbase Build commands, tech levels, and defenses

All at the stroke of the mouse. I hope you find it useful. I've done what I can to keep info from overlapping, but it will happen in some cases. Zooming in may help if that happens.

The second new feature is an expansion of the planetary management plugin block on the planet view from the starmap. In V3 you will find the familiar dropdown boxes for build method, colonist tax method, and native tax method right on the planet on the starmap, as well as a button that updates that planet only. Experiment with various methods from the starmap, click the button, and see what effect it has on that planet right away.

Lastly, not a major feature, but perhaps a major annoyance has been the fact that on new planets, often times the plugin will not tax the planet if it can't collect the full amount of megacredits for at least a 1% rate. So, a checkbox has finally been added to tax what that first 1% from new planets, to get the megacredits flowing. It's selected by default.

Additionally, there are numerous additions and bug fixes:
- 5000mc limit on colonist tax implemented
- 5000mc combined limit on colonist and native tax implemented*
- Manual methods added to global method application boxes
- Friendly Code Randomize checkbox bug fixed
- Bug with Fed 200% tax fixed**
- Growth method tax at maxpop now taxes down to 40, was 50; not sure where this came in***

As always, bug reports wanted, feature requests appreciated!

* Currently, the plugin taxes colonists as much as possible, and natives the rest of the way. I debated which is better, to tax colonists as much as possible, or the natives. The one taxed less will see more growth. First instinct was to tax natives, so colonists can grow and you can collect more taxes, but we're already collecting max native taxes. Next thought was tax colonists, so natives grow as much as possible, for the easy megacredits if their government is better. Final thought was it probably doesn't matter if you've got that many natives and colonists on the planet; but I'm interested in more considered opinions on the matter. I'm unsure.

** Feds may have been overtaxing up to this point in some cases, I'm unsure if it was a real bug or something I introduced during my modifications. I've tested it in test games as Feds, but I don't play Fed, so interested in feedback from fed players that things are still working ok.

*** Not sure where this bug came in, but there's no reason to tax to 50 instead of 40. Interestingly, and little known, if you're really pressed for cash, you can tax down to 30 happiness. Yes, they will riot below 40 happiness, so you'll lose some structures, but they will continue to pay taxes down to 30 happiness.
1748 days, 10 hours, 45 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hail Dotman,

I hope to use your script when I am not playing Borg as I know Borg are more difficult for any script to automate.

I wish to question something I am not sure of. Do natives pay tax at exactly happiness 30? Because of this quote from Donovans, I only tax down to happy 31 on the final turn before assimilation. The quote from Donovans suggests that you don't collect taxes at 30 so you may wish to tweak the script to max riot tax only to 31

"If the happiness level is 30 or higher, first the happiness is recalculated with the given taxlevel. If after the happiness change the happiness level is not higher than 30, the natives will not pay any taxes. Note that although natives can be taxed when their happiness level is 30, they will not actually pay taxes when after the happinss change their happiness level is 30. This means safetaxing the natives at a happiness level of 30 will not yield any megacredits."


1748 days, 10 hours, 37 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I find this script very useful as borg, but there is certainly room for improvement as far as borg taxation goes.

As borg I would prefer to keep my colonists at 100% happiness until natives disappear, then switch to safe tax 40. Currently I do a search every turn for "> 1 million colonists" then look through all of those planets for the combination of no natives and no colonist tax method. A better option would be a tax option like "start at safe tax 100 then switch to safe tax 40 after natives are gone".

As much as I would like to see borg taxation in this script improved, the workaround I just described takes a lot less time than changing tax rates manually, and still allows me to get nearly optimal taxation.
1748 days, 10 hours, 31 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Another small feature request, which I've been adding to my own copy of the script, is to not randomize the planet friendly code if it is set to a code that is special for ships, such as LFM or MKT. The script already does this for planet friendly codes such as ATT and BUM, but ship codes should also be included because sometimes you want your planet to match codes with a ship.

if (fcu == "NUK" || fcu == "ATT") fcbox_color = "red";
else if (fcu == "BUM") fcbox_color = "orchid";
else if (fcu == "DMP" || fcu == "MKT" || fcu == "LFM") fcbox_color = "magenta";
else if (fcu.substr(0, 2) == "PB") fcbox_color = "aqua";
return fcbox_color;

var fcu = planet.friendlycode.toUpperCase();
if (!(fcu == "NUK" || fcu == "ATT" || fcu == "BUM" || fcu == "DMP" ||
fcu == "MKT" || fcu == "LFM" || (fcu.substr(0, 2) == "PB")))
planet.friendlycode = vgap.randomFC();
1748 days, 10 hours, 13 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Great improvements, good job on Planetary Management !


