Utility Script: predict ion storm path

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2680 days, 15 hours, 20 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
This little user script does a fair job of forecasting ion storm movement for the next 5 turns. To use (after installing script), select "IS Predict" from map tools to turn it on or off.

2679 days, 21 hours, 24 minutes ago
View thin lizzy's profile
thin lizzy
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
ah, i was wondering why i didn't see the path..

cool thing! already had use for it!

but like in the super zoom in minefields my browser (ff) takes it's time...
2470 days, 17 hours, 10 minutes ago
View nakor's profile
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
Thanks for the script big beefer!

I just encountered a really nasty rule regarding ion storm physics, see this thread:

Could you enhance your script to cover this case, i.e. that a ion storm will change its speed to warp 8 in the next turn when its voltage is going to exceed 250MeV?
2463 days, 22 hours, 39 minutes ago
View nakor's profile
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
Hi big beefer,

I have some more suggestions on how to enhance this script. Would be wonderful, if you could do that!

Consider and Preview Speed Changes
If a ion storm will change its speed during the next host run, consider this change in the current preview.

Calculate and Preview Damage
Display the damage that will be done to a ship in the ship's details, if the ship is going to be struck and damaged by a ion storm during the next host run.
(Should be possible as the ship mass used for the calculation is taken from the prior and not the current turn. So the player has no chance to influence the result anymore.)

Display Ship/Crew Experience
Display the ship's / crew's current experience.

Preview Merging
Preview the result of two ion storms merging during the host run.

Sources on ion storm physics:

Discussion on ion storm physics:
http://planets.nu/discussion/ion-storms-warp-6 (speed changes)
http://planets.nu/discussion/damage-done-by-ion-storms (damage)

Sources on ship mass:

2222 days, 21 hours, 52 minutes ago
View tom n's profile
tom n
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
Hey Big Beefer, Any chance you might update this useful mod for the new site? It's missed and I end up going back to the old version to use it now and then. Thanks,  Tom N
2222 days, 21 hours, 51 minutes ago
View tom n's profile
tom n
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
That's regarding the Ion Storm Predictor: http://planets.nu/discussion/utility-script-predict-ion-storm-path
2189 days, 22 hours, 55 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
Subscribing for when the update arrives
2150 days, 12 hours, 32 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
Ion Storm Tools is updated (v0.3) for the version 3+ client, and has a bunch of new features packed in: 1. More settings: Selecting the "IS Predict" map tool now slides out options at the top, similar to the Minefield Faders and Map Drawing scripts. These options are: - a Checkbox to turn ion storm prediction on/off - a slider to set the brightness - an entry box for the number of turns into the future to forecast. Current max is 8, but it slows things down. I get pretty good performance with anything 5 or less. The default (1) is good for focusing on just the next turn's impact. 2. Better Accuracy: The prediction for the NEXT turn now consists of 2 circles representing the possible min and max sizes of the storm, so you can better gauge your odds of being hit. Turns farther in the future than the next still just use the current size to predict, as they did before. 3. Ship Navigation Tool: If IS Predict is on, ships that might possibly be hit by a class 4 or 5 storm will show a "drag line" indicating where they will end up if the ion storm stays on it's current course (it might not). Note the seeing this line does not mean the ship WILL be hit by a storm, only that it is possible, in the worst case scenario. It's up to you to look closer and decide your odds. But it can help you plan if you're trying to "surf" into a planet or something. 4. Another Navigation Bonus Tool: If you have one of your ships selected that is being dragged in a storm, and you use the super zoom-in powers of the new client, you will see at the end of the "drag line" a cluster of points in orange showing all the possible endpoints you might be dragged to. Why? Just because I could! The calculations are based on Stefan Reuther's classic Ion Storm Physics article Nakor mentioned above, which is what .nu ion storms are based on as well, but let me know if find any discrepancies with what you see. Also note, that this does not yet include prediction for more exotic ion storm behaviors like changing speed, merging, or changing from a strengthening to a weakening storm. Hopefully in a future version.
2150 days, 1 hours, 27 minutes ago
View tom n's profile
tom n
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
Thanks again, SO much, Big Guy! This update ends my visits to the old site for good and eases my pain in dealing with these game stalling Ion Storms. Great job!!!
2144 days, 19 hours, 54 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
Works well, but today I ran into a problem. When I ask to see several turns ahead a layer comes up which I think is from another addon: Kedalion's detect range script. The layer is a merged set of white circles centered around every known planet. Is it possible that you have some cross-contamination? like common global variables?
2144 days, 12 hours, 56 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
Oh, it's certainly possible, though I run that script as well and haven't seen that. I'll have to take a look. You might also try switching the execution order of the scripts and see if that helps.
2071 days, 22 hours, 46 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
A tweak: 3. Ship Navigation Tool: I notice that if a ship moves into "the back" of an ion storm it is still calculated as a dragged, even if it will be outside of the storm (according two both size predictions).

BB I use this addon in nearly all my turns, thanks!
2071 days, 22 hours, 19 minutes ago
View echoclusterveteran's profile
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
Ion storms move before ships, Figak. That's why you get dragged when entering from the back.
2071 days, 20 hours, 37 minutes ago
View big beefer's profile
big beefer
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
@Figak, by coincidence I have this very situation this turn in one of my games, and it seems to be working. My ships are about 1 ly outside the max predicted size and don't show drag lines, even though they are moving into the storm.

I wasn't sure from your description if your ship was starting inside or outside the predicted storm range, but if inside then the drag lines should show regardless of where the ship is moving. If it's starting outside, then it's a bug and if you can contact me by pm or email, I'd like some screenshots if possible.
2071 days, 19 hours, 38 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
It's starting from the outside, send me your email via a PM and I'll send some snaps.
2051 days, 13 hours, 38 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
btw there was no addon error, this addon should be listed in planets mag :)
1863 days, 6 hours, 25 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply

Love this add on and I use it nearly every turn.

If you introduce some tweaks I suggest:

1) Differentiate Ion storms by voltage and state (growing/reducing)

Displaying the "useful" position of the storm is fixed by this add-on, it would be even better if it also does the same with the voltage ranges.

Normal (less than 140, weakening 150), Dangerous ( growing 140-240, weakening 150-250), Oh Very Dangerous (250+)

I suggest to use these thresholds because each turn, the voltage increases by a random amount between 0 and 10 MeV in growing storms and what one wants is the "forecast" of what is coming next. 

Obviously only for 1 turn forecast, more turns it is just too complicated :)

2) By default, activate 1 turn forecast by default when the addon is selected from the maptools.

3) Take into account ship  missions. Mainly advance cloaking and intercept.

1863 days, 5 hours, 52 minutes ago
View gnerphk's profile
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
Any thoughts on adding collisions? (Since the thread is back, that is...)
1862 days, 14 hours, 7 minutes ago
Profile Image
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
Collisions? Ion storm collisions?
1862 days, 7 hours, 17 minutes ago
Profile Image
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
> Collisions? Ion storm collisions?
Ship collisions! There's so much traffic up there ...
1862 days, 4 hours, 2 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply

Forget glory devices, Give me ramming speed!!

1828 days, 23 hours, 32 minutes ago
View figak's profile
RE: Utility Script: predict ion storm pathWrite Reply
Some nice ideas here:
