Utility Script: Territory Map

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2630 days, 13 hours, 55 minutes ago
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Utility Script: Territory MapWrite Reply
I ported some of the territory map stuff from the timelapse project over to be used in this utility script:

I used the dedicated Race Color script as starter (a lot of code is even still in there commented out) but then went a different route. Still, the same colors are being used. Currently they aren't kept consistent if somebody is using custom colors. Maybe I'll add more compatibility later.

Currently, it offers a territory map overlaid on the starmap through the map menu.
2630 days, 12 hours, 57 minutes ago
View vepr's profile
RE: Utility Script: Territory MapWrite Reply
interesting concept, particularly the stained glass look of the various shaped territories.  the problem is that it lagged my computer to the point where the game would take about 15 seconds to respond to any mouse input and almost crashed my browser.  in this state, its unusable.  is it me or does anyone else have a similar issue?
2630 days, 12 hours, 39 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Territory MapWrite Reply
Hmm, I have to double check if I did something dumb somewhere. 

It's only slow while displaying the territory? The shouldn't be any impact while nothing is shown.  It does however create and large amount of stuff that is needs to be rendered. Otherwise, I'm only computing the areas once per game even if you go forward and backwards in time. I could try not drawing them through Raphael in case that is a performance issue.

2630 days, 9 hours, 50 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Territory MapWrite Reply
Ok, so I tested the script with Chrome and Firefox:

Chrome: all fine, no real difference between territory map on and off.
Firefox: everything gets really slow with territory on. I'll have to look into that.

While testing I also noticed a couple other things.
1) I usually use Chrome for playing and after not restarting the browser for days ( I hibernate my comp), NU gets really slow (~10secs for a zoom level). After a restart of the browser we are back to 1-2 secs per zoom level.

2) Firefox seems to be generally a lot smoother when dealing with NU... I never thought there would be big differences, but it seems to be a quite nicer ride.
2211 days, 22 hours, 4 minutes ago
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RE: Utility Script: Territory MapWrite Reply
I updated this script to work with the latest NU version and turned it into a proper plugin.
The performance issues seem to have gone. I tested it in Firefox and Chrome.
Here is the link to the new thread: