Text Area - Detailed Formulas for Achievement and Experience
Detailed Formulas for Achievement and Experience
The VGA Planets Nu leader board represents the current state and history of the lives of the ranking officers from the races of the Echo Cluster and their battle to become Emperor of the Echo Cluster. The leaderboard is sorted by Rank then Achievements then Experience. The following formulas are used to calculate the leaders.
Experience is gained from training games and from playing live games.
Training Games: Each time a player completes a training game their receive experience equal to the amount specified by the scenario.
Live Games: Experience from live games is gained in three ways:
- Each turn player receives the current turn # of experience points. Turn 1 is worth 1 point, turn 145 is worth 145 points.
- Each turn players will receive experience points = # of ships + # of planets + # of starbases
- Any player surviving until the very end of a game will receive bonus experience points = (# of ships + # of planets) * 10.
Historical Achievement points are gained by defeating other players in live games or by destroying enemy ships.
Destroying Ships: One achievement point is granted for every 100kt of hull mass destroyed.
Capturing Ships: One achievement point is granted for every 100kt of hull mass captured in combat or by Privateer or Crystal tow capture. Capturing from an ally will not give achievement.
Destroying Defense/Starbases: One achievement point is granted for every 100 planetary or starbase defense posts destroyed in combat or by Imperial Assault.
In games where you play against strong opponents destruction scores will most likely be higher, in games against weaker opponents who don't build as many ships the destruction score will be lower. So the difficulty level of your opponents is reflected in the destruction achievements.
Military Score Games
Winning military score games: # of achievement points earned = 2 ^ (# of opponents defeated)
So in a standard 11 player game the following standard achievement points would be awarded as follows:
- 1st place: 1024
- 2nd place: 512
- 3rd place: 256
- 4th place: 128
- 5th place: 64
- 6th place: 32
- 7th place: 16
- 8th place: 8
- 9th place: 4
- 10th place: 2
- 11th place: 1
The following rules apply:
- Achievement points for winning are only awarded at the end of a game.
- If a player has played less than 50 turns in a game (either by leaving early, joining late or a short game) they will receive achievement points = expected points * (number of turns played / 50).
Planetary Score Games
Winning planetary score games: Achievement is awarded based on the number of planets a player has when the game ends.
Total Victory: If one player achieves the victory conditions without an alliance they will receive # of planets * 5 achievement.
Alliance Victory: If an alliance achieves the victory conditions the top member (by planets) of the alliance will receive # of planets * 4 achievement points, other members of the alliance will receive # of planets * 3 achievement.
Others: All other players still in the game will receive # of planets achievement points.
The following rules apply:
- Achievement points for winning are only awarded at the end of a game.
- If a player has played less than 50 turns in a game (either by leaving early, joining late or a short game) they will receive achievement points = expected points * (number of turns played / 50).
Public Opinion Achievement
Public opinion is calculated by determining the amount of achievement points a player would earn if the game they are playing in were to end right now and then factoring in the turn number of the game. So if a player is in first place in an military game they would receive 1024 * turn# / 200 variable achievement points representing the Current Public Opinion of the people of the race. For planetary games public opinion = # of planets the player has.
Public opinion can affect whether a player is promoted or not to a higher rank. If a player achieves the necessary total achievement level including public opinion they will be promoted. If their public opinion then drops, they will not be demoted.