The Privateers and Crystal People can capture starships in space that are out of fuel. To capture the helpless enemy starships they need to lock a tow beam onto the enemy starship. When they do this the capturing vessel beams over armed crew members to take over the enemy starship. When the starship is secured (all the enemy crew jettisoned into space) half of the capturing starship's crew or a full compliment for the captured starship (which ever is less) will beam over and man the captured starship. (i.e., Say starship A has 500 crew and captures starship B which normally has a crew of 1000. 250 crew member from starship A will man starship B. If B had only required 100 crew members to be full only 100 crew members would have beamed over to run the starship).
The tow capture can be disabled by using the Friendly Code "nbr"
Tow capture takes place during the tow phase of the movement stage of host. The 3 movement phases of host are:
As stated above the crew of the captured starship is ejected into space except for Solar Federation, Privateers , Evil Empire and Colonial Colonial starships. With these races some of the crew members will rather go traitor than be ejected into space. the following shows the percentage of original crew members that grovel well enough to be kept on as lesser crew members.
Race %traitor
Feds 90 %
Privateer 100 %
Empire 40 %
Colonial 70 %
(Only works with HOST Version 3.20 or Better)