Text Area - Priority Build Points
Priority Build Points
Every time you destroy 100kt of enemy starship hull you earn 1 PBP. Ships under 100kt count as 1 point.
If you have more than 20 PBPs you get to build new starships before anyone else with less PBPs than you.
This bypasses the normal starbase build queue.
Every build make or every clone you make will cost you 1 PBP per every 50KT of hull that you make. Ships under 50kt will cost you 1 point.
If you have more than 20 PBPs you might be able to both clone and do a normal build at the same starbase at the same time, if your PBPs don't drop below 20 during the builds/clones.
You get 1 PBP if you set off a glory device or recycle a ship at a starbase.