Jim Clark and Dotman same person ?
1748 days, 10 hours, 10 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Jim's handle is maclav, but I haven't seen him on here in awhile.

I'm a separate person, with my own friends, credit cards, and keys...
1748 days, 10 hours, 0 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Haha thanks

1748 days, 7 hours, 7 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Thank you very much Dotman for the fixes and improvements.

Could you allow us to toggle your overlay menu on/off however?

Also are the "Global Application" pull down menu button and apply button supposed to be at the bottom of the list of planets?

I'm not using a resolution that Nu Planets likes already to begin with (hard to reach Mark8 torp button), so it might just be me.
1748 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
@Mega: Well, now I'm not sure whether its 30 or 31 or what. Late night testing last night was inconclusive (one planet appeared to tax in the 30s, another didn't. So I don't know for sure.

@Eric: Maybe we need a text area where people can put in their own friendly codes they don't want changed. Probably the minefield codes too, for instance.

@Glyn: Yeah, I can add a toggle. I wanted people to at least check it out first though. As for the global buttons, I originally had them at the top of the list, maclav moved them to the bottom when he forked. I have trouble getting at them too (and I can't see the Mk8 button on my laptop either), but I can get at them so I haven't bothered with changing it. Someone here said on firefox you can control+ and control- or something to zoom the entire browser in and out to get at those buttons... I may have the keys wrong.
1747 days, 22 hours, 53 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hi Dotman,

great work and a huge time saver! I verified the automatic tax setting today with a game where I am Fed and I hand taxed up to now. I set all planets to “grow tax 70-100” for colonists and natives, let your script run and then compared the resulting tax rates with what I would have set. I found no mistake. Even when both colonist and native taxes were set the 5000 mc tax limit was counted in properly. Also very fine is that you can see the settings in the regular planets screen now. Thanks again!!!

My opinion about the suggestions already made. I find the first one important. The others are nice to have.

• Allow a persistent on/off-setting for the overlay please. It takes valuable screen space and is not needed by all or all the time.
My impression on the displayed data: The additional color-coding green, yellow, red of the displayed mining values is too much.

• The set-all drop down lists and buttons would indeed be better placed on top of the planets list. Then you would have to scroll less.

• hyp, mkt, lfm and mfX (all lower/uppercase variants) should be also excluded from fc randomization.
For the mfX code I would even prefer that an existing mfX code is also randomized but only the last letter.
And it would be good if a random fc would never result in one of the special codes.
1747 days, 22 hours, 35 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
If it is not too much trouble, I would prefer not having to scroll all the way to the bottom to reach global settings. But, I can get to the bottom using Firefox on my laptop using control - and going right back using control +.

I also had the problem of forgetting to check it every time and once lost a base and rioted many planets and almost destroyed much of my empire. I stopped using it outright for a long time after that and have only recently come back.

I think most of us want as much as we can get from our planets, with variation between resources/cash/supplies, but only in special circumstances do we want riots. IMO, the greatest improvement would be to have a "no-riots" switch/fail-safe that would override all other settings.
1747 days, 21 hours, 54 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I just looked at your latest version and like it.

Overlays in some cases can be "too much" data, just as with the original map tools circles to show minerals. Once I have my empire up and running I care MUCH more where mined minerals are than un-mined (in the ground) minerals. I have always want a toggle on this kind of information so I could toggle back and forth and not be in information overload.
1747 days, 19 hours, 20 minutes ago
View tom n's profile
tom n
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Great job Dotman!

Agree 100% with Lordlancelot, although his 3rd point can be easily created using your "Make your Own" section. I love all these improvements!

Thanks again,

Tom N
1746 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes ago
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red sox
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Chrome is not allowing to activate this addon.

It says, that this add on is not listed in the Chrome Web Store and i should ask the developer to add this addon to the Chrome Web Store... ?
1745 days, 23 hours, 52 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
You need to install TamperMonky first
1745 days, 18 hours, 31 minutes ago
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red sox
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
After installing Tampermonkey i get a warning from Tampermonkey that the Planetary Management Tool has been rated very bad (1 of 5 stars). Do you know why there is such a bad rating?
1745 days, 18 hours, 11 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Did you install from the greasyfork site?

1745 days, 18 hours, 5 minutes ago
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red sox
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
yes, and when i click on the "install this script" button (using Chrome) i get the information that "no apps can be installed from this website". Am i the only one having these problems with Chrome?
1745 days, 16 hours, 0 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I just tried it, and there were no problems for me, or bad ratings.
1742 days, 15 hours, 24 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Great job!! I like the tiny checkbox for taxing with low clans!! The overlays are ... WOW :-)

Well done.
1742 days, 15 hours, 3 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Thx Dotman! This week I had 2 hours more sleep because of your script :)
1740 days, 13 hours, 34 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I just lost 2 planets to riots and almost lost a base. This script needs a fail-safe or at least a big WARNING-WARNING WILL ROBINSON somewhere to avoid this. I am so nervous about more such loses - or on the other extreme not getting enough taxing done - that I find myself spending more time (maybe) checking the results of the script than if I had just used a more simple script (like BBs?) and/or micro-managing.

I would really like to be able to depend on such a time saver, but I am having a real attack of confidence.
1740 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Red Sox: You need to use Tampermonkey to use non-store scripts in Chrome now.

/\/\ule: I fail to see how it's not just your own fault. Manual taxing doesn't reset each turn unless you change it.

Every turn I run this script, Exit, and re-enter and go to the Planets list and sort them by "+/- happiness" to double check that all is good.

15 seconds is all it takes for me.
1740 days, 12 hours, 29 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Fault? That is not the issue. I selected not the most extreme or the most safe of the taxing options. After running the script I called up planets and did a sort by happiness and by +/- change and double checked those planets that looked in danger and changed them manually.

Glyn seems to be saying that I should have run the script and then exited and then come back and checked again? If that is what is required to catch problems, then I guess it was my "fault."

From my point of view I was reporting my problem and asking the author if he could add some kind of fail-safe to avoid this. I am sure I am not unique.

I know I could also set up my own template, but I am frustrated by wanting to use the same angry-hate levels that I use when doing this manually rather than absolute happiness numbers. I don't have a good handle on what happiness will give me a good tax without making the natives riot. I wish I did!

I am not complaining. Anyone that puts this much work into something and freely shares it does not deserve complaints. I am just saying this is my experience and asking if there might be a solution.
1740 days, 9 hours, 28 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Hey @Mule,

I wish I could add a fail-safe. The way the plugins are programmed, we don't get a hook to execute code when the turn is being marked good, or even exited, and I haven't figured a way around that.

What tax method did you set? I'm fairly confident at this point that no tax method should cause a riot except of course the riot tax. Important though is that the planet button must be clicked every turn to process the method. Most common cause of riots is a missed turn with the plugin, especially with growth tax or the like, where it taxes 40% or so one turn from 100 happiness down to 70, and the next turn throws you into a riot if not processed and set back to zero.

None of the methods should cause riots (except riot tax) if processed every turn.

As for the angry-hate 'text', there are two distinctions here. One is the text that shows up in the tax window (and I'm talking about the regular client here), and the other is the text that shows up in the planet sidebar on the starmap below the population info.
The first one, the one that shows up in the tax window; it tells you vaguely what the happiness change on the planet will be. If they say, 'Are angry at you', you're going to get a happiness change of -1 to -5 points. If they say, 'Hate you', you're taxing to a level that will give a change of -6 happiness points or more. It doesn't matter if they hate you on any given turn; in fact, taxing 30+% one turn and letting them recover several turns before taxing again (the growth tax in my plugin) is probably the best overall strategy.

Similarly, the second one, in the planet window, that text tells you what the happiness of the people are. From Donovans:
100-90 Happy
89-70 Calm
69-50 Unhappy
49-40 Very angry
39-20 Rioting
below 20 Civil war

The plugin doesn't deal with the text. The text is imprecise, all that matters is the number. The text comes from the winplan days when you didn't have direct access to the happiness point number, and so you had to guesstimate from the text you got. This is not the case with Nu; all that matters is the happiness point number, and the change caused by taxation. If a planet goes below 40 happiness points, it will riot. None of the default methods (riot tax excepted) should cause this if processed every turn.

I'm not sure if this helps; I'm interested to hear more. If there is a bug, I'll work it out. I want people to be able to depend on the plugin; its useless if you can't trust it.
1740 days, 9 hours, 15 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
The only trouble and when your forget to run it.

What he is asking, and could be real helpful, is a reminder that the planetary plugin has not being run yet for this turn.

So an automatic run when you enter the turn for the first time would be best, and a permanent message somewhere that it has been run or not.
1740 days, 8 hours, 49 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Agree with lancelot that running the first time you open your turn would be good. If you also run for a specific planet every time that planet's settings are changed, the button wouldn't be needed at all.
1740 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
/\/\ule: Rationally, your confidence shouldn't waiver due to a mistake of your own making. Since the non-refreshed Planets List shows last turns taxes, you would get false warnings that you are overtaxing, and upon inspection see that it is ok. Now accidentally making a bad/riot tax method, running it and seeing nothing wrong... that would be logical reason to lose confidence.

The script bypasses Joshua's Client code in regards to notifying the Planets List to update each change. Exit and re-enter, or simply use the Time Machine and change the Turn and go back.

Not that long ago, even Joshua's Client failed to update the Starbase List at all, so it isn't a new problem. Although it was easier to fix by going to 'Resource view' and back.

I'd actually prefer being able to miss a Turn without my last Turns Tax settings running again... but that would be up to Joshua to change, and not with a script.

Dtolman: Perhaps add a warning to the Home page stating "PM not executed yet", once run add to a Note, "Turn 16 - PM run"... then simply have the warning not display if it finds a match going off the current Turn #.

But really Joshua should fix the missed Turn aspect, having rioting planets doesn't exactly encourage someone that missed 1 Turn to keep playing... leading to a dropped position.

1740 days, 8 hours, 46 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Also, I've taken over a dropped position to discover rioting planets... discouraging me from doing so again.
1740 days, 8 hours, 46 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
What LL suggests is a good idea.

But... I really did have riots without picking Riots. I would have to re-engage the script and then go back history and hope it also saves settings to be sure.

But, I originally selected global Safe50 (I think) and then went back and nudged some up or down manually when it looked like too high or low...

Then I picked planets, and did sorts looking for problems. When it all looked OK, I did end turn.
On the next turn report I lost 2 planets because of riots.
1740 days, 8 hours, 26 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Just saw the most recent posts since my last...

I'll take the suggestions to heart and see if there is something I missed. I am never so certain of anything that I think I can't have made an error.

re: the angry.hate messages... Yes, I know they are imprecise. On the other hand, they worked for me. I just do not have unexpected riots as a general rule. But, I admit I may have taxed too cautiously over the years using those limitations. (shrug)
1740 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Beefer's taxing script shows the plugin status on the game tab. I didn't check how he determines that it ran, but I imagine he just uses a note with specific id and check if a value is set.

On the dashboard you can show the plugin symbol/text in red (not run yet) or in green (did run already). I wouldn't like autorun as much as it's sometimes good if you can see things before plugins adjust things for you. (And if I miss an obvious indicator on the main screen, I can't be helped anyway ;))
1724 days, 3 hours, 8 minutes ago
View emork the lizard king's profile
emork the lizard king
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
What does "auto tax"?
1713 days, 1 hours, 59 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I found two "bugs" while using hissing ships.

1. the 70-100 growth tax is not working properly, when using more than two hissers. Lets say natives are on happiness 85 and you have 3 hissers. The tax rate will be set to let the happiness go -30 (so with the hissers 70). In next turn same deal and so on. There are enough clans to collect taxes, natives could grow (no temperature limit) and also collection is under 5000mc. Shouldn't the tax in this case knock the natives down to 55 happiness and be 0% next turn to let them grow (with the +15 hissing effect)?

2. While doing hissing, the prediciton is not recognizing it at all. In the case above, the prediction says happiness goes down to 55 on the next turn and then climbs +4 every turn till 70 with no taxing.

Thank you for your great work! I love it!
1713 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Let me see if I can get this right. Hissing gets complicated.

1) No, because hissing happens early in the turn, and this would produce a turn with absolutely no growth (the turn you tax down to 55). This would be some other kind of tax, a one turn no growth tax, or something. The equivalent would be, if you were, say, the Colonies, instead of taxing down to 70, taxing down to 63, because you know on the next turn you're going to recover 7 happiness points to 70. What effect does this have? You get more megacredits but you sacrifice growth, entirely for that one turn. The growth tax doesn't allow that. Is this what we would consider Chunk taxing? Whatever it is, it's slightly different.

