Beam Weapon Construction

The beam weapon construction display lists the beam weapons and shows you the completed design of the beam weapons that you have both the resources and tech level to build at this time. When you build a beam weapon it remains in storage at the starbase until you fit the beam weapon onto a hull.
Beam weapons are the main weapons on most starships. A beam type weapon draws its power from the starships engines. Beam weapons all have one thing in common. They are beams of powerful energy discharged at a target vessel. The main types of beam weapons are lasers, phasers, blasters and disrupters.
Beam weapons are weaker than torpedoes, but unlike torpedoes you can recharge a beam weapon and fire it again. When a ship fires all its torpedoes it must return to a starbase to pick up more torpedoes. Or make them using the "mkt"  ship friendly code.
The display shows the cost to build this weapon in megacredits and the amount of material needed. The display also shows the amount of money in the planet's treasury and materials remaining on the planet ready to be made into whatever you see fit.