NAL: Turn off the alchemy function of alchemy ship. (Registered players only)
ald: When set on an alchemy ship, the ship will produce only duranium (Registered players only)
alm: When set on an alchemy ship, the ship will produce only molybdenum (Registered players only)
alt: When set on an alchemy ship, the ship will produce only tritanium (Registered players only)
Beam transfer codes
bdm: Will beam down all of your money to enemy planet. (Shareware and Registered players)
btm: Will beam money from your starship to all enemy starships and split evenly (enemies in same point in space as your ship ) (Shareware and Registered players)
btt: Will transfer torps to enemy starships - split evenly. (Shareware and Registered players)
btf: Will transfer fighters to enemy starships - split evenly. (Shareware and Registered players)
Alliance codes
ff*: Setting this code on a ship offers a normal alliance to the corresponding race. In this code, the * is to be replaced with 1,2..8, 9,a or b. Setting ‘ff3’ for example offers an alliance to the Birdmen.
FF*: Setting this code on a ship offers a strong alliance to the corresponding race. In this code, the * is to be replaced with 1,2..8, 9,a or b. Setting ‘FF7’ for example offers an alliance to the Crystals.
ee*: This code is used to cancel either a strong or a normal alliance, and is also set on a ship. The * in this code is to be replaced with 1..9,a or b. Setting a code of ‘eeb’ for example drops an alliance with the Colonies.
(Web) Minelaying codes (work only in conjunction with the ‘lay mines’ or 'lay webmines' mission)
mdN: Drop N times 10 torpedoes as mines, if you are on a mine laying mission Where N is a number from 1 to 9. (I.E.md7 drops 70 torpedoes.) (Registered players only)
mdh: Drop half of your torpedoes as mines, if you are on a mine laying mission (Registered players only)
mdq: Drop one quarter of your torpedoes as mines, if you are on a mine laying mission (Registered players only)
mi*: Causes a ship to lay (web) mines in another race’s identity. The * in this code needs to be replaced with the number or letter (1,2….8,9,a,b) of the race in whose identity you wish to lay mines. A code of ‘mia’ for example will lay Rebel mines (Registered only)
Glory device friendly codes
pop: When set on a ship with a Glory Device this code causes the ship to blow up; the ship will explode if it has fuel. The ship will explode after all movement has been processed by the Host program.
trg: This code causes a ship with a Glory Device to explode when a cloaked enemy ship is at the same location as this ship after movement and the ship with the Glory Device has fuel.
Miscellaneous friendly codes
msc: Will scoop up one of your minefields if you are on mine sweep and inside the field. (Registered players only)
mkt: Will cause a starship to make torpedoes. There needs to be at least one of each mineral to build a torpedo. There also needs to be enough megacredits present to construct proper tech torp. (Registered players only)
cln: "cln" Clone. A ship code. This tells the starbase that you own and are in orbit with to make an exact copy of the ship with this code. The starbases' tech levels must be equal to or greater then the ship being cloned. This will in most cases cancel out the normal starship building on the starbase any turn that there is a starship with this code in orbit. The cost of cloning a ship (megacredits) is 200% of the original cost of building the ship. The Privateers and Crystal People can not clone. You can not clone ships that your race can already build. Ships that are being cloned must stay at the starbase. A ship that is being cloned will have its warp speed set to zero.
gs*: This code will give a starship to another race. The * in this code must be replaced with the number or letter of the appropriate race (1,2,..8,9,a,b).
HYP: Will cause a hyperdrive equipped starship to initiate hyper jump if it has a warp setting and a waypoint beyond 21 light years. (Shareware and Registered players)
lfm: Will load minerals and supplies needed to build fighters and build them (Only if your race can) (Shareware and Registered players)
nbr: No boarding party. This code will cause the Privateers or Crystal People to NOT use their tow capture beam to take over enemy ships that are out of fuel. (Shareware and Registered players)
NTP: Tells ship not to fire torpedoes at an enemy. (Shareware and Registered players)
con: Set on planet will send you the HCONFIG settings. (Shareware and Registered players)
noc Causes the Host program to NOT send you any configuration messages.
General codes
bum: Will beam up all of your money from planet to all enemy starships and split evenly. (Planetary friendly code) (Shareware and Registered players)
mf# This is the universal minefield friendly code, where the # can be any character that can be found on the keyboard (no strange ASCII codes).
Battle codes
ATT: The attack friendly code will cause a planet to attack all enemy ships in orbit not if they have fuel. (some ships on special missions can not be attacked using this code) This code can be turned off by the host person. (Shareware and Registered players)
NUK: The nuke friendly code will cause a planet to attack all enemy ships in orbit weather or not if they have any fuel. (some ships on special missions can not be attacked using this code) This can be turned off by the host. (Shareware and Registered players)
Starbase codes (note: all planet codes work on planets with starbases too)
dmp: Will dump and recycle old parts from starbase. (Planetary friendly code) (Registered players only)
PBx: This code can be used to give certain starbases priority when it comes to shipbuilding. Only works if you have 20 or more priority points, replace "x" with the number in which order you want to prioritise your bases.