2) Hmm. I feel like the predictions used to take into account hissing. I'll have to look into this. I'm playing a game as the Lizards myself right now, so let me see what I can sort out.

Hope this helps!
1712 days, 23 hours, 18 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Well, I have an extreme example at hand:

Planet: Temp 50, about 7.700.000, Avian - Feudal

Current in my game with the "growth tax 70-100" (current happiness 70, 5 hissers, tax set to -25 happiness): growth is about 15.400 (not clans) per turn, income 3400 mc per turn. Same scenario every turn.

In 4 turns you get 13.600 mc. Total growth about 62.000.

My idea:
1. turn: happiness 70, +25 by hissers = 95, -40 by tax = 55, no growth, income about 5000 mc.
2. turn: happiness 55, +25 by hissers = 80, +12 by tax 0% = 92, 154.000 growth (maximum growth), no income.
3. turn: happiness 92, +25 by hissers = 100, -45 by tax = 55, no growth,
income 5000 mc.
4. turn: like turn 2!

In 4 turns you get only 10.000 mc, but you have >300.000 growth.

After some (10-15?) turns, you can remove some hissers or realise 5000 every turn.

For the other races you script works really fine. I think it is just a hissing thing. Maybe my thought process is wrong though. ;)
1712 days, 23 hours, 2 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
A couple of things:

- It depends on your goal, really. You've sacrificed profit for more growth. The optimal growth strategy is always, of course, to not tax at all.

- You've also picked the most extreme case possible; I'm not sure this is indicative of day-to-day usage.

- Finally, I'd have to run the numbers, but your plan has a large inefficiency on step 3 in wasted hissers. That's a big no-no for maximizing Lizard eco, since ship slots are your most precious resource.
1712 days, 22 hours, 58 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I will add that what you're pointing out here, that the growth tax essentially becomes a safe tax once you have a bunch of lizard hissers, is valid. But its really not clear what to do about that from a programmatic standpoint; hissers move around, etc etc. These are cases best handled indvidually I think, if you've got planets with 4+ hissers (less than that and you still get a turn of no tax, generally).
1712 days, 22 hours, 38 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Thx for the answer. And yes, this maybe a not so common situation.

Keep up the good work!
1712 days, 22 hours, 12 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
I may add something for this case. I'm looking myself at a several million avian world that I've just moved a few hissers in orbit over, and I'd sure like to maximize that planet.
1708 days, 20 hours, 38 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Nu stuff like nebulas should all be accounted for by the script; this went in sometime in version 1.x.
1686 days, 8 hours, 33 minutes ago
View marklein's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Something I can't find in the documentation: What is "riot tax" method? Safe tax is "tax until X and then hold", growth tax is "tax until X, then tax at 0% until happiness recovers". So what is Riot Tax?

And it's not "tax until 39 happiness" because that's not a method, that's a target that you could apply to any tax method.

1684 days, 13 hours, 56 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Has the population of that planet grown already to the maximum (or is perhaps over it?)?
1684 days, 13 hours, 28 minutes ago
View marklein's profile
RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
1603 days, 17 hours, 5 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Just started using the plugin, and thanks, Dotman. This makes things way easier. (There were a few things I didn't get at first and I jacked up a game pretty badly sending my planets into riots - single player test game, so no harm - but it was really operator error on my part. Best thing about this plugin is the video on youtube showing how to use it.) Thanks again!
1520 days, 22 hours, 5 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
There's a bug in the Planetary Management Plugin (v3.1) that can cause severe overtaxation of your best native tax planets. I've already reported this to Dotman (Nu PM), and am now reporting to the community about how to work around the problem until it is fixed.

The workaround is to ensure that your best native tax planets also have some tax strategy defined for colonists. Never leave the colonist tax strategy set to "manual" on your best native tax planets, because then the plugin will ignore the 5000mc limit and overtax.

For those who are comfortable modifying plugin code, you can also fix your local copy so that this workaround isn't needed.

First, find these two statements on line 5141-5142:

var mcfromcols = plg.getColMCFromRate(planet,rate);
console.log("MCs from cols: " + mcfromcols);

In the first of those statements, change "rate" to "planet.colonisttaxrate".

Then move both of those statements down about 15 lines so that they are right after "}" and right before "// Then do Native Tax".

BTW, still my favorite plugin. I can't imagine playing this game with all manual taxation and manual factory/mine construction.
1520 days, 21 hours, 14 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Planetary Management PluginWrite Reply
Good catch!