Tim Wisseman

The author of VGA Planets. Born in Sept. 1966. Went to College for two years at UCSC 1985 and 1986. Worked on Multi-Trek real time starship combat game for Unix in 1985 with Chuck L. Peterson.

Worked on S&MTrek real time starship combat game with Jon Luini (Base Player for Deth Specula and founder of IUMA; The Internet Underground Music Archive).

Worked as a Logger (Lumberjack) from the age of 16 to the age of 26.


  • Weight: 205 Lbs
  • Height: 5-11
  • SAT Score: 1210
  • College: 1985 - 1987 UC-Santa Cruz, Cowell College Beard Dorm
  • Politics: Politically Incorrect
  • Favorite Metal: Potassium
  • Favorite Month: January
  • Favorite Weather: Snow
  • Favorite Colors: Black and Blue
  • Favorite Food: Tim's Amorphous Soup
  • Race: American
  • Marital Status: Never Married
  • Birthday: Sept. 22 1966
  • Programming Languages Known: Basic, Visual Basic, Pascal, C, Assemb:  6502, 6809e, 8086


  • Paintball
  • Robot Building
  • Telsa Coil Building
  • Short-wave Radio Listening
  • Jazz Music
  • Hearts of Space Music
  • Astronomy
  • The Study Of The Unknown (Project Rainbow, Montauk, Cydonia)
  • Reading Old Books (Like: Charles Fort, HP Lovecraft )
  • Listening to the Art Bell radio talk show
  • Caving


  • Geese and Ducks 

Learned to program in Basic on a TRS-80 Color Computer, running Micro Soft Extended Disk Basic Version 1.1.

Tim Wisseman
PO BOX 204
CA. 93643
INTERNET EMAIL: cocomax@aol.com

 VGA Planets

 SUPPORT BBS ( The Tim Continuum  (209) 877-4921 )

FTP SITE:  ftp.wilmington.net

WWW:  http://www.wilmington.net/vgaplanets/vgap1.htm